Package org.apache.velocity.test.provider

Examples of org.apache.velocity.test.provider.TestProvider


        // accumulate a list of invalid references
        Context context = new VelocityContext();
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        context.put("test",new TestProvider());

            fail ("expected an exception");
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     * Sets up the test.
    protected void setUp ()
        provider = new TestProvider();
        al = provider.getCustomers();
        h = new Hashtable();

        h.put("Bar", "this is from a hashtable!");
        h.put("Foo", "this is from a hashtable too!");
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    private static Stack writerStack = new Stack();

    public Test(String templateFile, String encoding)
        Writer writer = null;
        TestProvider provider = new TestProvider();
        ArrayList al = provider.getCustomers();
        Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
         *  put this in to test introspection $h.Bar or $h.get("Bar") etc
        h.put("Bar", "this is from a hashtable!");
        h.put("Foo", "this is from a hashtable too!");
         *  adding simple vector with strings for testing late introspection stuff

        Vector v = new Vector();

        String str = "mystr";

        v.addElement( new String("hello") );
        v.addElement( new String("hello2") );
        v.addElement( str );

             *  this is another way to do properties when initializing Runtime.
             *  make a Properties

            Properties p = new Properties();

             *  now, if you want to, load it from a file (or whatever)
                FileInputStream fis =  new FileInputStream(
                    new File("" ));
                if( fis != null)
                    p.load( fis );
            catch (Exception ex)
                /* no worries. no file... */

             *  iterate out the properties

            for( Enumeration e = p.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
                String el = (String) e.nextElement();

                Velocity.setProperty( el, p.getProperty( el ) );

             *  add some individual properties if you wish

            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_ERROR_STACKTRACE, "true");
            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_WARN_STACKTRACE, "true");
            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_INFO_STACKTRACE, "true");

             *  use an alternative logger.  Set it up here and pass it in.
            //            SimpleLogSystem sls = new SimpleLogSystem("velocity_simple.log");
            // Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM, sls );
             *  and now call init


             *  now, do what we want to do.  First, get the Template

            if (templateFile == null)
                templateFile = "examples/example.vm";

            Template template = null;

                template = RuntimeSingleton.getTemplate(templateFile, encoding);
            catch( ResourceNotFoundException rnfe )
                System.out.println("Test : RNFE : Cannot find template " + templateFile );
            catch( ParseErrorException pee )
                System.out.println("Test : Syntax error in template " + templateFile + ":" + pee );

             * now, make a Context object and populate it.

            VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();

            context.put("provider", provider);
            context.put("name", "jason");
            context.put("providers", provider.getCustomers2());
            context.put("list", al);
            context.put("hashtable", h);
            context.put("search", provider.getSearch());
            context.put("relatedSearches", provider.getRelSearches());
            context.put("searchResults", provider.getRelSearches());
            context.put("menu", provider.getMenu());
            context.put("stringarray", provider.getArray());
            context.put("vector", v);
            context.put("mystring", new String());
            context.put("hashmap", new HashMap() );
            context.put("runtime", new FieldMethodizer( "org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeSingleton" ));
            context.put("fmprov", new FieldMethodizer( provider ));
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     * Sets up the test.
    protected void setUp ()
        provider = new TestProvider();
        al = provider.getCustomers();
        h = new Hashtable();

        h.put("Bar", "this is from a hashtable!");
        h.put("Foo", "this is from a hashtable too!");
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    private static Stack writerStack = new Stack();

    public Test(String templateFile)
        Writer writer = null;
        TestProvider provider = new TestProvider();
        ArrayList al = provider.getCustomers();
        Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
         *  put this in to test introspection $h.Bar or $h.get("Bar") etc
        h.put("Bar", "this is from a hashtable!");
        h.put("Foo", "this is from a hashtable too!");
         *  adding simple vector with strings for testing late introspection stuff

        Vector v = new Vector();

        v.addElement( new String("hello") );
        v.addElement( new String("hello2") );
             *  this is another way to do properties when initializing Runtime.
             *  make a Properties

            Properties p = new Properties();

             *  now, if you want to, load it from a file (or whatever)
                FileInputStream fis =  new FileInputStream(
                    new File("" ));
                if( fis != null)
                    p.load( fis );
            catch (Exception ex)
                /* no worries. no file... */

             *  iterate out the properties

            for( Enumeration e = p.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
                String el = (String) e.nextElement();

                Velocity.setProperty( el, p.getProperty( el ) );

