Package org.apache.tez.dag.api

Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.DAG$AnnotatedVertex


    Path lhsPath = new Path(lhsDir);
    Path rhsPath = new Path(rhsDir);

    DAG dag = createDag(tezConf, lhsPath, rhsPath, numPartitions);

    DAGClient dagClient = tezClient.submitDAG(dag);
    DAGStatus dagStatus = dagClient.waitForCompletionWithStatusUpdates(null);
    if (dagStatus.getState() != DAGStatus.State.SUCCEEDED) {
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  private DAG createDag(TezConfiguration tezConf, Path lhs, Path rhs, int numPartitions)
      throws IOException {
    DAG dag = DAG.create("JoinValidate");

    // Configuration for intermediate output - shared by Vertex1 and Vertex2
    // This should only be setting selective keys from the underlying conf. Fix after there's a
    // better mechanism to configure the IOs.
    OrderedPartitionedKVEdgeConfig edgeConf = OrderedPartitionedKVEdgeConfig
        .newBuilder(Text.class.getName(), NullWritable.class.getName(),

    Vertex lhsVertex = Vertex.create(LHS_INPUT_NAME, ProcessorDescriptor.create(
            .createConfigBuilder(new Configuration(tezConf), TextInputFormat.class,

    Vertex rhsVertex = Vertex.create(RHS_INPUT_NAME, ProcessorDescriptor.create(
            .createConfigBuilder(new Configuration(tezConf), TextInputFormat.class,

    Vertex joinValidateVertex = Vertex.create("joinvalidate", ProcessorDescriptor.create(
        JoinValidateProcessor.class.getName()), numPartitions);

    Edge e1 = Edge.create(lhsVertex, joinValidateVertex, edgeConf.createDefaultEdgeProperty());
    Edge e2 = Edge.create(rhsVertex, joinValidateVertex, edgeConf.createDefaultEdgeProperty());

    return dag;
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    // the remaining code is the same as submitting any DAG.
    try {
      for (int i=0; i<inputPaths.length; ++i) {
        DAG dag = OrderedWordCount.createDAG(tezConf, inputPaths[i], outputPaths[i], numPartitions,
            ("DAG-Iteration-" + i)); // the names of the DAGs must be unique in a session

        System.out.println("Running dag number " + i);
        DAGClient dagClient = tezClient.submitDAG(dag);
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    // No need to add jar containing this class as assumed to be part of the Tez jars. Otherwise
    // we would have to add the jars for this code as local files to the vertices.
    // Create DAG and add the vertices. Connect the producer and consumer vertices via the edge
    DAG dag = DAG.create("WordCount");
            Edge.create(tokenizerVertex, summationVertex, edgeConf.createDefaultEdgeProperty()));
    return dag; 
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    TezClient tezClient = TezClient.create("WordCount", tezConf);
    // TezClient must be started before it can be used

    try {
        DAG dag = createDAG(tezConf, inputPath, outputPath, numPartitions);

        // check that the execution environment is ready
        // submit the dag and receive a dag client to monitor the progress
        DAGClient dagClient = tezClient.submitDAG(dag);
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    TezConfiguration tezConf = new TezConfiguration(mrrTezCluster.getConfig());
    TezClient tezClient = TezClient.create("TestVertexOrder", tezConf);

    try {
    DAG dag = SimpleTestDAG.createDAGForVertexOrder("dag1", conf);
    DAGClient dagClient = tezClient.submitDAG(dag);
    DAGStatus dagStatus = dagClient.getDAGStatus(null);
    while (!dagStatus.isCompleted()) {"Waiting for dag to complete. Sleeping for 500ms."
          + " DAG name: " + dag.getName()
          + " DAG context: " + dagClient.getExecutionContext()
          + " Current state: " + dagStatus.getState());
      dagStatus = dagClient.getDAGStatus(null);
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    if (numPartitions <= 0) {
      System.err.println("NumPartitions must be > 0");
      return 4;

    DAG dag = createDag(tezConf, streamInputPath, hashInputPath, outputPath, numPartitions, doBroadcast);

