locationURL = contributionRepository.store(contributionURI, sourceURL, contributionStream);
//initialize contribution based on it's metadata if available
Contribution contribution = readContributionMetadata(locationURL);
// Create contribution model resolver
if (modelResolver == null) {
//FIXME Remove this domain resolver, visibility of policy declarations should be handled by
// the contribution import/export mechanism instead of this domainResolver hack.
modelResolver = new ExtensibleModelResolver(contribution, modelResolvers, modelFactories, domainResolver);
//set contribution initial information
List<URI> contributionArtifacts = null;
//NOTE: if a contribution is stored on the repository
//the stream would be consumed at this point
if (storeInRepository || contributionStream == null) {
URLConnection connection = sourceURL.openConnection();
contributionStream = connection.getInputStream();
try {
// process the contribution
contributionArtifacts = this.packageProcessor.getArtifacts(locationURL, contributionStream);
} finally {
contributionStream = null;
} else {
// process the contribution
contributionArtifacts = this.packageProcessor.getArtifacts(locationURL, contributionStream);
// Read all artifacts in the contribution
try {
processReadPhase(contribution, contributionArtifacts);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new ContributionException(e);
this.contributionListener.contributionAdded(this.contributionRepository, contribution);
// Resolve them
// Add all composites under META-INF/sca-deployables to the
// list of deployables
String prefix = Contribution.SCA_CONTRIBUTION_DEPLOYABLES;
for (Artifact artifact : contribution.getArtifacts()) {
if (artifact.getModel() instanceof Composite) {
if (artifact.getURI().startsWith(prefix)) {
Composite composite = (Composite)artifact.getModel();
if (!contribution.getDeployables().contains(composite)) {