Package org.apache.thrift

Examples of org.apache.thrift.TBase

                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        TBase args;

        try {
            args = (TBase) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

        for( int i = 0; i < inv.getArguments().length; i++ ) {

            Object obj = inv.getArguments()[i];

            if ( obj == null ) { continue; }

            TFieldIdEnum field = args.fieldForId( i + 1 );

            String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( field.getFieldName() );

            Method method;

            try {
                method = clazz.getMethod( setMethodName, inv.getParameterTypes()[i] );
            } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            try {
                method.invoke( args, obj );
            } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream bos = new RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream( 1024 );

        TIOStreamTransport transport = new TIOStreamTransport( bos );

        TBinaryProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol( transport );

        int headerLength, messageLength;

        byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
        try {
            // magic
            protocol.writeI16( MAGIC );
            // message length placeholder
            protocol.writeI32( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
            // message header length placeholder
            protocol.writeI16( Short.MAX_VALUE );
            // version
            protocol.writeByte( VERSION );
            // service name
            protocol.writeString( serviceName );
            // dubbo request id
            protocol.writeI64( request.getId() );
            // header size
            headerLength = bos.size();

            // message body
            protocol.writeMessageBegin( message );
            args.write( protocol );
            int oldIndex = messageLength = bos.size();

            // fill in message length and header length
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                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        TBase resultObj;

        try {
            resultObj = ( TBase ) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

        TApplicationException applicationException = null;
        TMessage message;

        if ( result.hasException() ) {
            Throwable throwable = result.getException();
            int index = 1;
            boolean found = false;
            while ( true ) {
                TFieldIdEnum fieldIdEnum = resultObj.fieldForId( index++ );
                if ( fieldIdEnum == null ) { break; }
                String fieldName = fieldIdEnum.getFieldName();
                String getMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateGetMethodName( fieldName );
                String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( fieldName );
                Method getMethod;
                Method setMethod;
                try {
                    getMethod = clazz.getMethod( getMethodName );
                    if ( getMethod.getReturnType().equals( throwable.getClass() ) ) {
                        found = true;
                        setMethod = clazz.getMethod( setMethodName, throwable.getClass() );
                        setMethod.invoke( resultObj, throwable );
                } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
                } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
                } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            if ( !found ) {
                applicationException = new TApplicationException( throwable.getMessage() );

        } else {
            Object realResult = result.getResult();
            // result field id is 0
            String fieldName = resultObj.fieldForId( 0 ).getFieldName();
            String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( fieldName );
            String getMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateGetMethodName( fieldName );
            Method getMethod;
            Method setMethod;
            try {
                getMethod = clazz.getMethod( getMethodName );
                setMethod = clazz.getMethod( setMethodName, getMethod.getReturnType() );
                setMethod.invoke( resultObj, realResult );
            } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        if ( applicationException != null ) {
            message = new TMessage( rd.methodName, TMessageType.EXCEPTION, );
        } else {
            message = new TMessage( rd.methodName, TMessageType.REPLY, );

        RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream bos = new RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream( 1024 );

        TIOStreamTransport transport = new TIOStreamTransport( bos );

        TBinaryProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol( transport );

        int messageLength;
        int headerLength;

        byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
        try {
            // magic
            protocol.writeI16( MAGIC );
            // message length
            protocol.writeI32( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
            // message header length
            protocol.writeI16( Short.MAX_VALUE );
            // version
            protocol.writeByte( VERSION );
            // service name
            protocol.writeString( rd.serviceName );
            // id
            protocol.writeI64( response.getId() );
            headerLength = bos.size();

            // message
            protocol.writeMessageBegin( message );
            switch ( message.type ) {
                case TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
                    applicationException.write( protocol );
                case TMessageType.REPLY:
                    resultObj.write( protocol );
            int oldIndex = messageLength = bos.size();
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  protected Object getField(Object record, String name, int pos, Object state) {
    TFieldIdEnum f = ((TFieldIdEnum[])state)[pos];
    TBase struct = (TBase)record;
    if (struct.isSet(f))
      return struct.getFieldValue(f);
    return null;
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  protected Object getField(Object record, String name, int pos, Object state) {
    TFieldIdEnum f = ((TFieldIdEnum[])state)[pos];
    TBase struct = (TBase)record;
    if (struct.isSet(f))
      return struct.getFieldValue(f);
    return null;
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                } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            TBase args;

            try {
                args = ( TBase ) clazz.newInstance();
            } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

       protocol );
            } catch ( TException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            List<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();
            List<Class<?>> parameterTypes =new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
            int index = 1;

            while ( true ) {

                TFieldIdEnum fieldIdEnum = args.fieldForId( index++ );

                if ( fieldIdEnum == null ) { break; }

                String fieldName = fieldIdEnum.getFieldName();
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                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        TBase args;

        try {
            args = (TBase) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

        for( int i = 0; i < inv.getArguments().length; i++ ) {

            Object obj = inv.getArguments()[i];

            if ( obj == null ) { continue; }

            TFieldIdEnum field = args.fieldForId( i + 1 );

