if (connectionMap.containsKey(brokerConnectionURL)) {
brokerConnectionEntry = (BrokerConnectionEntry) connectionMap.get(brokerConnectionURL);
// Findbugs thinks that the above may return null, perhaps due to a race condition. Add
// the null check just in case
if (brokerConnectionEntry == null) {
throw new AsynchAEException("Controller:"
+ getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName()
+ " Unable to Lookup Broker Connection For URL:" + brokerConnectionURL);
if ( JmsEndpointConnection_impl.connectionClosedOrFailed(brokerConnectionEntry) ) {
brokerConnectionEntry = createConnectionEntry(brokerConnectionURL);
} else {
brokerConnectionEntry = createConnectionEntry(brokerConnectionURL);
String key = getLookupKey(anEndpoint);
String destination = getDestinationName(anEndpoint);
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
new Object[] { getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName(), destination,
brokerConnectionURL });
// check the cache first
if (!brokerConnectionEntry.endpointExists(key)) {
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
new Object[] { getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName(), destination,
brokerConnectionURL });
Endpoint masterEndpoint = null;
if ( getAnalysisEngineController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController ) {
// Check if the endpoint has previously FAILED. It may have been marked as FAILED
// due to a temp queue listener shutdown caused by a Broker failure. In such case,
// before sending a message to a remote delegate we need to start a new instance
// of a listener which creates a new temp reply queue.
if ( !anEndpoint.isReplyEndpoint() ) { // this just means that we are not sending reply to a client
// The masterEndoint has the most current state. The 'anEndpoint' instance passed into
// this method is a clone from the master made at the begining of processing. The master endpoint
// may have been marked as FAILED after the clone was made
masterEndpoint = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getAnalysisEngineController()).
if ( masterEndpoint != null ) {
// Only one thread at a time is allowed here.
synchronized( masterEndpoint ) {
if ( masterEndpoint.getStatus() == Endpoint.FAILED ) {
// Returns InputChannel if the Reply Listener for the delegate has previously failed.
// If the listener hasnt failed the getReplyInputChannel returns null
InputChannel iC = getAnalysisEngineController().getReplyInputChannel(anEndpoint.getDelegateKey());
if ( iC != null ) {
try {
// Create a new Listener, new Temp Queue and associate the listener with the Input Channel
// Also resets endpoint status to OK
iC.createListener(anEndpoint.getDelegateKey(), anEndpoint);
} catch( Exception exx) {
throw new AsynchAEException(exx);
} else{
throw new AsynchAEException("Aggregate:"+getAnalysisEngineController()+" Has not yet recovered a listener for delegate: "+anEndpoint.getDelegateKey());
} else if ( !masterEndpoint.isFreeCasEndpoint() ) {
// In case this thread blocked while the reply queue listener was created, make sure
// that this endpoint uses the most up-date reply queue destination