Package org.apache.uima.cas.admin

Examples of org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator


  private static final int findIndex(ArrayList<IndexIteratorCachePair> indexes,
      FSIndexComparator comp,
      int indexType) {
    FSIndexComparator indexComp;
    final int max = indexes.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
      FSLeafIndexImpl index = indexes.get(i).index;
      if (index.getIndexingStrategy() != indexType) {
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      return iicp;
    final Type superType = comparator.getType();
    final Vector<Type> types = this.typeSystem.getDirectlySubsumedTypes(superType);
    final int max = types.size();
    FSIndexComparator compCopy;
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
      compCopy = ((FSIndexComparatorImpl) comparator).copy();
      addNewIndexRec(compCopy, indexType);
    return iicp;
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    if (size == 0) {
      // lazily create a default bag index for this type
      final Type type = this.typeSystem.ll_getTypeForCode(typeCode);
      final String defIndexName = getAutoIndexNameForType(type);
      final FSIndexComparator comparator = createComparator();
      createIndexNoQuestionsAsked(comparator, defIndexName, FSIndex.DEFAULT_BAG_INDEX);
      assert this.indexArray[typeCode].size() == 1;
      // add the FS to the bag index
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    IntVector comps = new IntVector();
    // Represent the current position in comparator array. Use to build
    // the comparator index.
    int compPos = 0;
    int numCompFeats;
    FSIndexComparator comp;
    for (int i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++) {
      // Set the comparator index to the current position in comparator
      // array.
      this.comparatorIndex[i] = compPos;
      // Get the comparator.
      comp = ((FSIndexImpl) indexVector.get(i)).getComparator();
      // Encode the type of the comparator.
      comps.add(((TypeImpl) comp.getType()).getCode());
      // How many keys in the comparator?
      numCompFeats = comp.getNumberOfKeys();
      for (int j = 0; j < numCompFeats; j++) {
        // Encode key feature.
        switch (comp.getKeyType(j)) {
          case FSIndexComparator.FEATURE_KEY: {
            comps.add(((FeatureImpl) comp.getKeyFeature(j)).getCode());
          case FSIndexComparator.TYPE_ORDER_KEY: {
          default: {
            // assert(false);
            throw new RuntimeException("Internal serialization error.");
        // Encode key comparator.
      // Compute start of next comparator.
      compPos += 1 + (2 * numCompFeats);
    // Set the comparator array.
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  public FSIndexRepositoryImpl getIndexRepository(CASImpl cas) {
    final FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir = new FSIndexRepositoryImpl(cas);
    // Get the type order.
    ir.setDefaultTypeOrder(LinearTypeOrderBuilderImpl.createTypeOrder(this.typeOrder, cas
    FSIndexComparator comp;
    final int max = this.indexNames.length;
    int pos = 0, next, maxComp;
    Type type;
    Feature feat;
    if (this.nameToIndexMap == null) {
      this.nameToIndexMap = new int[max];
      for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        this.nameToIndexMap[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
      comp = ir.createComparator();
      // assert(pos == comparatorIndex[i]);
      pos = this.comparatorIndex[this.nameToIndexMap[i]];
      type = cas.getTypeSystemImpl().ll_getTypeForCode(this.comparators[pos]);
      next = this.nameToIndexMap[i] + 1;
      if (next < max) {
        maxComp = this.comparatorIndex[next];
      } else {
        maxComp = this.comparators.length;
      TypeSystemImpl tsi = (TypeSystemImpl) cas.getTypeSystem();
      while (pos < maxComp) {
        // System.out.println("Type system: " +
        // cas.getTypeSystem().toString());
        if (this.comparators[pos] > 0) {
          feat = tsi.ll_getFeatureForCode(this.comparators[pos]);
          // assert(feat != null);
          // System.out.println("Adding feature: " + feat.getName());
          comp.addKey(feat, this.comparators[pos]);
          // assert(rc >= 0);
        } else {
          LinearTypeOrder order = ir.getDefaultTypeOrder();
          comp.addKey(order, this.comparators[pos]);
      ir.createIndex(comp, this.indexNames[i], this.indexingStrategy[this.nameToIndexMap[i]]);
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          throw new ResourceInitializationException(
              ResourceInitializationException.UNDEFINED_TYPE_FOR_INDEX, new Object[] {
                  aIndexes[i].getTypeName(), aIndexes[i].getLabel(),
                  aIndexes[i].getSourceUrlString() });
        FSIndexComparator comparator = irm.createComparator();

