Package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf

Examples of org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes$MessageBytesFactory

        // Reading the header name
        // Header name is always US-ASCII

        boolean colon = false;
        MessageBytes headerValue = null;

        while (!colon) {

            // Read new bytes if needed
            if (pos >= lastValid) {
                if (!fill())
                    throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));

            if (buf[pos] == Constants.COLON) {
                colon = true;
                headerValue = headers.addValue(ascbuf, start, pos - start);
            chr = buf[pos];
            if ((chr >= Constants.A) && (chr <= Constants.Z)) {
                buf[pos] = (byte) (chr - Constants.LC_OFFSET);

            ascbuf[pos] = (char) buf[pos];



        // Mark the current buffer position
        start = pos;
        int realPos = pos;

        // Reading the header value (which can be spanned over multiple lines)

        boolean eol = false;
        boolean validLine = true;

        while (validLine) {

            boolean space = true;

            // Skipping spaces
            while (space) {

                // Read new bytes if needed
                if (pos >= lastValid) {
                    if (!fill())
                        throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));

                if ((buf[pos] == Constants.SP) || (buf[pos] == Constants.HT)) {
                } else {
                    space = false;


            int lastSignificantChar = realPos;

            // Reading bytes until the end of the line
            while (!eol) {

                // Read new bytes if needed
                if (pos >= lastValid) {
                    if (!fill())
                        throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));

                if (buf[pos] == Constants.CR) {
                } else if (buf[pos] == Constants.LF) {
                    eol = true;
                } else if (buf[pos] == Constants.SP) {
                    buf[realPos] = buf[pos];
                } else {
                    buf[realPos] = buf[pos];
                    lastSignificantChar = realPos;



            realPos = lastSignificantChar;

            // Checking the first character of the new line. If the character
            // is a LWS, then it's a multiline header

            // Read new bytes if needed
            if (pos >= lastValid) {
                if (!fill())
                    throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));

            chr = buf[pos];
            if ((chr != Constants.SP) && (chr != Constants.HT)) {
                validLine = false;
            } else {
                eol = false;
                // Copying one extra space in the buffer (since there must
                // be at least one space inserted between the lines)
                buf[realPos] = chr;


        // Set the header value
        headerValue.setBytes(buf, start, realPos - start);

        return true;

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        contentDelimitation = false;
        expectation = false;
        if (sslSupport != null) {
        MessageBytes protocolMB = request.protocol();
        if (protocolMB.equals(Constants.HTTP_11)) {
            http11 = true;
        } else if (protocolMB.equals(Constants.HTTP_10)) {
            http11 = false;
            keepAlive = false;
        } else if (protocolMB.equals("")) {
            // HTTP/0.9
            http09 = true;
            http11 = false;
            keepAlive = false;
        } else {
            // Unsupported protocol
            http11 = false;
            error = true;
            // Send 505; Unsupported HTTP version

        MessageBytes methodMB = request.method();
        if (methodMB.equals(Constants.GET)) {
        } else if (methodMB.equals(Constants.POST)) {

        // Check connection header
        MessageBytes connectionValueMB =
        if (connectionValueMB != null) {
            ByteChunk connectionValueBC = connectionValueMB.getByteChunk();
            if (findBytes(connectionValueBC, Constants.CLOSE_BYTES) != -1) {
                keepAlive = false;
            } else if (findBytes(connectionValueBC,
                                 Constants.KEEPALIVE_BYTES) != -1) {
                keepAlive = true;

        MessageBytes expectMB = null;
        if (http11)
            expectMB = request.getMimeHeaders().getValue("expect");
        if ((expectMB != null)
            && (expectMB.indexOfIgnoreCase("100-continue", 0) != -1)) {
            expectation = true;

        // Check user-agent header
        if ((restrictedUserAgents != null) && ((http11) || (keepAlive))) {
            MessageBytes userAgentValueMB = 
            // Check in the restricted list, and adjust the http11
            // and keepAlive flags accordingly
            if(userAgentValueMB != null) {
                String userAgentValue = userAgentValueMB.toString();
                for (int i = 0; i < restrictedUserAgents.length; i++) {
                    if (restrictedUserAgents[i].match(userAgentValue)) {
                        http11 = false;
                        keepAlive = false;

