Package org.apache.synapse

Examples of org.apache.synapse.SynapseLog

    public InvokeMediator() {
        pName2ExpressionMap = new HashMap<String, Value>();

    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {
        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Invoking Target EIP Sequence " + targetTemplate + " paramNames : " +
            if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
                synLog.traceTrace("Message : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());
        //get the target function template and invoke by passing populated parameters
        Mediator mediator = synCtx.getSequenceTemplate(targetTemplate);
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     * @param synCtx the current message where the transformation will apply
     * @return true always
    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {

        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);

        synLog.traceOrDebug("Start : XSLT mediator");
        if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceTrace("Message : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());

        try {
            performXSLT(synCtx, synLog);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            handleException("Unable to perform XSLT transformation using : " + xsltKey +
                " against source XPath : " + source, e, synCtx);


        synLog.traceOrDebug("End : XSLT mediator");

        return true;
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    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {

        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Start : Cache mediator");

            if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
                synLog.traceTrace("Message : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());

        // if maxMessageSize is specified check for the message size before processing
        if (maxMessageSize > 0) {
            FixedByteArrayOutputStream fbaos = new FixedByteArrayOutputStream(maxMessageSize);
            try {
            } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                handleException("Error in checking the message size", e, synCtx);
            } catch (SynapseException syne) {
                synLog.traceOrDebug("Message size exceeds the upper bound for caching, " +
                            "request will not be cached");
                return true;

        ConfigurationContext cfgCtx =
            ((Axis2MessageContext) synCtx).getAxis2MessageContext().getConfigurationContext();
        if (cfgCtx == null) {
            handleException("Unable to perform caching, "
                + " ConfigurationContext cannot be found", synCtx);
            return false; // never executes.. but keeps IDE happy

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Looking up cache at scope : " + scope + " with ID : "
                    + cacheKey);

        // look up cache
        Object prop = cfgCtx.getPropertyNonReplicable(CachingConstants.CACHE_MANAGER);
        CacheManager cacheManager;
        if (prop != null && prop instanceof CacheManager) {
            cacheManager = (CacheManager) prop;
        } else {
            synchronized (cfgCtx) {
                // check again after taking the lock to make sure no one else did it before us
                prop = cfgCtx.getPropertyNonReplicable(CachingConstants.CACHE_MANAGER);
                if (prop != null && prop instanceof CacheManager) {
                    cacheManager = (CacheManager) prop;

                } else {
                    synLog.traceOrDebug("Creating/recreating the cache object");
                    cacheManager = new CacheManager();
                    cfgCtx.setProperty(CachingConstants.CACHE_MANAGER, cacheManager);

        boolean result = true;
        try {

            if (synCtx.isResponse()) {
                processResponseMessage(synCtx, cfgCtx, synLog, cacheManager);

            } else {
                result = processRequestMessage(synCtx, cfgCtx, synLog, cacheManager);

        } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Unable to replicate Cache mediator state among the cluster");

        synLog.traceOrDebug("End : Cache mediator");

        return result;
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     * @param synCtx the Synapse message context
     * @return the boolean result from the script invocation
    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {

        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Start : Script mediator");

            if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
                synLog.traceTrace("Message : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Scripting language : " + language + " source " +
                    (key == null ? ": specified inline " : " loaded with key : " + key) +
                    (function != null ? " function : " + function : ""));

        boolean returnValue;
        if (multiThreadedEngine) {
            returnValue = invokeScript(synCtx);
        } else {
            // TODO: change to use a pool of script engines (requires an update to BSF)
            synchronized (scriptEngine.getClass()) {
                returnValue = invokeScript(synCtx);

        if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceTrace("Result message after execution of script : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("End : Script mediator return value : " + returnValue);

        return returnValue;
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    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {

        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);
        boolean isResponse = synCtx.isResponse();
        ConfigurationContext cc;
        org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisMC;

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Start : Throttle mediator");

            if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
                synLog.traceTrace("Message : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());
        // To ensure the creation of throttle is thread safe – It is possible create same throttle
        // object multiple times  by multiple threads.

        synchronized (throttleLock) {

            // get Axis2 MessageContext and ConfigurationContext
            axisMC = ((Axis2MessageContext) synCtx).getAxis2MessageContext();
            cc = axisMC.getConfigurationContext();

            //To ensure check for clustering environment only happens one time
            if ((throttle == null && !isResponse) || (isResponse
                    && concurrentAccessController == null)) {
                ClusterManager clusterManager = cc.getAxisConfiguration().getClusterManager();
                if (clusterManager != null &&
                    clusterManager.getContextManager() != null) {
                    isClusteringEnable = true;

            // Throttle only will be created ,if the massage flow is IN
            if (!isResponse) {
                //check the availability of the ConcurrentAccessControler
                //if this is a clustered environment
                if (isClusteringEnable) {
                    concurrentAccessController =
                            (ConcurrentAccessController) cc.getProperty(key);
                // for request messages, read the policy for throttling and initialize
                if (inLinePolicy != null) {
                    // this uses a static policy
                    if (throttle == null) {  // only one time creation

                        if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
                            synLog.traceTrace("Initializing using static throttling policy : "
                                    + inLinePolicy);
                        try {
                            // process the policy
                            throttle = ThrottleFactory.createMediatorThrottle(

                            //At this point concurrent access controller definitely 'null'
                            // f the clustering is disable.
                            //For a clustered environment,it is 'null' ,
                            //if this is the first instance on the cluster ,
                            // that message mediation has occurred through this mediator.
                            if (throttle != null && concurrentAccessController == null) {
                                concurrentAccessController =
                                if (concurrentAccessController != null) {
                                    cc.setProperty(key, concurrentAccessController);
                        } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                            handleException("Error processing the throttling policy", e, synCtx);

