Package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf

Examples of org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk$ByteInputChannel

        MimeHeaders headers = request.getMimeHeaders();

        // Check connection header
        MessageBytes connectionValueMB = headers.getValue("connection");
        if (connectionValueMB != null) {
            ByteChunk connectionValueBC = connectionValueMB.getByteChunk();
            if (findBytes(connectionValueBC, Constants.CLOSE_BYTES) != -1) {
                keepAlive = false;
            } else if (findBytes(connectionValueBC,
                                 Constants.KEEPALIVE_BYTES) != -1) {
                keepAlive = true;

        MessageBytes expectMB = null;
        if (http11)
            expectMB = headers.getValue("expect");
        if ((expectMB != null)
            && (expectMB.indexOfIgnoreCase("100-continue", 0) != -1)) {
            expectation = true;

        // Check user-agent header
        if ((restrictedUserAgents != null) && ((http11) || (keepAlive))) {
            MessageBytes userAgentValueMB = headers.getValue("user-agent");
            // Check in the restricted list, and adjust the http11
            // and keepAlive flags accordingly
            if(userAgentValueMB != null) {
                String userAgentValue = userAgentValueMB.toString();
                for (int i = 0; i < restrictedUserAgents.length; i++) {
                    if (restrictedUserAgents[i].matcher(userAgentValue).matches()) {
                        http11 = false;
                        keepAlive = false;

        // Check for a full URI (including protocol://host:port/)
        ByteChunk uriBC = request.requestURI().getByteChunk();
        if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {

            int pos = uriBC.indexOf("://", 0, 3, 4);
            int uriBCStart = uriBC.getStart();
            int slashPos = -1;
            if (pos != -1) {
                byte[] uriB = uriBC.getBytes();
                slashPos = uriBC.indexOf('/', pos + 3);
                if (slashPos == -1) {
                    slashPos = uriBC.getLength();
                    // Set URI as "/"
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 1, 1);
                } else {
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + slashPos,
                         uriBC.getLength() - slashPos);
                MessageBytes hostMB = headers.setValue("host");
                hostMB.setBytes(uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 3,
                                slashPos - pos - 3);
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            // found/parsed

        ByteChunk valueBC = valueMB.getByteChunk();
        byte[] valueB = valueBC.getBytes();
        int valueL = valueBC.getLength();
        int valueS = valueBC.getStart();
        int colonPos = -1;
        if (hostNameC.length < valueL) {
            hostNameC = new char[valueL];
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        int rc = methodUrl("http://localhost:" + getPort() + "/test/bug56568",
                new ByteChunk(), 5000, null, null, "PUT");

        // Make sure we get the original 500 response and not a 405 response
        // which would indicate that error.jsp is complaining about being called
        // with the PUT method.
        Assert.assertEquals(500, rc);
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        tomcat.addWebapp(null, "/test", appDir.getAbsolutePath());


        int rc = methodUrl("http://localhost:" + getPort() + "/test/jsp/error.jsp",
                new ByteChunk(), 500000, null, null, "PUT");

        // Make sure we get a 200 response and not a 405 response
        // which would indicate that error.jsp is complaining about being called
        // with the PUT method.
        Assert.assertEquals(200, rc);
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        tomcat.addWebapp(null, "/test", appDir.getAbsolutePath());


        int rc = methodUrl("http://localhost:" + getPort() + "/test/jsp/test.jsp",
                new ByteChunk(), 500000, null, null, "PUT");

        // Make sure we get a 405 response which indicates that test.jsp is
        // complaining about being called with the PUT method.
        Assert.assertEquals(405, rc);
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     * Read chunked post body.
    protected byte[] readChunkedPostBody() throws IOException {
        ByteChunk body = new ByteChunk();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[CACHED_POST_LEN];
        int len = 0;
        while (len > -1) {
            len = getStream().read(buffer, 0, CACHED_POST_LEN);
            if (connector.getMaxPostSize() > 0 &&
                    (body.getLength() + len) > connector.getMaxPostSize()) {
                // Too much data
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            if (len > 0) {
                body.append(buffer, 0, len);
        if (body.getLength() == 0) {
            return null;
        if (body.getLength() < body.getBuffer().length) {
            int length = body.getLength();
            byte[] result = new byte[length];
            System.arraycopy(body.getBuffer(), 0, result, 0, length);
            return result;
        } else {
            return body.getBuffer();
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                    log.warn(sm.getString("http11processor.socket.ssl"), e);

        } else if (actionCode == ActionCode.ACTION_REQ_SET_BODY_REPLAY) {
            ByteChunk body = (ByteChunk) param;

            InputFilter savedBody = new SavedRequestInputFilter(body);

            InternalNioInputBuffer internalBuffer = (InternalNioInputBuffer)
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        MimeHeaders headers = request.getMimeHeaders();