        // Check for a full URI (including protocol://host:port/)
        ByteChunk uriBC = request.requestURI().getByteChunk();
        if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {

            int pos = uriBC.indexOf("://", 0, 3, 4);
            int uriBCStart = uriBC.getStart();
            int slashPos = -1;
            if (pos != -1) {
                byte[] uriB = uriBC.getBytes();
                slashPos = uriBC.indexOf('/', pos + 3);
                if (slashPos == -1) {
                    slashPos = uriBC.getLength();
                    // Set URI as "/"
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 1, 1);
                } else {
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + slashPos,
                         uriBC.getLength() - slashPos);
                MessageBytes hostMB =
                hostMB.setBytes(uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 3,
                                slashPos - pos - 3);


        // Input filter setup
        InputFilter[] inputFilters = inputBuffer.getFilters();

        // Parse content-length header
        long contentLength = request.getContentLengthLong();
        if (contentLength >= 0) {
            contentDelimitation = true;

        // Parse transfer-encoding header
        MessageBytes transferEncodingValueMB = null;
        if (http11)
            transferEncodingValueMB =
        if (transferEncodingValueMB != null) {
            String transferEncodingValue = transferEncodingValueMB.toString();
            // Parse the comma separated list. "identity" codings are ignored
            int startPos = 0;
            int commaPos = transferEncodingValue.indexOf(',');
            String encodingName = null;
            while (commaPos != -1) {
                encodingName = transferEncodingValue.substring
                    (startPos, commaPos).toLowerCase().trim();
                if (!addInputFilter(inputFilters, encodingName)) {
                    // Unsupported transfer encoding
                    error = true;
                    // 501 - Unimplemented
                startPos = commaPos + 1;
                commaPos = transferEncodingValue.indexOf(',', startPos);
            encodingName = transferEncodingValue.substring(startPos)
            if (!addInputFilter(inputFilters, encodingName)) {
                // Unsupported transfer encoding
                error = true;
                // 501 - Unimplemented

        MessageBytes valueMB = request.getMimeHeaders().getValue("host");

        // Check host header
        if (http11 && (valueMB == null)) {
            error = true;
            // 400 - Bad request
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        // Compression only since HTTP 1.1
        // if (! http11)
        //    return false;

        // Check if browser support gzip encoding
        MessageBytes acceptEncodingMB =
        if ((acceptEncodingMB == null)
            || (acceptEncodingMB.indexOf("gzip") == -1))
            return false;

        // Check if content is not allready gzipped
        MessageBytes contentEncodingMB =

        if ((contentEncodingMB != null)
            && (contentEncodingMB.indexOf("gzip") != -1))
            return false;

        // If force mode, allways compress (test purposes only)
        if (compressionLevel == 2)
           return true;

        // Check for incompatible Browser
        if (noCompressionUserAgents != null) {
            MessageBytes userAgentValueMB = 
            if(userAgentValueMB != null) {
                String userAgentValue = userAgentValueMB.toString();

                // If one Regexp rule match, disable compression
                for (int i = 0; i < noCompressionUserAgents.length; i++)
                    if (noCompressionUserAgents[i].match(userAgentValue))
                        return false;
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            entityBody = false;
            contentDelimitation = true;

        MessageBytes methodMB = request.method();
        if (methodMB.equals("HEAD")) {
            // No entity body
            contentDelimitation = true;
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            // Cookie2: version ? not needed
            pos=headers.findHeader( "Cookie", pos );
            // no more cookie headers headers
            if( pos<0 ) break;

            MessageBytes cookieValue=headers.getValue( pos );
            if( cookieValue==null || cookieValue.isNull() ) {

            // Uncomment to test the new parsing code
            if( cookieValue.getType() == MessageBytes.T_BYTES ) {
                if( dbg>0 ) log( "Parsing b[]: " + cookieValue.toString());
                ByteChunk bc=cookieValue.getByteChunk();
                processCookieHeader( bc.getBytes(),
            } else {
                if( dbg>0 ) log( "Parsing S: " + cookieValue.toString());
                processCookieHeader( cookieValue.toString() );
            pos++;// search from the next position
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            // yet, and client specified an expectation for 100-continue)

            if (response.isCommitted())

