if (result == null)
if (strictRef)
String name = jjtGetChild(i+1).getTokens().get(0).image;
throw new MethodInvocationException("Attempted to access '"
+ name + "' on a null value", null, name, uberInfo.getTemplateName(),
jjtGetChild(i+1).getLine(), jjtGetChild(i+1).getColumn());
String msg = "reference set is not a valid reference at "
+ VelocityException.formatFileString(uberInfo);
return false;
if (astIndex != null)
// If astIndex is not null then we are actually setting an index reference,
// something of the form $foo[1] =, or in general any reference that ends with
// the brackets. This means that we need to call a more general method
// of the form set(Integer, <something>), or put(Object, <something), where
// the first parameter is the index value and the second is the LHS of the set.
Object argument = astIndex.jjtGetChild(0).value(context);
// If negative, turn -1 into (size - 1)
argument = ASTIndex.adjMinusIndexArg(argument, result, context, astIndex);
Object [] params = {argument, value};
Class[] paramClasses = {params[0] == null ? null : params[0].getClass(),
params[1] == null ? null : params[1].getClass()};
String methodName = "set";
VelMethod method = ClassUtils.getMethod(methodName, params, paramClasses,
result, context, astIndex, false);
if (method == null)
// If we can't find a 'set' method, lets try 'put', This warrents a little
// investigation performance wise... if the user is using the hash
// form $foo["blaa"], then it may be expensive to first try and fail on 'set'
// then go to 'put'? The problem is that getMethod will try the cache, then
// perform introspection on 'result' for 'set'
methodName = "put";
method = ClassUtils.getMethod(methodName, params, paramClasses,
result, context, astIndex, false);
if (method == null)
// couldn't find set or put method, so bail
if (strictRef)
throw new VelocityException(
"Found neither a 'set' or 'put' method with param types '("
+ printClass(paramClasses[0]) + "," + printClass(paramClasses[1])
+ ")' on class '" + result.getClass().getName()
+ "' at " + VelocityException.formatFileString(astIndex));
return false;
method.invoke(result, params);
catch(RuntimeException e)
// Kludge since invoke throws Exception, pass up Runtimes
throw e;
catch(Exception e)
throw new MethodInvocationException(
"Exception calling method '"
+ methodName + "("
+ printClass(paramClasses[0]) + "," + printClass(paramClasses[1])
+ ")' in " + result.getClass(),
e.getCause(), identifier, astIndex.getTemplateName(), astIndex.getLine(),
return true;
* We support two ways of setting the value in a #set($ref.foo = $value ) :
* 1) ref.setFoo( value )
* 2) ref,put("foo", value ) to parallel the get() map introspection
RuntimeServices rsvc=VelocityUtil.getEngine().getRuntimeServices();
VelPropertySet vs =
rsvc.getUberspect().getPropertySet(result, identifier,
value, uberInfo);
if (vs == null)
if (strictRef)
throw new MethodInvocationException("Object '" + result.getClass().getName() +
"' does not contain property '" + identifier + "'", null, identifier,
uberInfo.getTemplateName(), uberInfo.getLine(), uberInfo.getColumn());
return false;
vs.invoke(result, value);
catch(InvocationTargetException ite)
* this is possible
throw new MethodInvocationException(
"ASTReference : Invocation of method '"
+ identifier + "' in " + result.getClass()
+ " threw exception "
+ ite.getTargetException().toString(),
ite.getTargetException(), identifier, getTemplateName(), this.getLine(), this.getColumn());