
Examples of

        RefreshableCachedObject cacheObject = null;
        long addTime = 0;
        boolean turbineCachePatchApplied = false; // FIXME:  Remove when patch applied
        GlobalCacheService globalCache = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
        .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        // Create and add Object that expires in TEST_EXPIRETIME millis.
        cacheObject = new RefreshableCachedObject(new RefreshableObject(), TEST_EXPIRETIME);
        assertNotNull( "Failed to create a cachable object", cacheObject);
        globalCache.addObject(cacheKey, cacheObject);
        addTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Try to get un-expired object
        try {
            retrievedObject = null;
            retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
            assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object", retrievedObject);
            assertEquals( "Did not retrieved correct cached object", cacheObject, retrievedObject);
        } catch (ObjectExpiredException e) {
            assertTrue( "Object expired early ( " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - addTime) + " millis)", false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        // Wait 1 Turbine cache refresh + 1 second.
        Thread.sleep(TEST_EXPIRETIME + 1000);
        // Try to get expired object
        try {
            retrievedObject = null;
            retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
            assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object, after sleep", retrievedObject);
            assertNotNull( "Cached object has no contents, after sleep.", ((RefreshableCachedObject)retrievedObject).getContents());
            assertTrue( "Object did not refresh.", ( ((RefreshableObject)((RefreshableCachedObject)retrievedObject).getContents()).getRefreshCount() > 0));
        } catch (ObjectExpiredException e) {
            assertTrue( "Received unexpected ObjectExpiredException exception "
            + "when retrieving refreshable object after ( "
            + (System.currentTimeMillis() - addTime) + " millis)", false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        // See if object will expires (testing every second for 100 seconds.  It sould not!
        for (int i=0; (i<100); i++) {
            Thread.sleep(1000); // Sleep 0.5 seconds
            // Try to get expired object
            try {
                retrievedObject = null;
                retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
                assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object, after sleep", retrievedObject);
                assertNotNull( "Cached object has no contents, after sleep.", ((RefreshableCachedObject)retrievedObject).getContents());
                assertTrue( "Object did not refresh.", ( ((RefreshableObject)((RefreshableCachedObject)retrievedObject).getContents()).getRefreshCount() > 0));
            } catch (ObjectExpiredException e) {
                assertTrue( "Received unexpected ObjectExpiredException exception "
                + "when retrieving refreshable object after ( "
                + (System.currentTimeMillis() - addTime) + " millis)", false);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw e;
        // Remove objects
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        String testString = new String( "This is a test");
        Object retrievedObject = null;
        RefreshableCachedObject cacheObject = null;
        long addTime = 0;
        GlobalCacheService globalCache = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
        .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        // Create and add Object that expires in TEST_EXPIRETIME millis.
        cacheObject = new RefreshableCachedObject(new RefreshableObject(), TEST_EXPIRETIME);
        assertNotNull( "Failed to create a cachable object", cacheObject);

        // Verify TimeToLive was set
        assertEquals( "Returned TimeToLive", TEST_TIMETOLIVE, cacheObject.getTTL());

