
Examples of

        // Test that generated WSDL matches expected
        // Should create WSDL document for ComponentB/Service2 with endpoint uri="/ComponentB/Service2"
        // No other services on ComponentB should have <>
        Component componentB = TestUtils.getComponent(domainComposite, "ComponentB");
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = null;
        for (ComponentService service : componentB.getServices()) {
            WebServiceBinding wsb = service.getBinding(WebServiceBinding.class);
            if ("Service2".equals(service.getName())) {
                wsBinding = wsb;
            } else {
                assert wsb == null;
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        // deal with the data format that this wire format is expecting to sent to
        // and receive from the databinding interceptor. The request/response parts of
        // this interface contract will be copied into the binding interface contract
        // as required
        WebServiceBindingFactory wsFactory = registry.getExtensionPoint(WebServiceBindingFactory.class);
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        BindingWSDLGenerator.generateWSDL(endpoint.getComponent(), endpoint.getService(), wsBinding, registry, null);
        interfaceContract = wsBinding.getBindingInterfaceContract();
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        // set the binding interface contract to represent the WSDL for the
        // xml messages that will be sent
        // I think we have to check for asIs because the Java2WSDL will blow up when using javax.jms.Message
        if (reference.getInterfaceContract() != null && !isAsIs()) {
            WebServiceBindingFactory wsFactory = registry.getExtensionPoint(WebServiceBindingFactory.class);
            WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
            BindingWSDLGenerator.generateWSDL(endpointReference.getComponent(), reference, wsBinding, registry, null);
            interfaceContract = wsBinding.getBindingInterfaceContract();

            List<Operation> wsdlOpList = interfaceContract.getInterface().getOperations();

            for (Operation op : opList) {
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    public WebServiceBinding read(XMLStreamReader reader, ProcessorContext context) throws ContributionReadException, XMLStreamException {
        Monitor monitor = context.getMonitor();
        // Read a <>
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        /*ExtensionType bindingType = intentAttachPointTypeFactory.createBindingType();

        // Read policies
        policyProcessor.readPolicies(wsBinding, reader);

        // Read the binding name
        String name = reader.getAttributeValue(null, NAME);
        if (name != null) {

        // Read URI
        String uri = getURIString(reader, URI);
        if (uri != null) {

        // Read a qname in the form:
        // namespace#wsdl.???(name)
        Boolean wsdlElementIsBinding = null;
        String wsdlElement = getURIString(reader, WSDL_ELEMENT);
        if (wsdlElement != null) {
            int index = wsdlElement.indexOf('#');
            if (index == -1) {
              error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
              return wsBinding;
            String namespace = wsdlElement.substring(0, index);
            String localName = wsdlElement.substring(index + 1);
            if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.service")) {

                // Read a wsdl.service
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.service(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName));

            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.port")) {

                // Read a wsdl.port
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.port(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                int s = localName.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                  error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                    //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
                } else {
                    wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName.substring(0, s)));
                    wsBinding.setPortName(localName.substring(s + 1));
            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.endpoint")) {

                // Read a wsdl.endpoint
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.endpoint(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                int s = localName.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                  error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                    //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
                } else {
                    wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName.substring(0, s)));
                    wsBinding.setEndpointName(localName.substring(s + 1));
            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.binding")) {

                // Read a wsdl.binding
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.binding(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                wsBinding.setBindingName(new QName(namespace, localName));

                wsdlElementIsBinding = true;

            } else {
              error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);

        // Read wsdlLocation
        wsBinding.setLocation(reader.getAttributeValue(WSDLI_NS, WSDL_LOCATION));

        // Skip to end element
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            int event =;
            switch (event) {
                case START_ELEMENT: {
                    if (END_POINT_REFERENCE.equals(reader.getName().getLocalPart())) {
                        if (wsdlElement != null && (wsdlElementIsBinding == null || !wsdlElementIsBinding)) {
                          error(monitor, "MustUseWsdlBinding", reader, wsdlElement);
                            throw new ContributionReadException(wsdlElement + " must use wsdl.binding when using wsa:EndpointReference");

