
Examples of

        if (ref != null) {
            // Scan over the beans looking for a match
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                // Does the bean name match the ref?
                if (ref.equals(beanElement.getId())) {
                    unresolved = false;
                } // end if
            } // end while
              // Scan over the SCA reference elements looking for a match
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        while (its.hasNext()) {
            SpringSCAServiceElement serviceElement =;
            boolean targetBeanExists = false;
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                if (serviceElement.getTarget().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                    targetBeanExists = true;
            if (!targetBeanExists) {
                // REVIEW: [rfeng] The target bean can exist in the parent Spring application context which we don't know
                // until runtime
                warning(monitor, "TargetBeanDoesNotExist", beans);
        } // end while

        // The value of the @name attribute of an <sca:reference/> subelement of a <beans/>
        // element MUST be unique amongst the @name attributes of the <sca:property/>
        // subelements and the <bean/> subelements of the <beans/> element.
        //                   AND
        // The @default attribute of a <sca:reference/> subelement of a <beans/> 
        // element MUST have the value of the @name attribute of one of the <bean/>
        // subelements of the <beans/> element.
        Iterator<SpringSCAReferenceElement> itr = references.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            SpringSCAReferenceElement referenceElement =;
            boolean defaultBeanExists = false;
            boolean isUniqueReferenceName = true;
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                if (referenceElement.getDefaultBean() != null)
                    if (referenceElement.getDefaultBean().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                        defaultBeanExists = true;
                if (referenceElement.getName().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                    isUniqueReferenceName = false;
            Iterator<SpringSCAPropertyElement> itp = scaproperties.iterator();
            while (itp.hasNext()) {
                SpringSCAPropertyElement propertyElement =;
                if (referenceElement.getName().equals(propertyElement.getName()))
                    isUniqueReferenceName = false;
            if (!defaultBeanExists && referenceElement.getDefaultBean() != null)
                error(monitor, "DefaultBeanDoesNotExist", beans);
            if (!isUniqueReferenceName)
                error(monitor, "ScaReferenceNameNotUnique", beans);
        } // end while

        // The value of the @name attribute of an <sca:property/> subelement of a <beans/>
        // element MUST be unique amongst the @name attributes of the <sca:reference/>
        // subelements and the <bean/> subelements of the <beans/> element.     
        Iterator<SpringSCAPropertyElement> itp = scaproperties.iterator();
        while (itp.hasNext()) {
            SpringSCAPropertyElement propertyElement =;
            boolean isUniquePropertyName = true;
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                if (propertyElement.getName().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                    isUniquePropertyName = false;
            Iterator<SpringSCAReferenceElement> itrp = references.iterator();
            while (itrp.hasNext()) {
                SpringSCAReferenceElement referenceElement =;
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                                       List<SpringBeanElement> beans,
                                       List<SpringSCAServiceElement> services,
                                       List<SpringSCAReferenceElement> references,
                                       List<SpringSCAPropertyElement> scaproperties) throws ContributionReadException {

        SpringBeanElement bean = null;

        try {
            boolean completed = false;
            while (!completed) {
                switch ( {
                    case START_ELEMENT:
                        QName qname = reader.getName();
                        //System.out.println("Spring TypeLoader - found element with name: " + qname.toString());
                        if (SpringImplementationConstants.IMPORT_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                          //FIXME - put the sequence of code below which gets the ireader into a subsidiary method
                            String location = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "resource");
                            if (location != null) {
                              // FIXME - need to find a right way of generating this path
                                String resourcePath = contextPath.substring(0, contextPath.lastIndexOf("/")+1) + location;
                                XMLStreamReader ireader = getApplicationContextReader(resolver, resourcePath);
                                // Read the context definition for the identified imported resource
                                readContextDefinition(resolver, ireader, contextPath, beans, services, references, scaproperties);
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.SERVICE_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            SpringSCAServiceElement service =
                                new SpringSCAServiceElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "type"), reader.getAttributeValue(null, "target"));
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.REFERENCE_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            SpringSCAReferenceElement reference =
                                new SpringSCAReferenceElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "type"));
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.SCAPROPERTY_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            SpringSCAPropertyElement scaproperty =
                                new SpringSCAPropertyElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "type"));
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.BEAN_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            bean = new SpringBeanElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "id"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "class"));
                            // Read the <bean> element and its child elements
                            readBeanDefinition(resolver, reader, contextPath, bean, beans, services, references, scaproperties);
                        } // end if*/
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                                    List<SpringBeanElement> beans,
                                    List<SpringSCAServiceElement> services,
                                    List<SpringSCAReferenceElement> references,
                                    List<SpringSCAPropertyElement> scaproperties) throws ContributionReadException {