        // Check connection header
        MessageBytes connectionValueMB = headers.getValue("connection");
        if (connectionValueMB != null) {
            ByteChunk connectionValueBC = connectionValueMB.getByteChunk();
            if (findBytes(connectionValueBC, Constants.CLOSE_BYTES) != -1) {
                keepAlive = false;
            } else if (findBytes(connectionValueBC,
                                 Constants.KEEPALIVE_BYTES) != -1) {
                keepAlive = true;

        MessageBytes expectMB = null;
        if (http11)
            expectMB = headers.getValue("expect");
        if ((expectMB != null)
            && (expectMB.indexOfIgnoreCase("100-continue", 0) != -1)) {
            expectation = true;

        // Check user-agent header
        if ((restrictedUserAgents != null) && ((http11) || (keepAlive))) {
            MessageBytes userAgentValueMB = headers.getValue("user-agent");
            // Check in the restricted list, and adjust the http11
            // and keepAlive flags accordingly
            if(userAgentValueMB != null) {
                String userAgentValue = userAgentValueMB.toString();
                for (int i = 0; i < restrictedUserAgents.length; i++) {
                    if (restrictedUserAgents[i].matcher(userAgentValue).matches()) {
                        http11 = false;
                        keepAlive = false;

        // Check for a full URI (including protocol://host:port/)
        ByteChunk uriBC = request.requestURI().getByteChunk();
        if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {

            int pos = uriBC.indexOf("://", 0, 3, 4);
            int uriBCStart = uriBC.getStart();
            int slashPos = -1;
            if (pos != -1) {
                byte[] uriB = uriBC.getBytes();
                slashPos = uriBC.indexOf('/', pos + 3);
                if (slashPos == -1) {
                    slashPos = uriBC.getLength();
                    // Set URI as "/"
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 1, 1);
                } else {
                        (uriB, uriBCStart + slashPos,
                         uriBC.getLength() - slashPos);
                MessageBytes hostMB = headers.setValue("host");
                hostMB.setBytes(uriB, uriBCStart + pos + 3,
                                slashPos - pos - 3);
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            // found/parsed

        ByteChunk valueBC = valueMB.getByteChunk();
        byte[] valueB = valueBC.getBytes();
        int valueL = valueBC.getLength();
        int valueS = valueBC.getStart();
        int colonPos = -1;
        if (hostNameC.length < valueL) {
            hostNameC = new char[valueL];
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            Request request) {

        // Process in bytes (this is default format so this is normally a NO-OP

        ByteChunk uriBC = req.decodedURI().getByteChunk();
        int semicolon = uriBC.indexOf(';', 0);

        // What encoding to use? Some platforms, eg z/os, use a default
        // encoding that doesn't give the expected result so be explicit
        String enc = connector.getURIEncoding();
        if (enc == null) {
            enc = "ISO-8859-1";

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "uriBC",
            log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "semicolon",
            log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "enc", enc));

        boolean warnedEncoding = false;

        while (semicolon > -1) {
            // Parse path param, and extract it from the decoded request URI
            int start = uriBC.getStart();
            int end = uriBC.getEnd();

            int pathParamStart = semicolon + 1;
            int pathParamEnd = ByteChunk.findBytes(uriBC.getBuffer(),
                    start + pathParamStart, end,
                    new byte[] {';', '/'});

            String pv = null;

            if (pathParamEnd >= 0) {
                try {
                    pv = (new String(uriBC.getBuffer(), start + pathParamStart,
                                pathParamEnd - pathParamStart, enc));
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    if (!warnedEncoding) {
                        warnedEncoding = true;
                // Extract path param from decoded request URI
                byte[] buf = uriBC.getBuffer();
                for (int i = 0; i < end - start - pathParamEnd; i++) {
                    buf[start + semicolon + i]
                        = buf[start + i + pathParamEnd];
                uriBC.setBytes(buf, start,
                        end - start - pathParamEnd + semicolon);
            } else {
                try {
                    pv = (new String(uriBC.getBuffer(), start + pathParamStart,
                                (end - start) - pathParamStart, enc));
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    if (!warnedEncoding) {
                        warnedEncoding = true;
                uriBC.setEnd(start + semicolon);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "pathParamStart",
                log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "pathParamEnd",
                log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "pv", pv));

            if (pv != null) {
                int equals = pv.indexOf('=');
                if (equals > -1) {
                    String name = pv.substring(0, equals);
                    String value = pv.substring(equals + 1);
                    request.addPathParameter(name, value);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "equals",
                        log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "name",
                        log.debug(sm.getString("coyoteAdapter.debug", "value",

            semicolon = uriBC.indexOf(';', semicolon);
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Related Classes of org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk$ByteInputChannel

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