Package org.apache.tiles

Examples of org.apache.tiles.Attribute

     * @return A new instance of an attribute, whose properties have been
     * replaced with variables' values.
    private Attribute replaceVarsInAttribute(Attribute attr,
            Map<Integer, String> vars) {
        Attribute nuattr = new Attribute();

        nuattr.setRole(replace(attr.getRole(), vars));

        Object value = attr.getValue();
        if (value instanceof String) {
            value = replace((String) value, vars);
        return nuattr;
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                "Tiles Library Documentation", definitions.get(

        Definition def = definitions.get("doc.role.test");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find doc.role.test tile.", def);
        Attribute attribute = def.getAttribute("title");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find title attribute.", attribute
        assertEquals("Role 'myrole' expected", attribute.getRole(),

        def = definitions.get("doc.listattribute.test");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find doc.listattribute.test tile.", def);
        attribute = def.getAttribute("items");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find items attribute.", attribute);
        assertTrue("The class of the attribute is not right",
                attribute instanceof ListAttribute);
        assertTrue("The class of value of the attribute is not right",
                attribute.getValue() instanceof List);
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        assertNotNull("Definitions not returned.", definitions);
        Definition def = definitions.get("doc.cascaded.test");

        assertNotNull("Couldn't find doc.role.test tile.", def);
        Attribute attribute = def.getLocalAttribute("title");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find title local attribute.", attribute);
        attribute = def.getCascadedAttribute("title2");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find title2 cascaded attribute.", attribute);
        attribute = def.getLocalAttribute("items1");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find items1 local attribute.", attribute);
        attribute = def.getCascadedAttribute("items2");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find items2 cascaded attribute.", attribute);

        def = definitions.get("test.nesting.definitions");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find test.nesting.definitions tile.", def);
        assertEquals("/layout.jsp", def.getTemplateAttribute().getValue());
        assertEquals("template", def.getTemplateAttribute().getRenderer());
        attribute = def.getAttribute("body");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find body attribute.", attribute);
        assertEquals("Attribute not of 'definition' type", "definition",
        assertNotNull("Attribute value null", attribute.getValue());
        String defName = attribute.getValue().toString();
        def = definitions.get(defName);
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find " + defName + " tile.", def);

        def = definitions.get("test.nesting.list.definitions");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find test.nesting.list.definitions tile.",
        attribute = def.getAttribute("list");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find list attribute.", attribute);
        assertTrue("Attribute not of valid type",
                attribute instanceof ListAttribute);
        ListAttribute listAttribute = (ListAttribute) attribute;
        List<Attribute> list = (List<Attribute>) listAttribute.getValue();
        assertEquals("The list is not of correct size", 1, list.size());
        attribute = list.get(0);
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find element attribute.", attribute);
        assertEquals("Attribute not of 'definition' type", "definition",
        assertNotNull("Attribute value null", attribute.getValue());
        defName = attribute.getValue().toString();
        def = definitions.get(defName);
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find " + defName + " tile.", def);

        defName = "test.inherit.list.base";
        def = definitions.get(defName);
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find " + defName + " tile.", def);
        defName = "test.inherit.list";
        def = definitions.get(defName);
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find " + defName + " tile.", def);
        listAttribute = (ListAttribute) def.getAttribute("list");
        assertEquals("This definition does not inherit its list attribute",
                true, listAttribute.isInherit());
        defName = "test.noinherit.list";
        def = definitions.get(defName);
        listAttribute = (ListAttribute) def.getAttribute("list");
        assertEquals("This definition inherits its list attribute",
                false, listAttribute.isInherit());

        defName = "";
        def = definitions.get(defName);
        assertNotNull("Couldn't find " + defName + " tile.", def);
        Attribute templateAttribute = def.getTemplateAttribute();
        assertEquals(templateAttribute.getExpression(), "${my.expression}");
        assertEquals("mytype", templateAttribute.getRenderer());
        attribute = def.getAttribute("body");
        assertNotNull("Couldn't Find body attribute.", attribute);
        assertEquals("${my.attribute.expression}", attribute.getExpression());
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        InputStream source = configFile.openStream();
        Map<String, Definition> name2defs =;
        Definition root = name2defs.get("root");
        Attribute attribute = root.getAttribute("body");
        Definition child = name2defs.get((String) attribute.getValue());
        ListAttribute listAttribute = (ListAttribute) child.getAttribute("list");
        List<Object> list = (List<Object>) listAttribute.getValue();
        assertEquals(((Attribute) list.get(0)).getValue(), "This is a value");
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     * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during rendition.
    public void testWrite() throws IOException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute("my.definition", null, null, "definition");
        TilesApplicationContext applicationContext = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory = EasyMock
        TilesContainer container = EasyMock.createMock(TilesContainer.class);
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     * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during rendition.
    public void testWrite() throws IOException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute("/myTemplate.jsp", null, null, "template");
        TilesApplicationContext applicationContext = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContext requestContext = EasyMock
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     * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during rendition.
    public void testWrite() throws IOException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute("Result", null, null, "string");
        TilesApplicationContext applicationContext = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContext requestContext = EasyMock
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     * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during rendition.
    public void testWriteDefinition() throws IOException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute("my.definition", null, null, "definition");
        TilesApplicationContext applicationContext = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory = EasyMock
        TilesContainer container = EasyMock.createMock(TilesContainer.class);
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     * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during rendition.
    public void testWriteString() throws IOException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute("Result", null, null, "string");
        TilesApplicationContext applicationContext = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory = EasyMock
        TilesContainer container = EasyMock.createMock(TilesContainer.class);
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     * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during rendition.
    public void testWriteTemplate() throws IOException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute("/myTemplate.jsp", null, null, "template");
        TilesApplicationContext applicationContext = EasyMock
        TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory = EasyMock
        TilesContainer container = EasyMock.createMock(TilesContainer.class);
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Related Classes of org.apache.tiles.Attribute

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