Velocity context implementation specific to the Servlet environment.
It provides the following special features:
- puts the request, response, session, and servlet context objects into the Velocity context for direct access, and keeps them read-only
- supports a read-only toolbox of view tools
- auto-searches servlet request attributes, session attributes and servlet context attribues for objects
The {@link #internalGet(String key)} method implements the following search orderfor objects:
- toolbox
- servlet request, servlet response, servlet session, servlet context
- local hashtable of objects (traditional use)
- servlet request attribues, servlet session attribute, servlet context attributes
The purpose of this class is to make it easy for web designer to work with Java servlet based web applications. They do not need to be concerned with the concepts of request, session or application attributes and the lifetime of objects in these scopes.
Note that the put() method always puts objects into the local hashtable.
Geir Magnusson Jr.
Gabe Sidler
@deprecated Use {@link ViewToolContext} instead
@version $Id: 564438 2007-08-10 00:15:18Z nbubna $