Processes component action events sent as requests from the client. Action events include an event type, identify a page and a component, and may provide additional context strings.
- /context/pagename:eventname -- event on the page, no action context
- /context/pagename:eventname/foo/bar -- event on the page with action context "foo", "bar"
- /context/ -- event on component within the page, default event, no action context
- /context/ -- event on component within the page, default event, with action context "baz", "gnu"
- /context/ -- event on component bar.baz within the page with action context "foo" , "gnu"
The page name portion may itself consist of a series of folder names, i.e., "admin/user/create". The context portion isn't the concern of this code, since {@link} will already havestripped that off. We can act as if the context is always "/" (the path always starts with a slash).
@see LinkFactory#createActionLink(org.apache.tapestry5.internal.structure.Page,String,String,boolean,Object)