Package org.apache.velocity.exception

Examples of org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException

            catch (IOException e)
                throw new VelocityException("IO Error rendering template '"+ name + "'", e);
                 *  lets make sure that we always clean up the context
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       * can come from the doIntropection() also, from Introspector
      String msg = "ASTMethod.execute() : exception from introspection";
      throw new VelocityException(msg, e);

    return method;
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                catch (Exception e)
                    String msg = "Could not init runtime.log.logsystem " + o;
                    log.error(msg, e);
                    throw new VelocityException(msg, e);
            // then check for a LogSystem
            else if (o instanceof LogSystem)
                // inform the user about the deprecation
                log.debug("LogSystem has been deprecated. Please use a LogChute implementation.");
                    // wrap the LogSystem into a chute.
                    LogChute chute = new LogChuteSystem((LogSystem)o);
                    return chute;
                catch (Exception e)
                    String msg = "Could not init runtime.log.logsystem " + o;
                    log.error(msg, e);
                    throw new VelocityException(msg, e);
                String msg = o.getClass().getName() + " object set as runtime.log.logsystem is not a valid log implementation.";
                throw new VelocityException(msg);

        /* otherwise, see if a class was specified.  You can put multiple
         * classes, and we use the first one we find.
         * Note that the default value of this property contains the
         * AvalonLogChute, the Log4JLogChute, CommonsLogLogChute,
         * ServletLogChute, and the JdkLogChute for
         * convenience - so we use whichever we works first.
        List classes = new ArrayList();
        Object obj = rsvc.getProperty( RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS );

         *  we might have a list, or not - so check
        if ( obj instanceof List)
            classes = (List) obj;
        else if ( obj instanceof String)
            classes.add( obj );

         *  now run through the list, trying each.  It's ok to
         *  fail with a class not found, as we do this to also
         *  search out a default simple file logger
        for( Iterator ii = classes.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
            String claz = (String);
            if (claz != null && claz.length() > 0 )
                log.debug("Trying to use logger class " + claz );
                    o = ClassUtils.getNewInstance( claz );
                    if (o instanceof LogChute)
                        log.debug("Using logger class " + claz);
                        return (LogChute)o;
                    else if (o instanceof LogSystem)
                        // inform the user about the deprecation
                        log.debug("LogSystem has been deprecated. Please use a LogChute implementation.");
                        LogChute chute = new LogChuteSystem((LogSystem)o);
                        return chute;
                        String msg = "The specified logger class " + claz +
                                     " does not implement the "+LogChute.class.getName()+" interface.";
                        // be extra informative if it appears to be a classloader issue
                        // this should match all our provided LogChutes
                        if (isProbablyProvidedLogChute(claz))
                            // if it's likely to be ours, tip them off about classloader stuff
                            log.error("This appears to be a ClassLoader issue.  Check for multiple Velocity jars in your classpath.");
                        throw new VelocityException(msg);
                catch(NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe)
                    // note these errors for anyone debugging the app
                    if (isProbablyProvidedLogChute(claz))
                        log.debug("Target log system for " + claz +
                                  " is not available (" + ncdfe.toString() +
                                  ").  Falling back to next log system...");
                        log.debug("Couldn't find class " + claz +
                                  " or necessary supporting classes in classpath.",
                catch(UnsupportedOperationException uoe)
                    // note these errors for anyone debugging the app
                    if (isProbablyProvidedLogChute(claz))
                        log.debug("Target log system for " + claz +
                                  " is not supported (" + uoe.toString() +
                                  ").  Falling back to next log system...");
                        log.debug("Couldn't find necessary resources for "+claz, uoe);
                catch(Exception e)
                    String msg = "Failed to initialize an instance of " + claz +
                                 " with the current runtime configuration.";
                    // log unexpected init exception at higher priority
                    log.error(msg, e);
                    throw new VelocityException(msg,e);