      SpringBeanElement innerbean = null;
        SpringPropertyElement property = null;
        SpringConstructorArgElement constructorArg = null;
        int autoConstructorIndex = -1;

        try {
            boolean completed = false;
            while (!completed) {
                switch ( {
                    case START_ELEMENT:
                        QName qname = reader.getName();
                        if (SpringImplementationConstants.BEAN_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                          innerbean = new SpringBeanElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "id"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "class"));
                            readBeanDefinition(resolver, reader, contextPath, innerbean, beans, services, references, scaproperties);
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.PROPERTY_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            property = new SpringPropertyElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "ref"));
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            // If there are no explicit service elements, then expose all the beans
            if (services.isEmpty()) {
                itb = beans.iterator();
                // Loop through all the beans found
                while (itb.hasNext()) {
                    SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                    // If its a innerBean, ignore it
                    if (beanElement.isInnerBean()) continue;
                    // Load the Spring bean class
                    Class<?> beanClass = resolveClass(resolver, beanElement.getClassName());
                    // Introspect the bean
                    beanIntrospector =
                        new SpringBeanIntrospector(assemblyFactory, javaFactory, policyFactory, beanElement.getCustructorArgs());
                    ComponentType beanComponentType = assemblyFactory.createComponentType();
                    javaImplementation = beanIntrospector.introspectBean(beanClass, beanComponentType);
                    // Get the service interface defined by this Spring Bean and add to
                    // the component type of the Spring Assembly
                    List<Service> beanServices = beanComponentType.getServices();
                    // Add these services to the Service / Bean map
                    for (Service beanService : beanServices) {
                        implementation.setBeanForService(beanService, beanElement);
                } // end while
            } // end if

            itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                // Ignore if the bean has no properties and constructor arguments
                if (beanElement.getProperties().isEmpty() && beanElement.getCustructorArgs().isEmpty())

                Class<?> beanClass = resolveClass(resolver, beanElement.getClassName());
                // Introspect the bean
                beanIntrospector =
                    new SpringBeanIntrospector(assemblyFactory, javaFactory, policyFactory, beanElement.getCustructorArgs());
                ComponentType beanComponentType = assemblyFactory.createComponentType();
                javaImplementation = beanIntrospector.introspectBean(beanClass, beanComponentType);
                Map<String, JavaElementImpl> propertyMap = javaImplementation.getPropertyMembers();
                JavaConstructorImpl constructor = javaImplementation.getConstructor();
                // Get the references by this Spring Bean and add the unresolved ones to
                // the component type of the Spring Assembly
                List<Reference> beanReferences = beanComponentType.getReferences();
                List<Property> beanProperties = beanComponentType.getProperties();

                Iterator<SpringPropertyElement> itp = beanElement.getProperties().iterator();
                while (itp.hasNext()) {
                    SpringPropertyElement propertyElement =;
                    if (propertyRefUnresolved(propertyElement.getRef(), beans, references, scaproperties)) {
                        // This means an unresolved reference from the spring bean...
                      for (Reference reference : beanReferences) {
                            if (propertyElement.getName().equals(reference.getName())) {
                              // The name of the reference in this case is the string in
                                // the @ref attribute of the Spring property element, NOT the
                                // name of the field in the Spring bean....
                            } // end if
                        } // end for

