This is an alternative to configuring RequireJS module shims for the libraries. As opposed to shimmed libraries, the modules created using the AMDWrapper can be added to JavaScript stacks.
If the library depends on global variables, these can be added as module dependencies. For a library that expects jQuery to be available as $
, the wrapper should be setup calling
require("jQuery", "$")
on the respective wrapper.
@since 5.4
@see JavaScriptModuleConfiguration
@see ModuleManager
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator validator = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
Map<String, Validator> map = newMap();
train_getComponentResources(field, resources);
train_getId(resources, "fred");
train_getLocale(resources, Locale.ENGLISH);
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator validator = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
Messages messages = mockMessages();
MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = new Object();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("required", validator);
train_getConstraintType(validator, null);
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = new Object();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("required", validator);
train_getConstraintType(validator, null);
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = new Object();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("required", validator);
train_getConstraintType(validator, null);
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator validator = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
Messages messages = mockMessages();
MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = new Object();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("minlength", validator);
train_getConstraintType(validator, Integer.class);
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator validator = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
Messages messages = mockMessages();
MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = new Object();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("minlength", validator);
train_getConstraintType(validator, Integer.class);
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator validator = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("minlength", validator);
train_getConstraintType(validator, Integer.class);
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator validator = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
Messages messages = mockMessages();
MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = new Object();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("required", validator);
train_getFormValidationId(fs, "myform");
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator required = mockValidator();
Validator minLength = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
Messages messages = mockMessages();
MessageFormatter requiredFormatter = mockMessageFormatter();
MessageFormatter minLengthFormatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = "input value";
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
Integer fifteen = 15;
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = newMap();
ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
Validator validator = mockValidator();
TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
Messages messages = mockMessages();
MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
Object inputValue = new Object();
ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
Integer five = 5;
FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
Map<String, Validator> map = singletonMap("minLength", validator);
Related Classes of
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