if (parentCasReferenceId == null) {
List eList = aProcessStatus.getProcessTrace().getEventsByComponentName("UimaEE", false);
for (int i = 0; i < eList.size(); i++) {
ProcessTraceEvent eEvent = (ProcessTraceEvent) eList.get(i);
System.out.println("runTest: Received Process Event - " + eEvent.getDescription()
+ " Duration::" + eEvent.getDuration() + " ms"); // / (float) 1000000);
// Check if the running test wants to check how long the processing of CAS took
if (expectedProcessTime > 0
&& "Total Time In Process CAS".equals(eEvent.getDescription())) {
// Check if the expected duration exceeded actual duration for processing
// a CAS. Allow 50ms difference.
if (eEvent.getDuration() > expectedProcessTime
&& (eEvent.getDuration() % expectedProcessTime) > 50) {
System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!! runTest: Expected Process CAS Duration of:"
+ expectedProcessTime + " ms. Instead Process CAS Took:"
+ eEvent.getDuration());
unexpectedException = true;