Package org.apache.uima.aae.controller

Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.Endpoint

      if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.IdleTime)) {
        long idleTime = ((Long) aMessageContext.getMessageLongProperty(AsynchAEMessage.IdleTime))
        if (idleTime > 0 && delegateServicePerformance != null) {
          Endpoint endp = aMessageContext.getEndpoint();
          if (endp != null && endp.isRemote()) {

      if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.TimeWaitingForCAS)) {
        long timeWaitingForCAS = ((Long) aMessageContext
        if (timeWaitingForCAS > 0 && aMessageContext.getEndpoint().isRemote()) {
                  - delegateServicePerformance.getRawCasPoolWaitTime());
          if (inputCasEntry != null) {
      if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.TimeInProcessCAS)) {
        long timeInProcessCAS = ((Long) aMessageContext
        Endpoint endp = aMessageContext.getEndpoint();
        if (endp != null && endp.isRemote()) {
          if (delegateServicePerformance != null) {
            // calculate the time spent in analysis. The remote service returns total time
            // spent in the analysis. Compute the delta.
            long dt = timeInProcessCAS - delegateServicePerformance.getRawAnalysisTime();
            // increment total time in analysis
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            if (getMetaRequestCount > 0 && getMetaRequestCount % MaxGetMetaRetryCount == 0) {
              JmsMessageContext msgContext = new JmsMessageContext(aMessage, primitiveServiceQueue1);
              JmsOutputChannel outputChannel = new JmsOutputChannel();
              Endpoint endpoint = msgContext.getEndpoint();
              outputChannel.sendReply(getPrimitiveMetadata1(PrimitiveDescriptor1), endpoint, true);
            getMetaCountLatch.countDown(); // Count down to unblock the thread
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                new Object[] { getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName(), destination,
                  brokerConnectionURL });
      Endpoint masterEndpoint = null;
      if ( getAnalysisEngineController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController ) {
        //  Check if the endpoint has previously FAILED. It may have been marked as FAILED
        //  due to a temp queue listener shutdown caused by a Broker failure. In such case,
        //  before sending a message to a remote delegate we need to start a new instance
        //  of a listener which creates a new temp reply queue.
        if ( !anEndpoint.isReplyEndpoint() ) {  // this just means that we are not sending reply to a client
          //  The masterEndoint has the most current state. The 'anEndpoint' instance passed into
          //  this method is a clone from the master made at the begining of processing. The master endpoint
          //  may have been marked as FAILED after the clone was made
          masterEndpoint = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getAnalysisEngineController()).
          if ( masterEndpoint != null ) {
            //  Only one thread at a time is allowed here.
            synchronized( masterEndpoint ) {
              if ( masterEndpoint.getStatus() == Endpoint.FAILED ) {
                //  Returns InputChannel if the Reply Listener for the delegate has previously failed.
                //  If the listener hasnt failed the getReplyInputChannel returns null
                InputChannel iC = getAnalysisEngineController().getReplyInputChannel(anEndpoint.getDelegateKey());
                if ( iC != null ) {
                  try {
                    // Create a new Listener, new Temp Queue and associate the listener with the Input Channel
                  // Also resets endpoint status to OK 
                    iC.createListener(anEndpoint.getDelegateKey(), anEndpoint);
                  } catch( Exception exx) {
                    throw new AsynchAEException(exx);
                } else{
                  throw new AsynchAEException("Aggregate:"+getAnalysisEngineController()+" Has not yet recovered a listener for delegate: "+anEndpoint.getDelegateKey());
              } else if ( !masterEndpoint.isFreeCasEndpoint() ) {
                //  In case this thread blocked while the reply queue listener was created, make sure
                //  that this endpoint uses the most up-date reply queue destination
      endpointConnection = new JmsEndpointConnection_impl(brokerConnectionEntry, anEndpoint,
      brokerConnectionEntry.addEndpointConnection(key, endpointConnection);
      long replyQueueInactivityTimeout = getInactivityTimeout(destination, brokerConnectionURL);

      // Connection is not in the cache, create a new connection, initialize it and cache it
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.FINE, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                "getEndpointConnection", JmsConstants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                new Object[] { getDestinationName(anEndpoint), brokerConnectionURL });

