// create a relation chain:
// getBooks() getAuthor() getBooks()
// | | |
// author ----> book -----> differentAuthor ---> differentBook
Author author = new Author();
Book book = new Book();
Author differentAuthor = new Author();
Book differentBook = new Book();
// check one roundtrip from author
assertTrue("author from book should not be the same object as author",
author != book.getAuthor());
AuthorBean authorBean = author.getBean();
BookBean bookBean = (BookBean) authorBean.getBookBeans().get(0);
assertTrue("authorBean from BookBean should not be the same "
+ "object as authorBean",
bookBean.getAuthorBean() != authorBean);
author = Author.createAuthor(authorBean);
book = (Book) author.getBooks().get(0);
assertTrue("author from book should not be the same object as author "
+ "after creating from bean",
author != book.getAuthor());
// check one roundtrip from book
assertTrue("book from differentAuthor should not be "
+ "the same object as book",
book != differentAuthor.getBooks().get(0));
bookBean = book.getBean();
AuthorBean differentAuthorBean = bookBean.getAuthorBean();
assertTrue("bookBean from differentAuthorBean should not be the same "
+ "object as bookBean",
differentAuthorBean.getBookBeans().get(0) != bookBean);
book = Book.createBook(bookBean);
differentAuthor = book.getAuthor();
assertTrue("book from differentAuthor should not be "
+ "the same object as book "
+ "after creating from bean",
differentAuthor.getBooks().get(0) != book);