            String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( field.getFieldName() );

            Method method;

            try {
                method = clazz.getMethod( setMethodName, inv.getParameterTypes()[i] );
            } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            try {
                method.invoke( args, obj );
            } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream bos = new RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream( 1024 );

        TIOStreamTransport transport = new TIOStreamTransport( bos );

        TBinaryProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol( transport );

        int headerLength, messageLength;

        byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
        try {
            // magic
            protocol.writeI16( MAGIC );
            // message length placeholder
            protocol.writeI32( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
            // message header length placeholder
            protocol.writeI16( Short.MAX_VALUE );
            // version
            protocol.writeByte( VERSION );
            // service name
            protocol.writeString( serviceName );
            // dubbo request id
            protocol.writeI64( request.getId() );
            // header size
            headerLength = bos.size();

            // message body
            protocol.writeMessageBegin( message );
            args.write( protocol );
            int oldIndex = messageLength = bos.size();

            // fill in message length and header length
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                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        TBase resultObj;

        try {
            resultObj = ( TBase ) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

        TApplicationException applicationException = null;
        TMessage message;

        if ( result.hasException() ) {
            Throwable throwable = result.getException();
            int index = 1;
            boolean found = false;
            while ( true ) {
                TFieldIdEnum fieldIdEnum = resultObj.fieldForId( index++ );
                if ( fieldIdEnum == null ) { break; }
                String fieldName = fieldIdEnum.getFieldName();
                String getMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateGetMethodName( fieldName );
                String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( fieldName );
                Method getMethod;
                Method setMethod;
                try {
                    getMethod = clazz.getMethod( getMethodName );
                    if ( getMethod.getReturnType().equals( throwable.getClass() ) ) {
                        found = true;
                        setMethod = clazz.getMethod( setMethodName, throwable.getClass() );
                        setMethod.invoke( resultObj, throwable );
                } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
                } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
                } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            if ( !found ) {
                applicationException = new TApplicationException( throwable.getMessage() );

        } else {
            Object realResult = result.getResult();
            // result field id is 0
            String fieldName = resultObj.fieldForId( 0 ).getFieldName();
            String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( fieldName );
            String getMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateGetMethodName( fieldName );
            Method getMethod;
            Method setMethod;
            try {
                getMethod = clazz.getMethod( getMethodName );
                setMethod = clazz.getMethod( setMethodName, getMethod.getReturnType() );
                setMethod.invoke( resultObj, realResult );
            } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        if ( applicationException != null ) {
            message = new TMessage( rd.methodName, TMessageType.EXCEPTION, );
        } else {
            message = new TMessage( rd.methodName, TMessageType.REPLY, );

        RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream bos = new RandomAccessByteArrayOutputStream( 1024 );

        TIOStreamTransport transport = new TIOStreamTransport( bos );

        TBinaryProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol( transport );

        int messageLength;
        int headerLength;

        byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
        try {
            // magic
            protocol.writeI16( MAGIC );
            // message length
            protocol.writeI32( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
            // message header length
            protocol.writeI16( Short.MAX_VALUE );
            // version
            protocol.writeByte( VERSION );
            // service name
            protocol.writeString( rd.serviceName );
            // id
            protocol.writeI64( response.getId() );
            headerLength = bos.size();

            // message
            protocol.writeMessageBegin( message );
            switch ( message.type ) {
                case TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
                    applicationException.write( protocol );
                case TMessageType.REPLY:
                    resultObj.write( protocol );
            int oldIndex = messageLength = bos.size();
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            ProcessFunction invokedProcessFunction = this.getProcessMap().get(;
            if (invokedProcessFunction == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find a matching ProcessFunction for invoked method : " +;
            TBase args = invokedProcessFunction.getEmptyArgsInstance(); // get the empty args. The values will then be read from the client's TProtocol
            //Read the argument values from the client's TProtocol

            // Instantiate the call result object using the Thrift naming convention used for classes
            TBase result = (TBase) Class.forName( this.getThriftServiceClass() + "$" + + DEFAULT_RESULT_CLASS_NAME).newInstance();

            serviceSocket = new TSocket(this.getThriftServer(), this.getThriftPort(), this.getThriftTimeoutMillis());
            TProtocol serviceProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(serviceSocket);
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      transport = new TIOStreamTransport(in);
      protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
    public TBase deserialize(TBase t) throws IOException {
      TBase object;
      if(t == null) {
        object = (TBase) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(tClass, null);
      } else {
        object = t;

      try {;
      } catch (TException e) {
        throw new IOException(e.toString());
      return object;
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     * get the first pending call if it exists, else null
    private TBase getCall() {
      try {
        TBase ret = pendingCalls.get(0);
        return (ret);
      } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        return null;
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Related Classes of org.apache.thrift.TBase

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