* Initialize members of VelocimacroProxy. called from MacroEntry
public void init(RuntimeServices rs)
RuntimeServices rsvc=VelocityUtil.getEngine().getRuntimeServices();
// this is a very expensive call (ExtendedProperties is very slow)
strictArguments = rs.getConfiguration().getBoolean(
RuntimeConstants.VM_ARGUMENTS_STRICT, false);
// support for local context scope feature, where all references are local
// we do not have to check this at every invocation of ProxyVMContext
localContextScope = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.VM_CONTEXT_LOCALSCOPE, false);
if (localContextScope && Logger.isWarnEnabled(this.getClass()))
// only warn once per runtime, so this isn't obnoxious
String key = "velocimacro.context.localscope.warning";
Boolean alreadyWarned = (Boolean)rsvc.getApplicationAttribute(key);
if (alreadyWarned == null)
rsvc.setApplicationAttribute(key, Boolean.TRUE);
.warn(this,"The "+RuntimeConstants.VM_CONTEXT_LOCALSCOPE+
" feature is deprecated and will be removed in Velocity 2.0."+
" Instead, please use the $macro scope to store references"+
" that must be local to your macros (e.g. "+
"#set( $macro.foo = 'bar' ) and $macro.foo). This $macro"+
" namespace is automatically created and destroyed for you at"+
" the beginning and end of the macro rendering.");
// get the macro call depth limit
maxCallDepth = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.VM_MAX_DEPTH);
// get name of the reference that refers to AST block passed to block macro call
bodyReference = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.VM_BODY_REFERENCE, "bodyContent");