
Examples of


    public void to_string() throws Exception
        ClassFab cf = newClassFab("FredRunnable", BaseLocatable.class);


        cf.addField("_map", Map.class);

        cf.addConstructor(new Class[] { Map.class, Runnable.class },
                          new Class[] { IllegalArgumentException.class, DataFormatException.class }, "{ _map = $1; }");

        MethodSignature sig = new MethodSignature(Map.class, "doTheNasty", new Class[] { int.class, String.class },
                                                  new Class[] { InstantiationException.class,
                                                          IllegalAccessException.class });

        cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC + Modifier.FINAL + Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED, sig, "{ return _map; }");

        String toString = cf.toString();

                       "public class FredRunnable extends " + BaseLocatable.class.getName() + "\n" + "  implements java.lang.Runnable,");

        assertContains(toString, "private java.util.Map _map;");
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    public void add_noop_method() throws Exception
        ClassFab cf = newClassFab("NoOp", Object.class);

        cf.addNoOpMethod(new MethodSignature(void.class, "run", null, null));
        cf.addNoOpMethod(new MethodSignature(int.class, "getInt", null, null));
        cf.addNoOpMethod(new MethodSignature(double.class, "getDouble", null, null));

        Class clazz = cf.createClass();

        Runnable instance = (Runnable) clazz.newInstance();;
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    public void add_annotation() throws Exception
        final ClassFab cf = newClassFab("AnnotatedClass", Object.class);

        cf.addField("_delegate", AnnotatedService.class);
        cf.addConstructor(new Class[] { AnnotatedService.class }, null, "_delegate = $1;");

        cf.proxyMethodsToDelegate(AnnotatedService.class, "_delegate", "Bla bla");
        cf.copyMethodAnnotationsFromDelegate(AnnotatedService.class, AnnotatedServiceImpl.class);

        final Class targetClass = cf.createClass();

        final TestAnnotation a = (TestAnnotation) targetClass.getAnnotation(TestAnnotation.class);

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    public void create_simple_bean() throws Exception
        ClassFab cf = newClassFab("TargetBean", Object.class);

        cf.addField("_stringValue", String.class);

        MethodSignature setStringValue = new MethodSignature(void.class, "setStringValue", new Class[] { String.class },

        cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, setStringValue, "_stringValue = $1;");

        MethodSignature getStringValue = new MethodSignature(String.class, "getStringValue", null, null);

        cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, getStringValue, "return _stringValue;");

        Class targetClass = cf.createClass();

        Object targetBean = targetClass.newInstance();

        access.set(targetBean, "stringValue", "Fred");
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    public void add_to_string() throws Exception
        ClassFab cf = newClassFab("ToString", Object.class);

        cf.addToString("ToString Description");

        Class clazz = cf.createClass();

        Object instance = clazz.newInstance();

        assertEquals(instance.toString(), "ToString Description");
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    public void proxy_methods_to_delegate() throws Exception
        ClassFab cf = newClassFab("Delegator", Object.class);

        cf.addField("_delegate", SampleService.class);
        cf.addConstructor(new Class[] { SampleService.class }, null, "_delegate = $1;");

        cf.proxyMethodsToDelegate(SampleService.class, "_delegate", "<Delegator>");

        SampleService delegate = newMock(SampleService.class);

        Class clazz = cf.createClass();

        SampleService proxy = (SampleService) clazz.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(delegate);

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    public void proxy_methods_to_delegate_with_to_string() throws Exception
        ClassFab cf = newClassFab("ToStringDelegator", Object.class);

        cf.addField("_delegate", ToStringService.class);
        cf.addConstructor(new Class[] { ToStringService.class }, null, "_delegate = $1;");

        cf.proxyMethodsToDelegate(ToStringService.class, "_delegate", "<ToStringDelegator>");

        ToStringService delegate = new ToStringService()
            public String toString()
                return "ACTUAL TO-STRING";

        Class clazz = cf.createClass();

        ToStringService proxy = (ToStringService) clazz.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(delegate);

        assertEquals(proxy.toString(), "ACTUAL TO-STRING");
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    public void add_constructor() throws Exception
        ClassFab cf = newClassFab("ConstructableBean", Object.class);

        cf.addField("_stringValue", String.class);
        cf.addConstructor(new Class[] { String.class }, null, "{ _stringValue = $1; }");

