Package org.apache.uima.ruta.expression.bool

Examples of org.apache.uima.ruta.expression.bool.IBooleanExpression

          INumberExpression numberExpr = (INumberExpression) expr;
          long v = numberExpr.getIntegerValue(parent, match, element, stream);
          annotationFS.setLongValue(feature, v);
        } else if (rangeName.equals(UIMAConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN)
                && expr instanceof IBooleanExpression) {
          IBooleanExpression booleanExpr = (IBooleanExpression) expr;
          boolean v = booleanExpr.getBooleanValue(parent, match, element, stream);
          annotationFS.setBooleanValue(feature, v);
        } else if (expr instanceof TypeExpression) {
          TypeExpression typeExpr = (TypeExpression) expr;
          Type t = typeExpr.getType(parent);
          List<AnnotationFS> inWindow = stream.getAnnotationsInWindow(annotationFS, t);
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    } else {
      totalCount = argList.getList(element.getParent(), stream).size();
      if (arg instanceof IBooleanExpression && argList instanceof BooleanListExpression) {
        IBooleanExpression e = (IBooleanExpression) arg;
        BooleanListExpression le = (BooleanListExpression) argList;
        boolean v = e.getBooleanValue(element.getParent(), annotation, stream);
        List<Boolean> l = new ArrayList<Boolean>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
      } else if (arg instanceof INumberExpression && argList instanceof NumberListExpression) {
        INumberExpression e = (INumberExpression) arg;
        NumberListExpression le = (NumberListExpression) argList;
        Number v = e.getDoubleValue(element.getParent(), annotation, stream);
        List<Number> l = new ArrayList<Number>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
      } else if (arg instanceof IStringExpression && argList instanceof StringListExpression) {
        IStringExpression e = (IStringExpression) arg;
        StringListExpression le = (StringListExpression) argList;
        String v = e.getStringValue(element.getParent(), annotation, stream);
        List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
      } else if (arg instanceof TypeExpression && argList instanceof TypeListExpression) {
        TypeExpression e = (TypeExpression) arg;
        TypeListExpression le = (TypeListExpression) argList;
        Type v = e.getType(element.getParent());
        List<Type> l = new ArrayList<Type>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
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  public EvaluatedCondition eval(AnnotationFS annotation, RuleElement element, RutaStream stream,
          InferenceCrowd crowd) {
    if (expr instanceof IBooleanExpression) {
      IBooleanExpression be = (IBooleanExpression) expr;
      return new EvaluatedCondition(this, be.getBooleanValue(element.getParent(), null, stream));
    } else if (expr instanceof FeatureMatchExpression) {
      FeatureMatchExpression fme = (FeatureMatchExpression) expr;
      TypeExpression typeExpr = fme.getTypeExpr();
      Type type = typeExpr.getType(element.getParent());
      List<AnnotationFS> annotations = getAnnotationsToCheck(annotation, type, fme, stream);
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              && count <= max.getIntegerValue(element.getParent(), annotation, stream);
      return new EvaluatedCondition(this, value);
    } else {
      int count = 0;
      if (arg instanceof IBooleanExpression && list instanceof BooleanListExpression) {
        IBooleanExpression e = (IBooleanExpression) arg;
        BooleanListExpression le = (BooleanListExpression) list;
        boolean v = e.getBooleanValue(element.getParent(), annotation, stream);
        List<Boolean> l = new ArrayList<Boolean>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
      } else if (arg instanceof INumberExpression && list instanceof NumberListExpression) {
        INumberExpression e = (INumberExpression) arg;
        NumberListExpression le = (NumberListExpression) list;
        Number v = e.getDoubleValue(element.getParent(), annotation, stream);
        List<Number> l = new ArrayList<Number>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
      } else if (arg instanceof IStringExpression && list instanceof StringListExpression) {
        IStringExpression e = (IStringExpression) arg;
        StringListExpression le = (StringListExpression) list;
        String v = e.getStringValue(element.getParent(), annotation, stream);
        List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
      } else if (arg instanceof TypeExpression && list instanceof TypeListExpression) {
        TypeExpression e = (TypeExpression) arg;
        TypeListExpression le = (TypeListExpression) list;
        Type v = e.getType(element.getParent());
        List<Type> l = new ArrayList<Type>(le.getList(element.getParent(), stream));
        while (l.remove(v)) {
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    } else if (argExpr instanceof INumberExpression && (range.equals(UIMAConstants.TYPE_FLOAT))) {
      INumberExpression numberExpr = (INumberExpression) argExpr;
      float v = numberExpr.getFloatValue(element.getParent(), a, stream);
      a.setFloatValue(feature, v);
    } else if (argExpr instanceof IBooleanExpression && (range.equals(UIMAConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN))) {
      IBooleanExpression booleanExpr = (IBooleanExpression) argExpr;
      boolean v = booleanExpr.getBooleanValue(element.getParent(), a, stream);
      a.setBooleanValue(feature, v);
    } else if (argExpr instanceof IBooleanExpression && (range.equals(UIMAConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN))) {
      IBooleanExpression booleanExpr = (IBooleanExpression) argExpr;
      boolean v = booleanExpr.getBooleanValue(element.getParent(), a, stream);
      a.setBooleanValue(feature, v);
    } else if (argExpr instanceof TypeExpression && !feature.getRange().isPrimitive()) {
      TypeExpression typeExpr = (TypeExpression) argExpr;
      Type t = typeExpr.getType(element.getParent());
      List<AnnotationFS> inWindow = stream.getAnnotationsInWindow(a, t);
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      map = map.substring(0, map.length() - 2);
      return name + a.getNamespace() + map + ")";
    } else if (action instanceof DynamicAnchoringAction) {
      DynamicAnchoringAction a = (DynamicAnchoringAction) action;

      IBooleanExpression active = a.getActive();
      INumberExpression panelty = a.getPanelty();
      INumberExpression factor = a.getFactor();

      String pa = verbalizer.verbalize(active);
      String pp = panelty == null ? "" : ", " + verbalizer.verbalize(panelty);
      String pf = factor == null ? "" : ", " + verbalizer.verbalize(factor);
      return name + pa + pp + pf + ")";
    } else if (action instanceof GreedyAnchoringAction) {
      GreedyAnchoringAction a = (GreedyAnchoringAction) action;
      IBooleanExpression active = a.getGreedyRuleElement();
      IBooleanExpression active2 = a.getGreedyRule();
      String pa = verbalizer.verbalize(active);
      String pa2 = "";
      if (active2 != null) {
        pa2 = ", " + verbalizer.verbalize(active2);
      return name + pa + pa2 + ")";
    } else if (action instanceof GetListAction) {
      GetListAction a = (GetListAction) action;
      String var = a.getVar();
      String op = verbalizer.verbalize(a.getOpExpr());
      return name + var + ", " + op + ")";
    } else if (action instanceof MarkTableAction) {
      MarkTableAction a = (MarkTableAction) action;
      TypeExpression typeExpr = a.getTypeExpr();
      INumberExpression indexExpr = a.getIndexExpr();
      WordTableExpression tableExpr = a.getTableExpr();
      Map<IStringExpression, INumberExpression> featureMap = a.getFeatureMap();
      IBooleanExpression ignoreCase = a.getIgnoreCase();
      INumberExpression ignoreLength = a.getIgnoreLength();
      IStringExpression ignoreChar = a.getIgnoreChar();
      INumberExpression maxIgnoreChar = a.getMaxIgnoreChar();

      String type = verbalizer.verbalize(typeExpr);
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.ruta.expression.bool.IBooleanExpression

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