Package org.apache.syncope.common.types

Examples of org.apache.syncope.common.types.AttributeSchemaType

    private FieldPanel getFieldPanel(final SchemaTO schemaTO, final Form form, final AttributeTO attributeTO) {
        final boolean required = templateMode ? false : schemaTO.getMandatoryCondition().equalsIgnoreCase("true");

        final boolean readOnly = templateMode ? false : schemaTO.isReadonly();

        final AttributeSchemaType type = templateMode ? AttributeSchemaType.String : schemaTO.getType();

        final FieldPanel panel;
        switch (type) {
            case Boolean:
                panel = new AjaxCheckBoxPanel("panel", schemaTO.getName(), new Model<Boolean>());
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        List<AbstractAttrValue> values = getIntValues(
                resource, mapItem, attributables, vAttrsToBeRemoved, vAttrsToBeUpdated);

        AbstractSchema schema = null;
        boolean readOnlyVirSchema = false;
        AttributeSchemaType schemaType;

        switch (mapItem.getIntMappingType()) {
            case UserSchema:
            case RoleSchema:
            case MembershipSchema:
                SchemaDAO schemaDAO = context.getBean(SchemaDAO.class);
                schema = schemaDAO.find(mapItem.getIntAttrName(),
                schemaType = schema == null ? AttributeSchemaType.String : schema.getType();

            case UserVirtualSchema:
            case RoleVirtualSchema:
            case MembershipVirtualSchema:
                VirSchemaDAO virSchemaDAO = context.getBean(VirSchemaDAO.class);
                AbstractVirSchema virSchema = virSchemaDAO.find(mapItem.getIntAttrName(),
                readOnlyVirSchema = (virSchema != null && virSchema.isReadonly());
                schemaType = AttributeSchemaType.String;

                schemaType = AttributeSchemaType.String;

        final String extAttrName = mapItem.getExtAttrName();

        LOG.debug("Define mapping for: "
                + "\n* ExtAttrName " + extAttrName
                + "\n* is accountId " + mapItem.isAccountid()
                + "\n* is password " + (mapItem.isPassword() || mapItem.getIntMappingType() == IntMappingType.Password)
                + "\n* mandatory condition " + mapItem.getMandatoryCondition()
                + "\n* Schema " + mapItem.getIntAttrName()
                + "\n* IntMappingType " + mapItem.getIntMappingType().toString()
                + "\n* ClassType " + schemaType.getType().getName()
                + "\n* Values " + values);

        List<Object> objValues = new ArrayList<Object>();

        for (AbstractAttrValue value : values) {
            if (FrameworkUtil.isSupportedAttributeType(schemaType.getType())) {
            } else {
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    private FieldPanel getFieldPanel(final SchemaTO schemaTO, final Form form, final AttributeTO attributeTO) {
        final boolean required = templateMode ? false : schemaTO.getMandatoryCondition().equalsIgnoreCase("true");

        final boolean readOnly = templateMode ? false : schemaTO.isReadonly();

        final AttributeSchemaType type = templateMode ? AttributeSchemaType.String : schemaTO.getType();

        final FieldPanel panel;
        switch (type) {
            case Boolean:
                panel = new AjaxCheckBoxPanel("panel", schemaTO.getName(), new Model<Boolean>());
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                resource, mapItem, attributables, vAttrsToBeRemoved, vAttrsToBeUpdated, membVAttrsToBeRemoved,

        AbstractNormalSchema schema = null;
        boolean readOnlyVirSchema = false;
        AttributeSchemaType schemaType;
        final Map.Entry<String, Attribute> result;

        switch (mapItem.getIntMappingType()) {
            case UserSchema:
            case RoleSchema:
            case MembershipSchema:
                final SchemaDAO schemaDAO = context.getBean(SchemaDAO.class);
                schema = schemaDAO.find(mapItem.getIntAttrName(),
                schemaType = schema == null ? AttributeSchemaType.String : schema.getType();

            case UserVirtualSchema:
            case RoleVirtualSchema:
            case MembershipVirtualSchema:
                VirSchemaDAO virSchemaDAO = context.getBean(VirSchemaDAO.class);
                AbstractVirSchema virSchema = virSchemaDAO.find(mapItem.getIntAttrName(),
                readOnlyVirSchema = (virSchema != null && virSchema.isReadonly());
                schemaType = AttributeSchemaType.String;

                schemaType = AttributeSchemaType.String;

        final String extAttrName = mapItem.getExtAttrName();

        LOG.debug("Define mapping for: "
                + "\n* ExtAttrName " + extAttrName
                + "\n* is accountId " + mapItem.isAccountid()
                + "\n* is password " + (mapItem.isPassword() || mapItem.getIntMappingType() == IntMappingType.Password)
                + "\n* mandatory condition " + mapItem.getMandatoryCondition()
                + "\n* Schema " + mapItem.getIntAttrName()
                + "\n* IntMappingType " + mapItem.getIntMappingType().toString()
                + "\n* ClassType " + schemaType.getType().getName()
                + "\n* Values " + values);

        if (readOnlyVirSchema) {
            result = null;
        } else {
            final List<Object> objValues = new ArrayList<Object>();

            for (AbstractAttrValue value : values) {
                if (FrameworkUtil.isSupportedAttributeType(schemaType.getType())) {
                } else {
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                ? getBinaryValue()
                : stringValue);

    public String getValueAsString() {
        final AttributeSchemaType type = getAttribute() == null || getAttribute().getSchema() == null
                || getAttribute().getSchema().getType() == null
                ? AttributeSchemaType.String
                : getAttribute().getSchema().getType();

        return getValueAsString(type);
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Related Classes of org.apache.syncope.common.types.AttributeSchemaType

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