Client infrastructure is a base set of JavaScript libraries and CSS stylesheet files, The core JavaScript libraries are added to any page that {@linkplain org.apache.tapestry5.RenderSupport#addScript(String,Object[]) adds JavaScriptto the page}. The CSS stylesheet files are added to any page with a root <html> element.
Tapestry's default JavaScript stack includes Prototype, Scriptaculous, and a Tapestry-specific library. Note that these individual library files will {@linkplain org.apache.tapestry5.SymbolConstants#COMBINE_SCRIPTS be combined intoa single virtual resource} (from the client's point of view).
Tapestry's default CSS stack contains the Tapestry default stylesheet, and the stylesheet used by Tapestry's Blackbird console.
Overriding the default ClientInfrastructure service gives an application complete freedom to replace any part of Tapestry's default client-side resources.
@deprecated ClientInfrastructure now exists to define the "core" {@link JavaScriptStack}. It may be removed in the future.