        MethodSignature getStringValue = new MethodSignature(String.class, "getStringValue", null, null);

        cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, getStringValue, "return _stringValue;");

        Class targetClass = cf.createClass();

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    private Object createProxyInstance(ObjectCreator creator, String serviceId, Class serviceInterface,
            Class serviceImplementation, String description)
        ServiceProxyToken token = SerializationSupport.createToken(serviceId);

        ClassFab classFab = registry.newClass(serviceInterface);

        classFab.addField("creator", Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.FINAL, ObjectCreator.class);
        classFab.addField("token", Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.FINAL, ServiceProxyToken.class);

        classFab.addConstructor(new Class[]
        { ObjectCreator.class, ServiceProxyToken.class }, null, "{ creator = $1; token = $2; }");

        // Make proxies serializable by writing the token to the stream.


        // This is the "magic" signature that allows an object to substitute some other
        // object for itself.
        MethodSignature writeReplaceSig = new MethodSignature(Object.class, "writeReplace", null, new Class[]
        { ObjectStreamException.class });

        classFab.addMethod(Modifier.PRIVATE, writeReplaceSig, "return token;");

        // Now delegate all the methods.

        String body = format("return (%s) creator.createObject();", serviceInterface.getName());

        MethodSignature sig = new MethodSignature(serviceInterface, "delegate", null, null);

        classFab.addMethod(Modifier.PRIVATE, sig, body);

        classFab.proxyMethodsToDelegate(serviceInterface, "delegate()", description);

        if (serviceImplementation != null)

            classFab.copyMethodAnnotationsFromDelegate(serviceInterface, serviceImplementation);

        Class proxyClass = classFab.createClass();

            return proxyClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(creator, token);
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        String componentClassName = ctClass.getName();

        String name = ClassFabUtils.generateClassName("Instantiator");

        ClassFab cf = classFactory.newClass(name, AbstractInstantiator.class);

        BodyBuilder constructor = new BodyBuilder();

        // This is realy -1 + 2: The first value in constructorArgs is the InternalComponentResources, which doesn't
        // count toward's the Instantiator's constructor ... then we add in the Model and String description.
        // It's tricky because there's the constructor parameters for the Instantiator, most of which are stored
        // in fields and then used as the constructor parameters for the Component.

        Class[] constructorParameterTypes = new Class[constructorArgs.size() + 1];
        Object[] constructorParameterValues = new Object[constructorArgs.size() + 1];

        constructorParameterTypes[0] = ComponentModel.class;
        constructorParameterValues[0] = componentModel;

        constructorParameterTypes[1] = String.class;
        constructorParameterValues[1] = String.format("Instantiator[%s]", componentClassName);

        BodyBuilder newInstance = new BodyBuilder();

        newInstance.add("return new %s($1", componentClassName);


        // Pass the model and description to AbstractInstantiator

        constructor.addln("super($1, $2);");

        // Again, skip the (implicit) InternalComponentResources field, that's
        // supplied to the Instantiator's newInstance() method.

        for (int i = 1; i < constructorArgs.size(); i++)
            ConstructorArg arg = constructorArgs.get(i);

            CtClass argCtType = arg.getType();
            Class argType = toClass(argCtType.getName());

            boolean primitive = argCtType.isPrimitive();

            Class fieldType = primitive ? ClassFabUtils.getPrimitiveType(argType) : argType;

            String fieldName = "_param_" + i;

            constructorParameterTypes[i + 1] = argType;
            constructorParameterValues[i + 1] = arg.getValue();

            cf.addField(fieldName, fieldType);

            // $1 is model, $2 is description, to $3 is first dynamic parameter.

            // The arguments may be wrapper types, so we cast down to
            // the primitive type.

            String parameterReference = "$" + (i + 2);

            constructor.addln("%s = %s;",
                              ClassFabUtils.castReference(parameterReference, fieldType.getName()));

            newInstance.add(", %s", fieldName);


        cf.addConstructor(constructorParameterTypes, null, constructor.toString());

        cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, NEW_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE, newInstance.toString());

        Class instantiatorClass = cf.createClass();

            Object instance = instantiatorClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(constructorParameterValues);
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