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        // deal with the data format that this wire format is expecting to sent to
        // and receive from the databinding interceptor. The request/response parts of
        // this interface contract will be copied into the binding interface contract
        // as required
        WebServiceBindingFactory wsFactory = registry.getExtensionPoint(WebServiceBindingFactory.class);
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        BindingWSDLGenerator.generateWSDL(endpoint.getComponent(), endpoint.getService(), wsBinding, registry, null);
        interfaceContract = wsBinding.getBindingInterfaceContract();
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        // deal with the data format that this wire format is expecting to sent to
        // and receive from the databinding interceptor. The request/response parts of
        // this interface contract will be copied into the binding interface contract
        // as required
        WebServiceBindingFactory wsFactory = registry.getExtensionPoint(WebServiceBindingFactory.class);
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        BindingWSDLGenerator.generateWSDL(endpointReference.getComponent(), endpointReference.getContract(), wsBinding, registry, null);
        interfaceContract = wsBinding.getBindingInterfaceContract();
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        return new HazelcastServiceBindingProvider(endpoint, interfaceContract);

    private InterfaceContract createDOMInterfaceContract(Component component, Contract contract) {
        WebServiceBindingFactory wsFactory = extensionsRegistry.getExtensionPoint(WebServiceBindingFactory.class);
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        BindingWSDLGenerator.generateWSDL(component, contract, wsBinding, extensionsRegistry, null);
        InterfaceContract interfaceContract = wsBinding.getBindingInterfaceContract();
        return interfaceContract;
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        // deal with the data format that this wire format is expecting to sent to
        // and receive from the databinding interceptor. The request/response parts of
        // this interface contract will be copied into the binding interface contract
        // as required
        WebServiceBindingFactory wsFactory = registry.getExtensionPoint(WebServiceBindingFactory.class);
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        BindingWSDLGenerator.generateWSDL(endpointReference.getComponent(), endpointReference.getReference(), wsBinding, registry, null);
        interfaceContract = wsBinding.getBindingInterfaceContract();
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    public WebServiceBinding read(XMLStreamReader reader) throws ContributionReadException, XMLStreamException {

        // Read a <>
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        IntentAttachPointType bindingType = intentAttachPointTypeFactory.createBindingType();

        // Read policies
        policyProcessor.readPolicies(wsBinding, reader);
        // Read the binding name
        String name = reader.getAttributeValue(null, NAME);
        if (name != null) {

        // Read URI
        String uri = reader.getAttributeValue(null, URI);
        if (uri != null) {

        // Read a qname in the form:
        // namespace#wsdl.???(name)
        Boolean wsdlElementIsBinding = null;
        String wsdlElement = reader.getAttributeValue(null, WSDL_ELEMENT);
        if (wsdlElement != null) {
            int index = wsdlElement.indexOf('#');
            if (index == -1) {
                throw new ContributionReadException(
                                                    "Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
            String namespace = wsdlElement.substring(0, index);
            String localName = wsdlElement.substring(index + 1);
            if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.service")) {

                // Read a wsdl.service
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.service(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName));

            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.port")) {

                // Read a wsdl.port
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.port(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                int s = localName.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                    throw new ContributionReadException(
                                                        "Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
                wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName.substring(0, s)));
                wsBinding.setPortName(localName.substring(s + 1));

            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.endpoint")) {

                // Read a wsdl.endpoint
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.endpoint(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                int s = localName.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                    throw new ContributionReadException(
                                                        "Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
                wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName.substring(0, s)));
                wsBinding.setEndpointName(localName.substring(s + 1));

            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.binding")) {

                // Read a wsdl.service
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.binding(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                wsBinding.setBindingName(new QName(namespace, localName));
                wsdlElementIsBinding = true;

            } else {
                throw new ContributionReadException(
                                                    "Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);

        // Read wsdlLocation
        wsBinding.setLocation(reader.getAttributeValue(WSDLI_NS, WSDL_LOCATION));

        // Skip to end element
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            int event =;
            if (event == START_ELEMENT && "EndpointReference".equals(reader.getName().getLocalPart())) {
                if (wsdlElementIsBinding != null && wsdlElementIsBinding) {
                    throw new ContributionReadException(wsdlElement + " must use wsdl.binding when using wsa:EndpointReference");
            if (event == END_ELEMENT && BINDING_WS_QNAME.equals(reader.getName())) {
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    public WebServiceBinding read(XMLStreamReader reader, ProcessorContext context) throws ContributionReadException, XMLStreamException {
        Monitor monitor = context.getMonitor();
        // Read a <>
        WebServiceBinding wsBinding = wsFactory.createWebServiceBinding();
        /*ExtensionType bindingType = intentAttachPointTypeFactory.createBindingType();

