MimeHeaders headers = request.getMimeHeaders();
// Check connection header
MessageBytes connectionValueMB = headers.getValue(Constants.CONNECTION);
if (connectionValueMB != null) {
ByteChunk connectionValueBC = connectionValueMB.getByteChunk();
if (findBytes(connectionValueBC, Constants.CLOSE_BYTES) != -1) {
keepAlive = false;
} else if (findBytes(connectionValueBC,
Constants.KEEPALIVE_BYTES) != -1) {
keepAlive = true;
MessageBytes expectMB = null;
if (http11) {
expectMB = headers.getValue("expect");
if ((expectMB != null)
&& (expectMB.indexOfIgnoreCase("100-continue", 0) != -1)) {
expectation = true;
// Check user-agent header
if ((restrictedUserAgents != null) && ((http11) || (keepAlive))) {
MessageBytes userAgentValueMB = headers.getValue("user-agent");
// Check in the restricted list, and adjust the http11
// and keepAlive flags accordingly
if(userAgentValueMB != null) {
String userAgentValue = userAgentValueMB.toString();
if (restrictedUserAgents != null &&
restrictedUserAgents.matcher(userAgentValue).matches()) {
http11 = false;
keepAlive = false;
// Check for a full URI (including protocol://host:port/)
ByteChunk uriBC = request.requestURI().getByteChunk();
if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {
int pos = uriBC.indexOf("://", 0, 3, 4);
int uriBCStart = uriBC.getStart();
int slashPos = -1;
if (pos != -1) {
byte[] uriB = uriBC.getBytes();
slashPos = uriBC.indexOf('/', pos + 3);
if (slashPos == -1) {
slashPos = uriBC.getLength();
// Set URI as "/"
(uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 1, 1);
} else {
(uriB, uriBCStart + slashPos,
uriBC.getLength() - slashPos);
MessageBytes hostMB = headers.setValue("host");
hostMB.setBytes(uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 3,
slashPos - pos - 3);