
Examples of$CoercionWrapper

        seedQueue(sourceType, targetType, consideredTuples, queue);

        while (!queue.isEmpty())
            CoercionTuple tuple = queue.removeFirst();

            // If the tuple results in a value type that is assignable to the desired target type,
            // we're done! Later, we may add a concept of "cost" (i.e. number of steps) or
            // "quality" (how close is the tuple target type to the desired target type). Cost
            // is currently implicit, as compound tuples are stored deeper in the queue,
            // so simpler coercions will be located earlier.

            Class tupleTargetType = tuple.getTargetType();

            if (targetType.isAssignableFrom(tupleTargetType))
                return tuple.getCoercion();

            // So .. this tuple doesn't get us directly to the target type.
            // However, it *may* get us part of the way. Each of these
            // represents a coercion from the source type to an intermediate type.
            // Now we're going to look for conversions from the intermediate type
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                // from I1 (i.e., I2 is a superclass/superinterface of I1) and X is a new
                // intermediate type, hopefully closer to our eventual target type.

                Coercion compoundCoercer = new CompoundCoercion(intermediateTuple.getCoercion(), tuple.getCoercion());

                CoercionTuple compoundTuple = new CoercionTuple(sourceType, newIntermediateType, compoundCoercer, false);

                // So, every tuple that is added to the queue can take as input the sourceType.
                // The target type may be another intermediate type, or may be something
                // assignable to the target type, which will bring the search to a successful
                // conclusion.
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        // memory leaks by retaining an instance). In any case, there are edge cases where we may create
        // the tuple unnecessarily (such as when an explicit string-to-enum coercion is part of the TypeCoercer
        // configuration), but on the whole, this is cheap at works.

        if (sourceType == String.class && Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(targetType))
            tuples = extend(tuples, new CoercionTuple(sourceType, targetType, new StringToEnumCoercion(targetType)));

        return tuples;
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    private StackTraceElementAnalyzer frameAnalyzer;

    void setupRender()
        ExceptionAnalysis analysis = analyzer.analyze(exception);

        stack = analysis.getExceptionInfos();

        toggleId = renderSupport.allocateClientId("toggleStack");
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    public void unknown_validator_type()
        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
        Map<String, Validator> map = newMap();
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    public void validator_with_no_constraint() throws Exception
        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        Messages messages = mockMessages();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
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    public void component_messages_overrides_validator_messages() throws Exception
        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
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    public void component_messages_overrides_validator_messages_per_form() throws Exception
        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
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    public void constraint_value_from_message_catalog_per() throws Exception
        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        Messages messages = mockMessages();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
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    public void constraint_value_from_message_catalog_per_form() throws Exception
        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        Messages messages = mockMessages();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
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