       * Open connection to a broker, create JMS session and MessageProducer


      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                new Object[] { getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName(), destination,
                  brokerConnectionURL });
    } else {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                new Object[] { getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName(), destination,
                  brokerConnectionURL });
      // Retrieve connection from the connection cache
      endpointConnection = brokerConnectionEntry.getEndpointConnection(key);
      // check the state of the connection and re-open it if necessary
      if (endpointConnection != null && !endpointConnection.isOpen()) {
        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
          UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.FINE, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                  "getEndpointConnection", JmsConstants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                  new Object[] { destination });
        if ( endpointConnection.isOpen()) {
            if ( getAnalysisEngineController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController &&
                anEndpoint.getDelegateKey() != null ) {
              Endpoint masterEndpoint =
                ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getAnalysisEngineController()).lookUpEndpoint(
                    anEndpoint.getDelegateKey(), false);
    return endpointConnection;
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      // on the delegate that we were unable to send a message to. The delegate state is
      // set to FAILED. If there are retries or more CASes to send to this delegate the
      // connection will be retried. The error handler called from the send() above already
      // removed the CAS from outstanding list.
      if (isRequest && anEndpoint.getDelegateKey() != null) {
        Endpoint master= ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getAnalysisEngineController()).lookUpEndpoint(anEndpoint.getDelegateKey(), false);
        String key = getLookupKey(anEndpoint);
          if (connectionMap.containsKey(brokerConnectionURL)) {
             // First get a Map containing destinations managed by a broker provided by the client
            BrokerConnectionEntry brokerConnectionEntry = (BrokerConnectionEntry) connectionMap.get(brokerConnectionURL);
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            // delegate configuration (provided in the deployment descriptor) and
            // make sure that it matches "xmi". If the configuration says "binary" there
            // is a mis-configuration which we handle by overriding the endpoint setting using
            // "xmi" as a value for serialization strategy.
            if (!((MessageContext) anObjectToHandle).propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.Serialization)) {
              Endpoint masterEndpoint = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
                      .lookUpEndpoint(delegateKey, false);
              if (masterEndpoint.getSerializer().equals("binary")) {
                // Override configured serialization
                UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, this.getClass().getName(),
                        "handle", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                        new Object[] { getController().getComponentName(), delegateKey });
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    // *************************************************************************
    // Fetch CAS from a Cas Pool. If the CAS came from a Cas Multiplier
    // fetch the CAS from a shadow CAS pool. Otherwise, fetch the CAS
    // from the service CAS Pool.
    // *************************************************************************
    Endpoint endpoint = aMessageContext.getEndpoint();
    CAS cas = null;
    CacheEntry entry = null;
    try {
      cas = getCAS(aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.CasSequence), shadowCasPoolKey,
      long timeWaitingForCAS = getController().getCpuTime() - t1;
      // Check if we are still running
      if (getController().isStopped()) {
        // The Controller is in shutdown state.
        return null;
      // *************************************************************************
      // Deserialize CAS from the message
      // *************************************************************************
      t1 = getController().getCpuTime();
      String serializationStrategy = endpoint.getSerializer();
      XmiSerializationSharedData deserSharedData = null;
      UimaSerializer uimaSerializer = SerializerCache.lookupSerializerByThreadId();
      if (serializationStrategy.equals("xmi")) {
        // Fetch serialized CAS from the message
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        return; // Invalid message. Nothing to do
      // Initially make both equal
      String inputCasReferenceId = casReferenceId;
      // Destination where Free Cas Notification will be sent if the CAS came from a Cas Multiplier
      Endpoint freeCasEndpoint = null;

      CasStateEntry inputCasStateEntry = null;

      // CASes generated by a Cas Multiplier will have a CasSequence property set.
      if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.CasSequence)) {
        // Fetch the name of the Cas Multiplier's input queue
        // String cmEndpointName = aMessageContext.getEndpoint().getEndpoint();
        String cmEndpointName = aMessageContext
        newCASProducedBy = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
        // Fetch an ID of the parent CAS
        inputCasReferenceId = aMessageContext
        // Fetch Cache entry for the parent CAS
        CacheEntry inputCasCacheEntry = getController().getInProcessCache().getCacheEntryForCAS(
        // Fetch an endpoint where Free CAS Notification must be sent.
        // This endpoint is unique per CM instance. Meaning, each
        // instance of CM will have an endpoint where it expects Free CAS
        // notifications.
        freeCasEndpoint = aMessageContext.getEndpoint();
        // Clone an endpoint where Free Cas Request will be sent
        freeCasEndpoint = (Endpoint) ((Endpoint_impl) freeCasEndpoint).clone();