                      // Store the unresolved references as unresolvedBeanRef in the Spring Implementation type
                      for (Property scaproperty : beanProperties) {
                            if (propertyElement.getName().equals(scaproperty.getName())) {
                              // The name of the reference in this case is the string in
                                // the @ref attribute of the Spring property element, NOT the
                                // name of the field in the Spring bean....
                              Class<?> interfaze = resolveClass(resolver, (propertyMap.get(propertyElement.getName()).getType()).getName());
                                Reference theReference = createReference(interfaze, propertyElement.getRef());
                                implementation.setUnresolvedBeanRef(propertyElement.getRef(), theReference);
                            } // end if
                      } // end for
                    } // end if
                } // end while

                Iterator<SpringConstructorArgElement> itcr = beanElement.getCustructorArgs().iterator();
                while (itcr.hasNext()) {
                  SpringConstructorArgElement conArgElement =;
                    if (propertyRefUnresolved(conArgElement.getRef(), beans, references, scaproperties)) {
                      for (JavaParameterImpl parameter : constructor.getParameters()) {
                        String paramType = parameter.getType().getName();
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        if (ref != null) {
            // Scan over the beans looking for a match
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                // Does the bean name match the ref?
                if (ref.equals(beanElement.getId())) {
                    unresolved = false;
                } // end if
            } // end while
            // Scan over the SCA reference elements looking for a match
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                if (!found) {
                    // REVIEW: Adding a SpringBeanElement "proxy" so that the bean id can be used at runtime to look
                    // up the bean instance from the parent context
                                                     new SpringBeanElement(serviceElement.getTarget(), null));
            } // end while

            // Next handle the references
            Iterator<SpringSCAReferenceElement> itr = references.iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                SpringSCAReferenceElement referenceElement =;
                Class<?> interfaze = resolveClass(resolver, referenceElement.getType(), context);
                Reference theReference = createReference(interfaze, referenceElement.getName());
                // Override the older bean definition with the latest ones
                // for the duplicate definitions found.
                Reference duplicate = null;
                for (Reference reference : componentType.getReferences()) {
                    if (reference.getName().equals(theReference.getName()))
                        duplicate = reference;
                if (duplicate != null)

                // add the required intents and policySets for this reference
            } // end while

            // Next handle the properties
            Iterator<SpringSCAPropertyElement> itsp = scaproperties.iterator();
            while (itsp.hasNext()) {
                SpringSCAPropertyElement scaproperty =;
                // Create a component type property if the SCA property element has a name
                // and a type declared...
                if (scaproperty.getType() != null && scaproperty.getName() != null) {
                    Property theProperty = assemblyFactory.createProperty();
                    // Get the Java class and then an XSD element type for the property
                    Class<?> propType = Class.forName(scaproperty.getType());
                    // Override the older bean definition with the latest ones
                    // for the duplicate definitions found.
                    Property duplicate = null;
                    for (Property property : componentType.getProperties()) {
                        if (property.getName().equals(theProperty.getName()))
                            duplicate = property;
                    if (duplicate != null)

                    // Remember the Java Class (ie the type) for this property
                    implementation.setPropertyClass(theProperty.getName(), propType);
                } // end if
            } // end while

            // Finally deal with the beans
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb;
            // If there are no explicit service elements, then expose all the beans
            if (services.isEmpty()) {
                itb = beans.iterator();
                // Loop through all the beans found
                while (itb.hasNext()) {
                    SpringBeanElement beanElement =;

                    // If its not a valid bean for service, ignore it
                    if (!isValidBeanForService(beanElement)) {
                    try {
                        // Load the Spring bean class
                        Class<?> beanClass = resolveClass(resolver, beanElement.getClassName(), context);
                        // Introspect the bean
                        beanIntrospector = new SpringBeanIntrospector(registry, beanElement.getCustructorArgs());
                        ComponentType beanComponentType = assemblyFactory.createComponentType();
                        javaImplementation = beanIntrospector.introspectBean(beanClass, beanComponentType);
                        // Set the service name as bean name
                        for (Service componentService : beanComponentType.getServices()) {
                        // Get the service interface defined by this Spring Bean and add to
                        // the component type of the Spring Assembly
                        List<Service> beanServices = beanComponentType.getServices();
                        // Add these services to the Service / Bean map
                        for (Service beanService : beanServices) {
                            implementation.setBeanForService(beanService, beanElement);
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        // [rfeng] FIXME: Some Spring beans have constructors that take pararemters injected by Spring and
                        // Tuscany is not happy with that during the introspection
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
                } // end while
            } // end if

            itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;

