* Should be able to explicitly set a parameter to null. But, should require
* that the parameter type is set.
public void testDiltonsNullParameterBug1() throws Exception {
Command insert = Command.FACTORY.createCommand("insert into CUSTOMER values (:ID, :LASTNAME, :ADDRESS)");
insert.setParameterValue("ID", new Integer(10));
insert.setParameterValue("LASTNAME", null);
insert.setParameterType("LASTNAME", SDODataTypes.STRING);
insert.setParameterValue("ADDRESS", "5528 Wells Fargo Dr");
Command select = Command.FACTORY.createCommand("Select * from CUSTOMER where ID = 10");
DataObject root = select.executeQuery();
assertEquals(1, root.getList("CUSTOMER").size());
assertEquals("5528 Wells Fargo Dr", root.get("CUSTOMER[1]/ADDRESS"));