        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          inputCasStateEntry = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())

          // Associate Free Cas Notification Endpoint with an input Cas

        computeStats(aMessageContext, inputCasReferenceId);
        // Reset the destination
        // This CAS came in from a CAS Multiplier. Treat it differently than the
        // input CAS. In case the Aggregate needs to send this CAS to the
        // client, retrieve the client destination by looking up the client endpoint
        // using input CAS reference id. CASes generated by the CAS multiplier will have
        // the same Cas Reference id.
        Endpoint replyToEndpoint = inputCasCacheEntry.getMessageOrigin();
        // The message context contains a Cas Multiplier endpoint. Since
        // we dont want to send a generated CAS back to the CM, override
        // with an endpoint provided by the client of
        // this service. Client endpoint is attached to an input Cas cache entry.

        // Before sending a CAS to Cas Multiplier, the aggregate has
        // saved the CM key in the CAS cache entry. Fetch the key
        // of the CM so that we can ask the right Shadow Cas Pool for
        // a new CAS. Every Shadow Cas Pool has a unique id which
        // corresponds to a Cas Multiplier key.
        // newCASProducedBy = inputCasCacheEntry.getCasMultiplierKey();
        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          Endpoint casMultiplierEndpoint = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
                  .lookUpEndpoint(newCASProducedBy, false);
          if (casMultiplierEndpoint != null) {
            // Save the URL of the broker managing the Free Cas Notification queue.
            // This is needed when we try to establish a connection to the broker.
      } else if (getController().isTopLevelComponent()) {
        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController()).addMessageOrigin(casReferenceId,
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      // Check if this Cas has been sent from a Cas Multiplier. If so, its sequence will be > 0
      if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.CasSequence)) {
        isNewCAS = true;

        Endpoint casMultiplierEndpoint = aMessageContext.getEndpoint();

        if (casMultiplierEndpoint == null) {
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.INFO, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                    UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMAEE_no_endpoint_for_reply__INFO",
                    new Object[] { casReferenceId });
        // Get the id of the parent Cas
        inputCasReferenceId = aMessageContext
        if (cse.getInputCasReferenceId() == null) {

        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          CasStateEntry parentCasEntry = getController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(
          // Check if the parent CAS is in a failed state first
          if (parentCasEntry != null && parentCasEntry.isFailed()) {
            // handle CAS release
            getController().process(null, casReferenceId);

          String delegateKey = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
          Delegate delegate = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
          newCASProducedBy = delegate.getKey();
          try {
            // Save the endpoint of the CM which produced the Cas
            getController().getInProcessCache().setCasProducer(casReferenceId, newCASProducedBy);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
              if ( getController() != null ) {
                UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                        "handleProcessRequestWithCASReference", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                        "UIMAEE_service_exception_WARNING", getController().getComponentName());

              UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                      UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMAEE_exception__WARNING",
          // Safety check. The input Cas should not be null here
          if (inputCasReferenceId != null) {
            try {
              Endpoint endp = null;

              // Located the origin of the parent Cas. The produced Cas will inherit the origin from
              // its parent.
              // Once the origin is identified, save the origin using the produced Cas id as a key.
              if (endp == null) {
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        // This CAS came in from the CAS Multiplier. Treat it differently than the
        // input CAS. First, in case the Aggregate needs to send this CAS to the
        // client, retrieve the client destination by looking up the client endpoint
        // using input CAS reference id. CASes generated by the CAS multiplier will have
        // the same Cas Reference id.
        Endpoint replyToEndpoint = getController().getInProcessCache().getCacheEntryForCAS(

        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          newCASProducedBy = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
        // MessageContext contains endpoint set by the CAS Multiplier service. Overwrite
        // this with the endpoint of the client who sent the input CAS. In case this
        // aggregate is configured to send new CASes to the client we know where to send them.
        inputCasReferenceId = String.valueOf(casReferenceId);
        // Set this to null so that the new CAS gets its own Cas Reference Id below
        casReferenceId = null;
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  private void cacheProcessCommandInClientEndpoint() {
    Endpoint clientEndpoint = getController().getClientEndpoint();
    if (clientEndpoint != null) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.Endpoint

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