Package org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic.asm.tree

Examples of org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic.asm.tree.InsnList$InsnListIterator


    private void stripOutSuperConstructorCall(MethodNode cons)
        InsnList ins = cons.instructions;

        ListIterator li = ins.iterator();

        // Look for the ALOAD 0 (i.e., push this on the stack)
        while (li.hasNext())
            AbstractInsnNode node = (AbstractInsnNode);
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    private void interceptFieldAccess(MethodNode methodNode, Set<MethodNode> unusedAccessMethods)
        InsnList insns = methodNode.instructions;

        ListIterator it = insns.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext())
            AbstractInsnNode node = (AbstractInsnNode);

            int opcode = node.getOpcode();

            if (opcode != GETFIELD && opcode != PUTFIELD)

            // Make sure we're talking about access to a field of this class, not some other
            // visible field of another class.

            FieldInsnNode fnode = (FieldInsnNode) node;

            if (!fnode.owner.equals(

            Map<String, MethodNode> fieldToMethod = opcode == GETFIELD ? fieldToReadMethod : fieldToWriteMethod;

            MethodNode mn = fieldToMethod.get(;

            if (mn == null)

            String methodDescription = opcode == GETFIELD ? "()" + fnode.desc : "(" + fnode.desc + ")V";

            // Replace the field access node with the appropriate method invocation.

            insns.insertBefore(fnode, new MethodInsnNode(INVOKEVIRTUAL, fnode.owner,, methodDescription));


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        // main routine
        worklist.add(new Instantiation(null, mainSubroutine));

        // Emit instantiations of each subroutine we encounter, including the
        // main subroutine
        InsnList newInstructions = new InsnList();
        List newTryCatchBlocks = new ArrayList();
        List newLocalVariables = new ArrayList();
        while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
            Instantiation inst = (Instantiation) worklist.removeFirst();
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        this.parent = parent;
        this.transformer = transformer;
        this.logger = logger;
        this.internalRequestGlobals = internalRequestGlobals;
        this.changeTracker = new URLChangeTracker(classpathURLConverter);

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        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        Messages messages = mockMessages();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
        FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
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        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
        FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
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        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
        FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
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        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        Messages messages = mockMessages();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
        FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
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        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        Messages messages = mockMessages();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
        FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
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        ValidationMessagesSource messagesSource = mockValidationMessagesSource();
        Validator validator = mockValidator();
        TypeCoercer coercer = mockTypeCoercer();
        FieldComponent field = newFieldComponent();
        Messages messages = mockMessages();
        MessageFormatter formatter = mockMessageFormatter();
        Object inputValue = new Object();
        ComponentResources resources = mockComponentResources();
        Messages containerMessages = mockMessages();
        FormSupport fs = mockFormSupport();
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Related Classes of org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic.asm.tree.InsnList$InsnListIterator

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