// ----- Set the main attributes, pattern '*' -----
for (Iterator itConfig = configParameter.iterator(); itConfig.hasNext();) {
Parameter par = (Parameter) itConfig.next();
if (par.getName().indexOf(".") > 0) {
// this is a *.* parameter for later use
} else {
configParameter = new Vector();
// specify the algorithm classname
if (algoName != null) {
// use Algorithm defined via name
if ("hashvalue".equals(algoName.getValue())) {
algorithm = new HashvalueAlgorithm();
} else if ("digest".equals(algoName.getValue())) {
algorithm = new DigestAlgorithm();
} else if ("checksum".equals(algoName.getValue())) {
algorithm = new ChecksumAlgorithm();
} else {
if (algorithmClass != null) {
// use Algorithm specified by classname
algorithm = (Algorithm) loadClass(
"is not an Algorithm.",
} else {
// nothing specified - use default
algorithm = defaultAlgorithm;
// specify the cache classname
if (cacheName != null) {
// use Cache defined via name
if ("propertyfile".equals(cacheName.getValue())) {
cache = new PropertiesfileCache();
} else {
if (cacheClass != null) {
// use Cache specified by classname
cache = (Cache) loadClass(cacheClass, "is not a Cache.", Cache.class);
} else {
// nothing specified - use default
cache = defaultCache;
// specify the comparator classname
if (compName != null) {
// use Algorithm defined via name
if ("equal".equals(compName.getValue())) {
comparator = new EqualComparator();
} else if ("rule".equals(compName.getValue())) {
// TODO there is a problem with the constructor for the RBC.
// you have to provide the rules in the constructors - no setters
// available.
throw new BuildException("RuleBasedCollator not yet supported.");
// Have to think about lazy initialization here... JHM
// comparator = new java.text.RuleBasedCollator();
} else {
if (comparatorClass != null) {
// use Algorithm specified by classname
comparator = (Comparator) loadClass(
"is not a Comparator.",
} else {
// nothing specified - use default
comparator = defaultComparator;
// ----- Set the special attributes, pattern '*.*' -----
for (Iterator itSpecial = specialParameter.iterator(); itSpecial.hasNext();) {
Parameter par = (Parameter) itSpecial.next();
specialParameter = new Vector();