_loadingElement = loadingElement;
_loadingComponentModel = loadingElement.getComponentResources().getComponentModel();
String componentClassName = _loadingComponentModel.getComponentClassName();
ComponentTemplate template = _templateSource.getTemplate(_loadingComponentModel, _locale);
// When the template for a component is missing, we pretend it consists of just a RenderBody
// phase. Missing is not an error ... many component simply do not have a template.
if (template.isMissing())
// Pre-allocate ids to avoid later name collisions.
Log log = _loadingComponentModel.getLog();
Set<String> embeddedIds = CollectionFactory.newSet(_loadingComponentModel
for (String id : template.getComponentIds())
if (!embeddedIds.isEmpty())
_addAttributesAsComponentBindings = false;
// The outermost elements of the template belong in the loading component's template list,
// not its body list. This shunt allows everyone else to not have to make that decision,
// they can add to the "body" and (if there isn't an active component), the shunt will
// add the element to the component's template.
BodyPageElement shunt = new BodyPageElement()
public void addToBody(PageElement element)
for (TemplateToken token : template.getTokens())
switch (token.getTokenType())
case TEXT:
text((TextToken) token);