    DAGClient dagClient = tezClient.submitDAG(dag);
    DAGStatus dagStatus = dagClient.waitForCompletionWithStatusUpdates(null);
    if (dagStatus.getState() != DAGStatus.State.SUCCEEDED) {
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  private DAG createDag(TezConfiguration tezConf, Path streamPath, Path hashPath, Path outPath,
      int numPartitions, boolean doBroadcast) throws IOException {
    DAG dag = DAG.create("JoinExample" + (doBroadcast ? "-WithBroadcast" : ""));

     * This vertex represents the side of the join that will be accumulated in a hash
     * table in order to join it against the other side. It reads text data using the
     * TextInputFormat. ForwardingProcessor simply forwards the data downstream as is.
    Vertex hashFileVertex = Vertex.create(hashSide, ProcessorDescriptor.create(
            .createConfigBuilder(new Configuration(tezConf), TextInputFormat.class,

     * This vertex represents that side of the data that will be streamed and joined
     * against the other side that has been accumulated into a hash table. It reads
     * text data using the TextInputFormat. ForwardingProcessor simply forwards the data
     * downstream as is.
    Vertex streamFileVertex = Vertex.create(streamingSide, ProcessorDescriptor.create(
            .createConfigBuilder(new Configuration(tezConf), TextInputFormat.class,

     * This vertex represents the join operation. It writes the join output as text using
     * the TextOutputFormat. The JoinProcessor is going to perform the join of the
     * streaming side and the hash side. It is load balanced across numPartitions
    Vertex joinVertex = Vertex.create(joiner, ProcessorDescriptor.create(
        JoinProcessor.class.getName()), numPartitions).addDataSink(joinOutput,
        MROutput.createConfigBuilder(new Configuration(tezConf),
            TextOutputFormat.class, outPath.toUri().toString()).build());

     * The streamed side will be partitioned into fragments with the same keys going to
     * the same fragments using hash partitioning. The data to be joined is the key itself
     * and so the value is null. The number of fragments is initially inferred from the
     * number of tasks running in the join vertex because each task will be handling one
     * fragment.
    UnorderedPartitionedKVEdgeConfig streamConf =
            .newBuilder(Text.class.getName(), NullWritable.class.getName(),

     * Connect the join vertex with the stream side
    Edge e1 = Edge.create(streamFileVertex, joinVertex, streamConf.createDefaultEdgeProperty());
    EdgeProperty hashSideEdgeProperty = null;
    if (doBroadcast) {
       * This option can be used when the hash side is small. We can broadcast the entire data to
       * all fragments of the stream side. This avoids re-partitioning the fragments of the stream
       * side to match the partitioning scheme of the hash side and avoids costly network data
       * transfer. However, in this example the stream side is being partitioned in both cases for
       * brevity of code. The join task can perform the join of its fragment of keys with all the
       * keys of the hash side.
       * Using an unpartitioned edge to transfer the complete output of the hash side to be
       * broadcasted to all fragments of the streamed side. Again, since the data is the key, the
       * value is null.
      UnorderedKVEdgeConfig broadcastConf = UnorderedKVEdgeConfig.newBuilder(Text.class.getName(),
      hashSideEdgeProperty = broadcastConf.createDefaultBroadcastEdgeProperty();
    } else {
       * The hash side is also being partitioned into fragments with the same key going to the same
       * fragment using hash partitioning. This way all keys with the same hash value will go to the
       * same fragment from both sides. Thus the join task handling that fragment can join both data
       * set fragments.
      hashSideEdgeProperty = streamConf.createDefaultEdgeProperty();

     * Connect the join vertex to the hash side.
     * The join vertex is connected with 2 upstream vertices that provide it with inputs
    Edge e2 = Edge.create(hashFileVertex, joinVertex, hashSideEdgeProperty);

     * Connect everything up by adding them to the DAG
    return dag;
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        NoOpSorter.class.getName()), 1);
    sorterVertex.addDataSink(OUTPUT, dataSink);

    // No need to add jar containing this class as assumed to be part of the tez jars.
    DAG dag = DAG.create(dagName);
            Edge.create(tokenizerVertex, summationVertex,
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    TezClient tezClient = TezClient.create("OrderedWordCount", tezConf);

    try {
        DAG dag = createDAG(tezConf, inputPath, outputPath, numPartitions, "OrderedWordCount");

        DAGClient dagClient = tezClient.submitDAG(dag);

        // monitoring
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Related Classes of org.apache.tez.dag.api.DAG$AnnotatedVertex

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