        FsIndexKeyDescription[] keys = aIndexes[i].getKeys();
        if (keys != null) {
          for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
            if (keys[j].isTypePriority()) {
              comparator.addKey(irm.getDefaultTypeOrder(), FSIndexComparator.STANDARD_COMPARE);
            } else {
              Feature feature = type.getFeatureByBaseName(keys[j].getFeatureName());
              if (feature == null) {
                throw new ResourceInitializationException(
                    ResourceInitializationException.INDEX_KEY_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND, new Object[] {
                        keys[j].getFeatureName(), aIndexes[i].getLabel(),
                        aIndexes[i].getSourceUrlString() });
              comparator.addKey(feature, keys[j].getComparator());

        irm.createIndex(comparator, aIndexes[i].getLabel(), kind);
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    private FSIndexComparator newComparator(Type type) {
      FSIndexComparator c = irm.createComparator();
      c.addKey(type1Used, FSIndexComparator.STANDARD_COMPARE);
      return c;
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      c.addKey(type1Used, FSIndexComparator.STANDARD_COMPARE);
      return c;

    private FSIndexComparator newComparatorTypePriority(Type type) {
      FSIndexComparator comp = newComparator(type);
      comp.addKey(newTypeOrder(), FSIndexComparator.STANDARD_COMPARE);
      return comp;
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    IntVector comps = new IntVector();
    // Represent the current position in comparator array. Use to build
    // the comparator index.
    int compPos = 0;
    int numCompFeats;
    FSIndexComparator comp;
    for (int i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++) {
      // Set the comparator index to the current position in comparator
      // array.
      this.comparatorIndex[i] = compPos;
      // Get the comparator.
      comp = ((FSIndexImpl) indexVector.get(i)).getComparator();
      // Encode the type of the comparator.
      comps.add(((TypeImpl) comp.getType()).getCode());
      // How many keys in the comparator?
      numCompFeats = comp.getNumberOfKeys();
      for (int j = 0; j < numCompFeats; j++) {
        // Encode key feature.
        switch (comp.getKeyType(j)) {
          case FSIndexComparator.FEATURE_KEY: {
            comps.add(((FeatureImpl) comp.getKeyFeature(j)).getCode());
          case FSIndexComparator.TYPE_ORDER_KEY: {
          default: {
            // assert(false);
            throw new RuntimeException("Internal serialization error.");
        // Encode key comparator.
      // Compute start of next comparator.
      compPos += 1 + (2 * numCompFeats);
    // Set the comparator array.
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  public FSIndexRepositoryImpl getIndexRepository(CASImpl cas) {
    final FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir = new FSIndexRepositoryImpl(cas);
    // Get the type order.
    ir.setDefaultTypeOrder(LinearTypeOrderBuilderImpl.createTypeOrder(this.typeOrder, cas
    FSIndexComparator comp;
    final int max = this.indexNames.length;
    int pos = 0, next, maxComp;
    Type type;
    Feature feat;
    if (this.nameToIndexMap == null) {
      this.nameToIndexMap = new int[max];
      for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        this.nameToIndexMap[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
      comp = ir.createComparator();
      // assert(pos == comparatorIndex[i]);
      pos = this.comparatorIndex[this.nameToIndexMap[i]];
      type = cas.getTypeSystemImpl().ll_getTypeForCode(this.comparators[pos]);
      next = this.nameToIndexMap[i] + 1;
      if (next < max) {
        maxComp = this.comparatorIndex[next];
      } else {
        maxComp = this.comparators.length;
      TypeSystemImpl tsi = (TypeSystemImpl) cas.getTypeSystem();
      while (pos < maxComp) {
        // System.out.println("Type system: " +
        // cas.getTypeSystem().toString());
        if (this.comparators[pos] > 0) {
          feat = tsi.ll_getFeatureForCode(this.comparators[pos]);
          // assert(feat != null);
          // System.out.println("Adding feature: " + feat.getName());
          comp.addKey(feat, this.comparators[pos]);
          // assert(rc >= 0);
        } else {
          LinearTypeOrder order = ir.getDefaultTypeOrder();
          comp.addKey(order, this.comparators[pos]);
      ir.createIndex(comp, this.indexNames[i], this.indexingStrategy[this.nameToIndexMap[i]]);
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator

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