private String sendCAS(CAS aCAS, ClientRequest requestToCache) throws ResourceProcessException {
synchronized (sendMux) {
if ( requestToCache == null ) {
throw new ResourceProcessException(new Exception("Invalid Process Request. Cache Entry is Null"));
String casReferenceId = requestToCache.getCasReferenceId();
try {
if (!running) {
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.INFO, CLASS_NAME.getName(), "sendCAS",
JmsConstants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMAJMS_not_sending_cas_INFO",
new Object[] { "Asynchronous Client is Stopping" });
return null;
clientCache.put(casReferenceId, requestToCache);
PendingMessage msg = new PendingMessage(AsynchAEMessage.Process);
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
if (serializationStrategy.equals("xmi")) {
XmiSerializationSharedData serSharedData = new XmiSerializationSharedData();
String serializedCAS = serializeCAS(aCAS, serSharedData);
msg.put(AsynchAEMessage.CAS, serializedCAS);
if (remoteService) {
// Store the serialized CAS in case the timeout occurs and need to send the
// the offending CAS to listeners for reporting
} else {
byte[] serializedCAS = uimaSerializer.serializeCasToBinary(aCAS);
msg.put(AsynchAEMessage.CAS, serializedCAS);
if (remoteService) {
requestToCache.setSerializationTime(System.nanoTime() - t1);
msg.put(AsynchAEMessage.CasReference, casReferenceId);
// The sendCAS() method is synchronized no need to synchronize the code below
if (serviceDelegate.getState() == Delegate.TIMEOUT_STATE ) {
SharedConnection sharedConnection = lookupConnection(getBrokerURI());
// Send Ping to service as getMeta request
if ( !serviceDelegate.isAwaitingPingReply() && sharedConnection.isOpen() ) {
// Add the cas to a list of CASes pending reply. Also start the timer if necessary
// serviceDelegate.addCasToOutstandingList(requestToCache.getCasReferenceId());
// since the service is in time out state, we dont send CASes to it just yet. Instead, place
// a CAS in a pending dispatch list. CASes from this list will be sent once a response to PING
// arrives.
serviceDelegate.addCasToPendingDispatchList(requestToCache.getCasReferenceId(), aCAS.hashCode());
if ( cpcReadySemaphore.availablePermits() > 0 ) {
// Send PING Request to check delegate's availability
// @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Changed on 4/20 serviceDelegate.cancelDelegateTimer();
// Start a timer for GetMeta ping and associate a cas id
// with this timer. The delegate is currently in a timed out
// state due to a timeout on a CAS with a given casReferenceId.
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.INFO, CLASS_NAME.getName(), "sendCAS",
JmsConstants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMAJMS_client_sending_ping__FINE",
new Object[] { serviceDelegate.getKey() });
return casReferenceId;
} else {
if ( !requestToCache.isSynchronousInvocation() && !sharedConnection.isOpen() ) {
Exception exception = new BrokerConnectionException("Unable To Deliver CAS:"+requestToCache.getCasReferenceId()+" To Destination. Connection To Broker "+getBrokerURI()+" Has Been Lost");
handleException(exception, requestToCache.getCasReferenceId(), null, requestToCache, true);
return casReferenceId;
} else {
// Add to the outstanding list.
// serviceDelegate.addCasToOutstandingList(requestToCache.getCasReferenceId());
// since the service is in time out state, we dont send CASes to it just yet. Instead, place
// a CAS in a pending dispatch list. CASes from this list will be sent once a response to PING
// arrives.
serviceDelegate.addCasToPendingDispatchList(requestToCache.getCasReferenceId(), aCAS.hashCode());
return casReferenceId;
SharedConnection sharedConnection = lookupConnection(getBrokerURI());
if ( !sharedConnection.isOpen() ) {
if (requestToCache != null && !requestToCache.isSynchronousInvocation() && aCAS != null ) {
throw new ResourceProcessException(new BrokerConnectionException("Unable To Deliver Message To Destination. Connection To Broker "+sharedConnection.getBroker()+" Has Been Lost"));
// Incremented number of outstanding CASes sent to a service. When a reply comes
// this counter is decremented
// Increment total number of CASes sent to a service. This is reset
// on CPC
// Add message to the pending queue
} catch (ResourceProcessException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ResourceProcessException(e);
return casReferenceId;