                // If its not a valid bean for service, ignore it
                if (!isValidBeanForService(beanElement)) {
                // Ignore if the bean has no properties and constructor arguments
                if (beanElement.getProperties().isEmpty() && beanElement.getCustructorArgs().isEmpty())

                ComponentType beanComponentType = assemblyFactory.createComponentType();

                try {
                    Class<?> beanClass = resolveClass(resolver, beanElement.getClassName(), context);
                    // Introspect the bean
                    beanIntrospector = new SpringBeanIntrospector(registry, beanElement.getCustructorArgs());
                    javaImplementation = beanIntrospector.introspectBean(beanClass, beanComponentType);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // [rfeng] FIXME: Some Spring beans have constructors that take pararemters injected by Spring and
                    // Tuscany is not happy with that during the introspection
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
                Map<String, JavaElementImpl> propertyMap = javaImplementation.getPropertyMembers();
                JavaConstructorImpl constructor = javaImplementation.getConstructor();
                // Get the references by this Spring Bean and add the unresolved ones to
                // the component type of the Spring Assembly
                List<Reference> beanReferences = beanComponentType.getReferences();
                List<Property> beanProperties = beanComponentType.getProperties();

                Set<String> excludedNames = new HashSet<String>();
                Iterator<SpringPropertyElement> itp = beanElement.getProperties().iterator();
                while (itp.hasNext()) {
                    SpringPropertyElement propertyElement =;
                    // Exclude the reference that is also known as a spring property
                    for (String propertyRef : propertyElement.getRefs()) {
                        if (propertyRefUnresolved(propertyRef, beans, references, scaproperties)) {
                            // This means an unresolved reference from the spring bean...
                            for (Reference reference : beanReferences) {
                                if (propertyElement.getName().equals(reference.getName())) {
                                    // The name of the reference in this case is the string in
                                    // the @ref attribute of the Spring property element, NOT the
                                    // name of the field in the Spring bean....
                                } // end if
                            } // end for

                            // Store the unresolved references as unresolvedBeanRef in the Spring Implementation type
                            for (Property scaproperty : beanProperties) {
                                if (propertyElement.getName().equals(scaproperty.getName())) {
                                    // The name of the reference in this case is the string in
                                    // the @ref attribute of the Spring property element, NOT the
                                    // name of the field in the Spring bean....
                                    Class<?> interfaze =
                                    Reference theReference = createReference(interfaze, propertyRef);
                                    implementation.setUnresolvedBeanRef(propertyRef, theReference);
                                } // end if
                            } // end for
                        } // end if
                    } // end for
                } // end while

                Iterator<SpringConstructorArgElement> itcr = beanElement.getCustructorArgs().iterator();
                while (itcr.hasNext()) {
                    SpringConstructorArgElement conArgElement =;
                    for (String constructorArgRef : conArgElement.getRefs()) {
                        if (propertyRefUnresolved(constructorArgRef, beans, references, scaproperties)) {
                            for (JavaParameterImpl parameter : constructor.getParameters()) {
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        if (ref != null) {
            // Scan over the beans looking for a match
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                // Does the bean name match the ref?
                if (ref.equals(beanElement.getId())) {
                    unresolved = false;
                } // end if
            } // end while
              // Scan over the SCA reference elements looking for a match
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        while (its.hasNext()) {
            SpringSCAServiceElement serviceElement =;
            boolean targetBeanExists = false;
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                if (serviceElement.getTarget().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                    targetBeanExists = true;
            if (!targetBeanExists) {
                // REVIEW: [rfeng] The target bean can exist in the parent Spring application context which we don't know
                // until runtime
                warning(monitor, "TargetBeanDoesNotExist", beans);
        } // end while