        // Read policies
        policyProcessor.readPolicies(wsBinding, reader);

        // Read the binding name
        String name = reader.getAttributeValue(null, NAME);
        if (name != null) {
        // a collection of endpoint specifications so that we can test that
        // only one is present
        List<String> endpointSpecifications = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Read URI
        String uri = getURIString(reader, URI);
        if (uri != null) {
            // BWS20001
            if (context.getParentModel() instanceof Reference){
                try {
                    URI tmpURI = new URI(uri);
                    if (!tmpURI.isAbsolute()){
                        error(monitor, "URINotAbsolute", reader, uri);
                } catch (URISyntaxException ex){
                    error(monitor, "InvalidURISyntax", reader, ex.getMessage());
            // BWS20020
            if ((context.getParentModel() instanceof Callback) &&
                (((Callback)context.getParentModel()).getParentContract() instanceof{
                error(monitor, "URIFoundForServiceCallback", reader, uri);

        // Read a qname in the form:
        // namespace#wsdl.???(name)
        Boolean wsdlElementIsBinding = null;
        String wsdlElement = getURIString(reader, WSDL_ELEMENT);
        if (wsdlElement != null) {
            int index = wsdlElement.indexOf('#');
            if (index == -1) {
              error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
              return wsBinding;
            String namespace = wsdlElement.substring(0, index);
            String localName = wsdlElement.substring(index + 1);
            if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.service")) {

                // BWS20003
                if (context.getParentModel() instanceof{
                    error(monitor, "WSDLServiceOnService", reader, wsdlElement);
                // Read a wsdl.service
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.service(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName));

            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.port")) {

                // Read a wsdl.port
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.port(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                int s = localName.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                  error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                    //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
                } else {
                    wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName.substring(0, s)));
                    wsBinding.setPortName(localName.substring(s + 1));
            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.endpoint")) {

                // Read a wsdl.endpoint
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.endpoint(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                int s = localName.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                  error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                    //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);
                } else {
                    wsBinding.setServiceName(new QName(namespace, localName.substring(0, s)));
                    wsBinding.setEndpointName(localName.substring(s + 1));
            } else if (localName.startsWith("wsdl.binding")) {

                // Read a wsdl.binding
                localName = localName.substring("wsdl.binding(".length(), localName.length() - 1);
                wsBinding.setBindingName(new QName(namespace, localName));

                wsdlElementIsBinding = true;

            } else {
              error(monitor, "InvalidWsdlElementAttr", reader, wsdlElement);
                //throw new ContributionReadException("Invalid WebService binding wsdlElement attribute: " + wsdlElement);

        // Read wsdlLocation
        String wsdliLocation = reader.getAttributeValue(WSDLI_NS, WSDL_LOCATION);
        if (wsdliLocation != null) {
            if (wsdlElement == null) {
                error(monitor, "WsdliLocationMissingWsdlElement", reader);
            String[] iris = wsdliLocation.split(" ");
            if (iris.length % 2 != 0) {
                error(monitor, "WsdliLocationNotIRIPairs", reader);
            for (int i=0; i<iris.length-1; i=i+2) {
                wsBinding.getWsdliLocations().put(iris[i], iris[i+1]);

        //add binding extensions
        QName elementName = reader.getName();
        for (int i = 0; i < reader.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
            QName attributeName = reader.getAttributeName(i);
            if(attributeName.getNamespaceURI() != null && attributeName.getNamespaceURI().length() > 0 && !(attributeName.getNamespaceURI().equals(WSDLI_NS))) {               
                if(!elementName.getNamespaceURI().equals(attributeName.getNamespaceURI()) ) {
                    Object attributeValue =, reader, processorContext);
                    Extension attributeExtension;
                    if (attributeValue instanceof Extension) {
                        attributeExtension = (Extension)attributeValue;
                    } else {
                        attributeExtension = assemblyFactory.createExtension();
        // Skip to end element
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            int event =;
            switch (event) {
                case START_ELEMENT: {
                    if (END_POINT_REFERENCE.equals(reader.getName().getLocalPart())) {
                        if (wsdlElement != null && (wsdlElementIsBinding == null || !wsdlElementIsBinding)) {
                          error(monitor, "MustUseWsdlBinding", reader, wsdlElement);
                            String message = context.getMonitor().getMessageString(WebServiceBindingProcessor.class.getName(),
                            message = message.replace("{0}", wsdlElement);
                            throw new ContributionReadException(message);

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