        // Add object to Cache
        globalCache.addObject(cacheKey, cacheObject);
        addTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Try to get un-expired object
        try {
            retrievedObject = null;
            retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
            assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object", retrievedObject);
            assertEquals( "Did not retrieved correct cached object", cacheObject, retrievedObject);
        } catch (ObjectExpiredException e) {
            assertTrue( "Object expired early ( " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - addTime) + " millis)", false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        // Wait long enough to allow object to expire, but do not exceed TTL
        Thread.sleep(TEST_TIMETOLIVE - 2000);
        // Try to get expired object
        try {
            retrievedObject = null;
            retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
            assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object, after sleep", retrievedObject);
            assertNotNull( "Cached object has no contents, after sleep.", ((RefreshableCachedObject)retrievedObject).getContents());
            assertTrue( "Object did not refresh.", ( ((RefreshableObject)((RefreshableCachedObject)retrievedObject).getContents()).getRefreshCount() > 0));
        } catch (ObjectExpiredException e) {
            assertTrue( "Received unexpected ObjectExpiredException exception "
            + "when retrieving refreshable object after ( "
            + (System.currentTimeMillis() - addTime) + " millis)", false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        // Wait long enough to allow object to expire and exceed TTL
        Thread.sleep(TEST_TIMETOLIVE +5000);
        // Try to get expired object
        try {
            retrievedObject = null;
            retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
            assertNull( "Retrieved a cached object, after exceeding TimeToLive", retrievedObject);
        } catch (ObjectExpiredException e) {
            assertNull( "Retrieved the expired cached object, but caught expected ObjectExpiredException exception", retrievedObject);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
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    public void testSimpleAddGetCacheObject() throws Exception {
        String testString = new String( "This is a test");
        Object retrievedObject = null;
        CachedObject cacheObject1 = null;
        GlobalCacheService globalCache = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
        .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        // Create object
        cacheObject1 = new CachedObject(testString);
        assertNotNull( "Failed to create a cachable object 1", cacheObject1);
        // Add object to cache
        globalCache.addObject(cacheKey, cacheObject1);
        // Get object from cache
        retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
        assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object 1", retrievedObject);
        assertTrue( "Did not retrieved a correct, expected cached object 1", retrievedObject == cacheObject1);
        // Remove object from cache
        // Verify object removed from cache
        retrievedObject = null;
        cacheObject1 = null;
        try {
            retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
            assertNull( "Retrieved the deleted cached object 1 and did not get expected ObjectExpiredException", retrievedObject);
            assertNotNull( "Did not get expected ObjectExpiredException retrieving a deleted object", retrievedObject);
        } catch (ObjectExpiredException e) {
            assertNull( "Retrieved the deleted cached object 1, but caught expected ObjectExpiredException exception", retrievedObject);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        // Remove object from cache that does NOT exist in the cache
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        String testString = new String( "This is a test");
        Object retrievedObject = null;
        CachedObject cacheObject1 = null;
        CachedObject cacheObject2 = null;
        GlobalCacheService globalCache = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
        .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        // Create and add Object #1
        cacheObject1 = new CachedObject(testString);
        assertNotNull( "Failed to create a cachable object 1", cacheObject1);
        globalCache.addObject(cacheKey, cacheObject1);
        retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
        assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object 1", retrievedObject);
        assertEquals( "Did not retrieved correct cached object", cacheObject1, retrievedObject);
        // Create and add Object #2
        cacheObject2 = new CachedObject(testString);
        assertNotNull( "Failed to create a cachable object 2", cacheObject2);
        globalCache.addObject(cacheKey_2, cacheObject2);
        retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey_2);
        assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object 2", retrievedObject);
        assertEquals( "Did not retrieved correct cached object 2", cacheObject2, retrievedObject);
        // Get object #1
        retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
        assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object 1. Attempt #2", retrievedObject);
        assertEquals( "Did not retrieved correct cached object 1. Attempt #2", cacheObject1, retrievedObject);
        // Get object #1
        retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey);
        assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object 1. Attempt #3", retrievedObject);
        assertEquals( "Did not retrieved correct cached object 1. Attempt #3", cacheObject1, retrievedObject);
        // Get object #2
        retrievedObject = globalCache.getObject(cacheKey_2);
        assertNotNull( "Did not retrieved a cached object 2. Attempt #2", retrievedObject);
        assertEquals( "Did not retrieved correct cached object 2 Attempt #2", cacheObject2, retrievedObject);
        // Remove objects
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     * it. Must not be null.
     * @param o the object to cache
    public static void addObject( String id, CachedObject o ) {

        GlobalCacheService gcs = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
            .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        gcs.addObject( id, o );
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     * the cache.
    public static CachedObject getObject(String id)
        throws ObjectExpiredException {

        GlobalCacheService gcs = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
            .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        return gcs.getObject( id );
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     * @return int Size, in byte, of cache
     * @exception IOException Exception passed from
    public static int getCacheSize()
    throws IOException {
        GlobalCacheService gcs = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
            .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        return gcs.getCacheSize();
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     * @return int, Size, in byte, of cache
    public static int getNumberOfObjects() {
        int tempInt = 0;
        GlobalCacheService gcs = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
            .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
        tempInt = gcs.getNumberOfObjects();
        return tempInt;
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     * Flush the cache of <B>ALL</B> objects
    public void flushCache() {
        GlobalCacheService gcs = (GlobalCacheService)TurbineServices
            .getService( GlobalCacheService.SERVICE_NAME );
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