
Examples of

            if ( domainModel.getContributions().containsKey(contributionURI) == false ){
                contributionModel = parseContribution(contributionURI, contributionURL);

                // assign the contribution to the referenced node
                NodeModel node = domainModel.getNodes().get(nodeURI);
                if ((node != null) && (contributionModel != null)) {
                    node.getContributions().put(contributionURI, contributionModel);
            } else {
                // TODO - throw an exception here ?
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                // remove contribution from the domain

                // remove the contribution from the referenced node
                NodeModel nodeModel = domainModel.getNodes().get(nodeURI);
                if ((nodeModel != null)) {
                    // remove deployed composites
                    for (QName compositeQName : contributionModel.getDeployedComposites().keySet()){
        } catch (Exception ex) {
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        try {
            QName compositeQName = QName.valueOf(compositeQNameString);
            if (!domainModel.getDeployedComposites().containsKey(compositeQName)){
                // get the composite from the node
                NodeModel node = domainModel.getNodes().get(nodeURI);
                if (node != null) {
                    if (node.getLifecycleState() != LifecyleState.AVAILABLE){
                        throw new DomainException("Node " + nodeURI + " is already marked as active");
                    } else {
                        for (ContributionModel contributionModel : node.getContributions().values()){
                            CompositeModel compositeModel = contributionModel.getComposites().get(compositeQName);
                            if (compositeModel != null){
                                contributionModel.getDeployedComposites().put(compositeQName, compositeModel);
                                node.getDeployedComposites().put(compositeQName, compositeModel);
                                domainModel.getDeployedComposites().put(compositeQName, compositeModel);
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        serviceName = domainBuilder.getServiceNameFromReference(targetServiceName);
        domainBuilder.updateDomainLevelServiceURI(domainComposite, targetServiceName, bindingClassName, URL);       
        // find the node with the service
        NodeModel node = domainModel.getNodes().get(nodeURI);    
        if (node != null){
            // collect the service info
            ServiceModel serviceModel = domainModelFactory.createService();
            //store the service
            node.getServices().put(targetServiceName+bindingClassName, serviceModel);
            if (componentName != null){
                node.getServices().put(componentName+bindingClassName, serviceModel);
            logger.log(Level.INFO, "Registering service: [" +
                                   domainURI + " " +
                                   targetServiceName + " " +
                                   URL + " " +
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    public void unregisterServiceEndpoint(String domainURI, String nodeURI, String serviceName, String bindingClassName) throws DomainException{
        NodeModel node = domainModel.getNodes().get(nodeURI);
        node.getServices().remove(serviceName + bindingClassName);
        // extract the short name from the long name
        String shortServiceName = null;
        if (serviceName.indexOf("/") >= 0 ) {
            shortServiceName = serviceName.substring(0, serviceName.indexOf("/"));
        node.getServices().remove(shortServiceName + bindingClassName);
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Removed service: " +  serviceName );  

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            // build the contribution to create the services and references
            domainModel.getDeployedComposites().put(compositeQName, compositeModel);
            NodeModel node = null;
            // find the node for the composite to run on
            if (nodeURI != null) {
                // find the named node
                node = domainModel.getNodes().get(nodeURI);
                if (node == null){
                    throw new DomainException("Node " + nodeURI + " not found in domain");
            } else {
                // noddy algorithm to find a free node
                // TODO - do something better
                for(NodeModel tmpNode : domainModel.getNodes().values()) {
                    if (tmpNode.getLifecycleState() == LifecyleState.AVAILABLE){
                        node = tmpNode;
                if (node == null){
                    throw new DomainException("No free node available to run composite "  + compositeQName.toString());

            // find all the composites that the node must know about
            List<Contribution> dependentContributions = new ArrayList<Contribution>();
            findDependentContributions(contributionModel.getContribution(), dependentContributions);
            // assign the set of contributions to the node model
            for (Contribution tmpContribution : dependentContributions){
            // assign the composite to the node model
            node.getDeployedComposites().put(compositeQName, compositeModel);
            // now pass this information over to the real node
            // add contributions. Use the dependent contribution list here rather than the
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            if (contributionModel == null){
                throw new DomainException("Can't find contribution for composite " + compositeQName.toString());
            NodeModel node = null;
            // find the node that has this composite
            for(NodeModel tmpNode : domainModel.getNodes().values()) {
                if (tmpNode.getDeployedComposites().containsKey(compositeQName)){
                    node = tmpNode;
            if (node != null){
                if (node.getLifecycleState() == LifecyleState.DEPLOYED){
                 // start the node
            } else {
                // composite not assigned to node for some reason
                throw new DomainException("Composite "  + compositeQName.toString() +
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