        // The value of the @name attribute of an <sca:reference/> subelement of a <beans/>
        // element MUST be unique amongst the @name attributes of the <sca:property/>
        // subelements and the <bean/> subelements of the <beans/> element.
        //                   AND
        // The @default attribute of a <sca:reference/> subelement of a <beans/> 
        // element MUST have the value of the @name attribute of one of the <bean/>
        // subelements of the <beans/> element.
        Iterator<SpringSCAReferenceElement> itr = references.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            SpringSCAReferenceElement referenceElement =;
            boolean defaultBeanExists = true;
            boolean isUniqueReferenceName = true;
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                if (referenceElement.getDefaultBean() != null)
                    if (referenceElement.getDefaultBean().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                        defaultBeanExists = false;
                if (referenceElement.getName().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                    isUniqueReferenceName = false;
            Iterator<SpringSCAPropertyElement> itp = scaproperties.iterator();
            while (itp.hasNext()) {
                SpringSCAPropertyElement propertyElement =;
                if (referenceElement.getName().equals(propertyElement.getName()))
                    isUniqueReferenceName = false;
            if (!defaultBeanExists)
                error(monitor, "DefaultBeanDoesNotExist", beans);
            if (!isUniqueReferenceName)
                error(monitor, "ScaReferenceNameNotUnique", beans);
        } // end while

        // The value of the @name attribute of an <sca:property/> subelement of a <beans/>
        // element MUST be unique amongst the @name attributes of the <sca:reference/>
        // subelements and the <bean/> subelements of the <beans/> element.     
        Iterator<SpringSCAPropertyElement> itp = scaproperties.iterator();
        while (itp.hasNext()) {
            SpringSCAPropertyElement propertyElement =;
            boolean isUniquePropertyName = true;
            Iterator<SpringBeanElement> itb = beans.iterator();
            while (itb.hasNext()) {
                SpringBeanElement beanElement =;
                if (propertyElement.getName().equals(beanElement.getId()))
                    isUniquePropertyName = false;
            Iterator<SpringSCAReferenceElement> itrp = references.iterator();
            while (itrp.hasNext()) {
                SpringSCAReferenceElement referenceElement =;
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                                       List<SpringBeanElement> beans,
                                       List<SpringSCAServiceElement> services,
                                       List<SpringSCAReferenceElement> references,
                                       List<SpringSCAPropertyElement> scaproperties) throws ContributionReadException {

        SpringBeanElement bean = null;

        try {
            boolean completed = false;
            while (!completed) {
                switch ( {
                    case START_ELEMENT:
                        QName qname = reader.getName();
                        //System.out.println("Spring TypeLoader - found element with name: " + qname.toString());
                        if (SpringImplementationConstants.IMPORT_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                          //FIXME - put the sequence of code below which gets the ireader into a subsidiary method
                            String location = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "resource");
                            if (location != null) {
                              // FIXME - need to find a right way of generating this path
                                String resourcePath = contextPath.substring(0, contextPath.lastIndexOf("/")+1) + location;
                                XMLStreamReader ireader = getApplicationContextReader(resolver, resourcePath);
                                // Read the context definition for the identified imported resource
                                readContextDefinition(resolver, ireader, contextPath, beans, services, references, scaproperties);
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.SERVICE_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            SpringSCAServiceElement service =
                                new SpringSCAServiceElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "type"), reader.getAttributeValue(null, "target"));
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.REFERENCE_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            SpringSCAReferenceElement reference =
                                new SpringSCAReferenceElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "type"));
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.SCAPROPERTY_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            SpringSCAPropertyElement scaproperty =
                                new SpringSCAPropertyElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "type"));
                        } else if (SpringImplementationConstants.BEAN_ELEMENT.equals(qname)) {
                            bean = new SpringBeanElement(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "id"), reader
                                    .getAttributeValue(null, "class"));
                            // Read the <bean> element and its child elements
                            readBeanDefinition(resolver, reader, contextPath, bean, beans, services, references, scaproperties);
                        } // end if*/
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