            MessageBytes expectMB =
            if ((expectMB != null)
                && (expectMB.indexOfIgnoreCase("100-continue", 0) != -1)) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // Set error flag
                    error = true;
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        http09 = false;
        contentDelimitation = false;
        if (sslSupport != null) {
        MessageBytes protocolMB = request.protocol();
        if (protocolMB.equals(Constants.HTTP_11)) {
            http11 = true;
        } else if (protocolMB.equals(Constants.HTTP_10)) {
            http11 = false;
            keepAlive = false;
        } else if (protocolMB.equals("")) {
            // HTTP/0.9
            http09 = true;
            http11 = false;
            keepAlive = false;
        } else {
            // Unsupported protocol
            http11 = false;
            error = true;
            // Send 505; Unsupported HTTP version

        MessageBytes methodMB = request.method();

        // Check connection header
        MessageBytes connectionValueMB =
        if (connectionValueMB != null) {
            String connectionValue =
            // FIXME: This can be a comma separated list
            if (connectionValue.equals("close")) {
                keepAlive = false;
            } else if (connectionValue.equals("keep-alive")) {
                keepAlive = true;

        // Check user-agent header
        MessageBytes userAgentValueMB = 
        // Check in the restricted list, and adjust the http11
        // and keepAlive flags accordingly
        if ((restrictedUserAgents != null) && ((http11) || (keepAlive))) {
            String userAgentValue = userAgentValueMB.toString();
            for (int i = 0; i < restrictedUserAgents.length; i++) {
                if (restrictedUserAgents[i].equals(userAgentValue)) {
                    http11 = false;
                    keepAlive = false;

        // Check for a full URI (including protocol://host:port/)
        ByteChunk uriBC = request.requestURI().getByteChunk();
        if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {

            int pos = uriBC.indexOf("://", 0, 3, 4);
            int uriBCStart = uriBC.getStart();
            int slashPos = -1;
            if (pos != -1) {
                byte[] uriB = uriBC.getBytes();
                slashPos = uriBC.indexOf('/', pos + 3);
                if (slashPos == -1) {
                    slashPos = uriBC.getLength();
                    // Set URI as "/"
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 1, 1);
                } else {
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + slashPos,
                         uriBC.getLength() - slashPos);
                MessageBytes hostMB =
                hostMB.setBytes(uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 3,
                                slashPos - pos - 3);


        // Input filter setup
        InputFilter[] inputFilters = inputBuffer.getFilters();

        // Parse content-length header
        int contentLength = request.getContentLength();
        if (contentLength >= 0) {
            contentDelimitation = true;

        // Parse transfer-encoding header
        MessageBytes transferEncodingValueMB = null;
        if (http11)
            transferEncodingValueMB =
        if (transferEncodingValueMB != null) {
            String transferEncodingValue = transferEncodingValueMB.toString();
            // Parse the comma separated list. "identity" codings are ignored
            int startPos = 0;
            int commaPos = transferEncodingValue.indexOf(',');
            String encodingName = null;
            while (commaPos != -1) {
                encodingName = transferEncodingValue.substring
                    (startPos, commaPos).toLowerCase().trim();
                if (!addInputFilter(inputFilters, encodingName)) {
                    // Unsupported transfer encoding
                    error = true;
                    // 501 - Unimplemented
                startPos = commaPos + 1;
                commaPos = transferEncodingValue.indexOf(',', startPos);
            encodingName = transferEncodingValue.substring(startPos)
            if (!addInputFilter(inputFilters, encodingName)) {
                // Unsupported transfer encoding
                error = true;
                // 501 - Unimplemented

        MessageBytes valueMB = request.getMimeHeaders().getValue("host");

        // Check host header
        if (http11 && (valueMB == null)) {
            error = true;
            // 400 - Bad request
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            entityBody = false;

        MessageBytes methodMB = request.method();
        if (methodMB.equals("HEAD")) {
            // No entity body
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    public long getContentLengthLong() {
        if( contentLength > -1 ) return contentLength;

        MessageBytes clB = headers.getUniqueValue("content-length");
        contentLength = (clB == null || clB.isNull()) ? -1 : clB.getLong();

        return contentLength;
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        if (dd == null) {
            dd = new DispatchData();

        MessageBytes uriMB = dd.uriMB;

        // Use the thread local mapping data
        MappingData mappingData = dd.mappingData;

        // Map the URI
        CharChunk uriCC = uriMB.getCharChunk();
        try {
            uriCC.append(context.getPath(), 0, context.getPath().length());
             * Ignore any trailing path params (separated by ';') for mapping
             * purposes
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Related Classes of org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes$MessageBytesFactory

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