* Aggregates have more than one Listener channel. This method stops all configured input channels
* this service is configured with.
protected void stopInputChannels(int channelsToStop) {
InputChannel iC = null;
Iterator it = inputChannelMap.keySet().iterator();
int i = 1;
while (it.hasNext()) {
try {
String key = (String) it.next();
if (key != null && key.trim().length() > 0) {
iC = (InputChannel) inputChannelMap.get(key);
if (iC != null) {
if (channelsToStop == InputChannel.InputChannels && iC.getServiceInfo() != null
&& iC.getServiceInfo().getInputQueueName().startsWith("top_level_input_queue")) {
// This closes both listeners on the input queue: Process Listener and GetMeta
// Listener
return; // Just closed input channels. Keep the others open
} catch (Exception e) {
if (iC != null) {
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.INFO, getClass().getName(),
"stopInputChannels", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
new Object[] { getComponentName(), iC.getInputQueueName() });
} else {
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, getClass().getName(),
"stopInputChannels", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,