             *  add some individual properties if you wish

            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_ERROR_STACKTRACE, "true");
            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_WARN_STACKTRACE, "true");
            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_INFO_STACKTRACE, "true");

             *  use an alternative logger.  Set it up here and pass it in.
            //            SimpleLogSystem sls = new SimpleLogSystem("velocity_simple.log");
            // Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM, sls );
             *  and now call init


             *  now, do what we want to do.  First, get the Template

            if (templateFile == null)
                templateFile = "examples/example.vm";

            Template template = null;

                template = Runtime.getTemplate(templateFile);
            catch( ResourceNotFoundException rnfe )
                System.out.println("Test : RNFE : Cannot find template " + templateFile );
            catch( ParseErrorException pee )
                System.out.println("Test : Syntax error in template " + templateFile + ":" + pee );

             * now, make a Context object and populate it.

            VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();

            context.put("provider", provider);
            context.put("name", "jason");
            context.put("providers", provider.getCustomers2());
            context.put("list", al);
            context.put("hashtable", h);
            context.put("search", provider.getSearch());
            context.put("relatedSearches", provider.getRelSearches());
            context.put("searchResults", provider.getRelSearches());
            context.put("menu", provider.getMenu());
            context.put("stringarray", provider.getArray());
            context.put("vector", v);
            context.put("mystring", new String());
            context.put("hashmap", new HashMap() );
            context.put("runtime", new FieldMethodizer( "org.apache.velocity.runtime.Runtime" ));
            context.put("fmprov", new FieldMethodizer( provider ));
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    private static Stack writerStack = new Stack();

    public Test(String templateFile, String encoding)
        Writer writer = null;
        TestProvider provider = new TestProvider();
        ArrayList al = provider.getCustomers();
        Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
         *  put this in to test introspection $h.Bar or $h.get("Bar") etc
        h.put("Bar", "this is from a hashtable!");
        h.put("Foo", "this is from a hashtable too!");
         *  adding simple vector with strings for testing late introspection stuff

        Vector v = new Vector();

        String str = "mystr";

        v.addElement( new String("hello") );
        v.addElement( new String("hello2") );
        v.addElement( str );

             *  this is another way to do properties when initializing Runtime.
             *  make a Properties

            Properties p = new Properties();

             *  now, if you want to, load it from a file (or whatever)
                FileInputStream fis =  new FileInputStream(
                    new File("" ));
                if( fis != null)
                    p.load( fis );
            catch (Exception ex)
                /* no worries. no file... */

             *  iterate out the properties

            for( Enumeration e = p.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
                String el = (String) e.nextElement();

                Velocity.setProperty( el, p.getProperty( el ) );

             *  add some individual properties if you wish

            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_ERROR_STACKTRACE, "true");
            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_WARN_STACKTRACE, "true");
            Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_INFO_STACKTRACE, "true");

             *  use an alternative logger.  Set it up here and pass it in.
            //            SimpleLogSystem sls = new SimpleLogSystem("velocity_simple.log");
            // Velocity.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM, sls );
             *  and now call init


             *  now, do what we want to do.  First, get the Template

            if (templateFile == null)
                templateFile = "examples/example.vm";

            Template template = null;

                template = RuntimeSingleton.getTemplate(templateFile, encoding);
            catch( ResourceNotFoundException rnfe )
                System.out.println("Test : RNFE : Cannot find template " + templateFile );
            catch( ParseErrorException pee )
                System.out.println("Test : Syntax error in template " + templateFile + ":" + pee );

             * now, make a Context object and populate it.

            VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();

            context.put("provider", provider);
            context.put("name", "jason");
            context.put("providers", provider.getCustomers2());
            context.put("list", al);
            context.put("hashtable", h);
            context.put("search", provider.getSearch());
            context.put("relatedSearches", provider.getRelSearches());
            context.put("searchResults", provider.getRelSearches());
            context.put("menu", provider.getMenu());
            context.put("stringarray", provider.getArray());
            context.put("vector", v);
            context.put("mystring", new String());
            context.put("hashmap", new HashMap() );
            context.put("runtime", new FieldMethodizer( "org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeSingleton" ));
            context.put("fmprov", new FieldMethodizer( provider ));
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     * Sets up the test.
    protected void setUp ()
        provider = new TestProvider();
        al = provider.getCustomers();
        h = new Hashtable();

        h.put("Bar", "this is from a hashtable!");
        h.put("Foo", "this is from a hashtable too!");
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Related Classes of org.apache.velocity.test.provider.TestProvider

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