        /* If the above failed, that means either the user specified a
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        super.init(rs, context, node);

        int kids = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        if (kids > 1)
            throw new VelocityException("The #stop directive only accepts a single message parameter at "
                 + Log.formatFileString(this));
            hasMessage = (kids == 1);
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        catch(Exception ee)
            String msg = "Error getting iterator for #foreach at "+uberInfo;
            rsvc.getLog().error(msg, ee);
            throw new VelocityException(msg, ee);

        if (i == null)
            if (skipInvalidIterator)
                return false;
                Node pnode = node.jjtGetChild(2);
                String msg = "#foreach parameter " + pnode.literal() + " at "
                    + Log.formatFileString(pnode)
                    + " is of type " + listObject.getClass().getName()
                    + " and is either of wrong type or cannot be iterated.";
                throw new VelocityException(msg);

        int counter = counterInitialValue;
        boolean maxNbrLoopsExceeded = false;
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          VelMethod method = ClassUtils.getMethod("size", noParams, noTypes,
                             o, context, node, false);
          if (method == null)
              // The object doesn't have a size method, so there is no notion of "at the end"
              throw new VelocityException(
                "A 'size()' method required for negative value "
                 + ((Integer)argument).intValue() + " does not exist for class '"
                 + o.getClass().getName() + "' at " + Log.formatFileString(node));

          Object size = null;
              size = method.invoke(o, noParams);
          catch (Exception e)
              throw new VelocityException("Error trying to calls the 'size()' method on '"
                + o.getClass().getName() + "' at " + Log.formatFileString(node), e);
          int sizeint = 0;         
              sizeint = ((Integer)size).intValue();
          catch (ClassCastException e)
              // If size() doesn't return an Integer we want to report a pretty error
              throw new VelocityException("Method 'size()' on class '"
                  + o.getClass().getName() + "' returned '" + size.getClass().getName()
                  + "' when Integer was expected at " + Log.formatFileString(node));
          argument = new Integer(sizeint + ((Integer)argument).intValue());
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            String msg = "Error invoking method 'get("
              + (argument == null ? "null" : argument.getClass().getName())
              + ")' in " + o.getClass().getName()
              + " at " + Log.formatFileString(this);
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new VelocityException(msg, e);
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                String msg = "Unable to find '" +
                          configuration.getString(RESOURCE_LOADER_IDENTIFIER) +
                          ".resource.loader.class' specification in configuration." +
                          " This is a critical value.  Please adjust configuration.";
                throw new VelocityException(msg);

            resourceLoader.commonInit(rsvc, configuration);

         * now see if this is overridden by configuration

        logWhenFound = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_LOGWHENFOUND, true);

         *  now, is a global cache specified?

        String cacheClassName = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_CACHE_CLASS);

        Object cacheObject = null;

        if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cacheClassName))
                cacheObject = ClassUtils.getNewInstance(cacheClassName);
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                String msg = "The specified class for ResourceCache (" + cacheClassName +
                          ") does not exist or is not accessible to the current classloader.";
                log.error(msg, cnfe);
                throw new VelocityException(msg, cnfe);
            catch (IllegalAccessException ae)
                throw new VelocityException("Could not access class '"
                    + cacheClassName + "'", ae);
            catch (InstantiationException ie)
                throw new VelocityException("Could not instantiate class '"
                    + cacheClassName + "'", ie);

            if (!(cacheObject instanceof ResourceCache))
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        catch (Exception e)
            String msg = "Parser Error: " + templateName;
            rsvc.getLog().error(msg, e);
            throw new VelocityException(msg, e);

        currentTemplateName = "";

        return sn;
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            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                String err = "The specified class for Uberspect (" + rm
                    + ") does not exist or is not accessible to the current classloader.";
                throw new VelocityException(err, cnfe);
            catch (InstantiationException ie)
              throw new VelocityException("Could not instantiate class '" + rm + "'", ie);
            catch (IllegalAccessException ae)
              throw new VelocityException("Cannot access class '" + rm + "'", ae);

            if (!(o instanceof Uberspect))
                String err = "The specified class for Uberspect ("
                    + rm + ") does not implement " + Uberspect.class.getName()
                    + "; Velocity is not initialized correctly.";

                throw new VelocityException(err);

            Uberspect u = (Uberspect)o;

            if (u instanceof UberspectLoggable)

            if (u instanceof RuntimeServicesAware)

            if (uberSpect == null)
                uberSpect = u;
                if (u instanceof ChainableUberspector)
                    uberSpect = u;
                    uberSpect = new LinkingUberspector(uberSpect,u);

        if(uberSpect != null)
            *  someone screwed up.  Lets not fool around...

           String err = "It appears that no class was specified as the"
           + " Uberspect.  Please ensure that all configuration"
           + " information is correct.";

           throw new VelocityException(err);
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Related Classes of org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException

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