throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
public void init() {
SCANodeFactory factory = SCANodeFactory.newInstance();
List<SCAContribution> contributions = new ArrayList<SCAContribution>();
if (composites != null && composites.length > 1) {
// Create an aggregated composite that includes all the composites as Node API only takes one composite
String content = createDeploymentComposite(applicationClassLoader, composites);
// Create SCA contributions
for (String location : contributionURLs) {
contributions.add(new SCAContribution(location, location));
node =
factory.createSCANode("", content, contributions
.toArray(new SCAContribution[contributions.size()]));
} else {
for (String location : contributionURLs) {
contributions.add(new SCAContribution(location, location));
String composite = (composites != null && composites.length >= 1) ? composites[0] : null;
if (!contributions.isEmpty()) {
node =
factory.createSCANode(composite, contributions.toArray(new SCAContribution[contributions.size()]));
} else {
node = factory.createSCANodeFromClassLoader(composite, applicationClassLoader);
client = (SCAClient)node;
compositeActivator = ((NodeImpl)node).getCompositeActivator();
components = new HashMap<String, Component>();