                } else if (policyKey != null) {

                    // If the policy has specified as a registry key.
                    // load or re-load policy from registry or local entry if not already available

                    Entry entry = synCtx.getConfiguration().getEntryDefinition(policyKey);
                    if (entry == null) {
                        handleException("Cannot find throttling policy using key : "
                                + policyKey, synCtx);

                    } else {
                        boolean reCreate = false;
                        // if the key refers to a dynamic resource
                        if (entry.isDynamic()) {
                            if (!entry.isCached() || entry.isExpired()) {
                                reCreate = true;
                        if (reCreate || throttle == null) {
                            Object entryValue = synCtx.getEntry(policyKey);
                            if (entryValue == null) {
                                        "Null throttling policy returned by Entry : "
                                                + policyKey, synCtx);

                            } else {
                                if (!(entryValue instanceof OMElement)) {
                                    handleException("Policy returned from key : " + policyKey +
                                            " is not an OMElement", synCtx);

                                } else {
                                    //Check for reload in a cluster environment –
                                    // For clustered environment ,if the concurrent access controller
                                    // is not null and throttle is not null , then must reload.
                                    if (isClusteringEnable && concurrentAccessController != null
                                            && throttle != null) {
                                        concurrentAccessController = null; // set null ,
                                        // because need reload

                                    try {
                                        // Creates the throttle from the policy
                                        throttle = ThrottleFactory.createMediatorThrottle(
                                                PolicyEngine.getPolicy((OMElement) entryValue));

                                        //For non-clustered  environment , must re-initiates
                                        //For  clustered  environment,
                                        //concurrent access controller is null ,
                                        //then must re-initiates
                                        if (throttle != null && (concurrentAccessController == null
                                                || !isClusteringEnable)) {
                                            concurrentAccessController =
                                            if (concurrentAccessController != null) {
                                                cc.setProperty(key, concurrentAccessController);
                                            } else {
                                    } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                                        handleException("Error processing the throttling policy",
                                                e, synCtx);
            } else {
                // if the message flow path is OUT , then must lookp from ConfigurationContext -
                // never create ,just get the existing one
                concurrentAccessController =
                        (ConcurrentAccessController) cc.getProperty(key);
        //perform concurrency throttling
        boolean canAccess = doThrottleByConcurrency(isResponse, synLog);

        //if the access is success through concurrency throttle and if this is a request message
        //then do access rate based throttling
        if (throttle != null && !isResponse && canAccess) {
            canAccess = throttleByAccessRate(synCtx, axisMC, cc, synLog);
        // all the replication functionality of the access rate based throttling handles by itself
        // Just replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController
        if (isClusteringEnable && concurrentAccessController != null) {
            if (cc != null) {
                try {
                    if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
                        synLog.traceOrDebug("Going to replicates the  " +
                                "states of the ConcurrentAccessController with key : " + key);
                } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) {
                    handleException("Error during the replicating  states ",
                            clusteringFault, synCtx);
        if (canAccess) {
            if (onAcceptSeqKey != null) {
                Mediator mediator = synCtx.getSequence(onAcceptSeqKey);
                if (mediator != null) {
                    return mediator.mediate(synCtx);
                } else {
                    handleException("Unable to find onAccept sequence with key : "
                            + onAcceptSeqKey, synCtx);
            } else if (onAcceptMediator != null) {
                return onAcceptMediator.mediate(synCtx);
            } else {
                return true;

        } else {
            if (onRejectSeqKey != null) {
                Mediator mediator = synCtx.getSequence(onRejectSeqKey);
                if (mediator != null) {
                    return mediator.mediate(synCtx);
                } else {
                    handleException("Unable to find onReject sequence with key : "
                            + onRejectSeqKey, synCtx);
            } else if (onRejectMediator != null) {
                return onRejectMediator.mediate(synCtx);
            } else {
                return false;

        synLog.traceOrDebug("End : Throttle mediator");
        return canAccess;
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    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {

        try {

            SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);

            if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
                synLog.traceOrDebug("Start : XQuery mediator");

                if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
                    synLog.traceTrace("Message : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());
                synLog.traceOrDebug("Performing XQuery using query resource with key : " +

            // perform the xquery
            performQuery(synCtx, synLog);

            synLog.traceOrDebug("End : XQuery mediator");

            return true;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            handleException("Unable to execute the query ", e);
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     * @param synCtx the Synapse message context
     * @return the boolean result from the script invocation
    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {

        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Start : Script mediator");

            if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
                synLog.traceTrace("Message : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("Scripting language : " + language + " source " +
                    (key == null ? ": specified inline " : " loaded with key : " + key) +
                    (function != null ? " function : " + function : ""));

        boolean returnValue;
        if (multiThreadedEngine) {
            returnValue = invokeScript(synCtx);
        } else {
            // TODO: change to use a pool of script engines (requires an update to BSF)
            synchronized (scriptEngine.getClass()) {
                returnValue = invokeScript(synCtx);

        if (synLog.isTraceTraceEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceTrace("Result message after execution of script : " + synCtx.getEnvelope());

        if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
            synLog.traceOrDebug("End : Script mediator return value : " + returnValue);

        return returnValue;
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        // to pass it on; else, do nothing -> i.e. let the parents state flow
        int myEffectiveTraceState = synCtx.getTracingState();

        try {
            SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);
            if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
                synLog.traceOrDebug("Sequence <" + getType() + "> :: mediate()");

            for (Mediator mediator : mediators) {

                // ensure correct trace state after each invocation of a mediator
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public class ReplaceMediator extends AbstractMediator {
    private final SourceXPathSupport target = new SourceXPathSupport();
    private String property;

    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {
        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);
        OMNode replacement = (OMNode)synCtx.getProperty(property);
        OMNode node = target.selectOMNode(synCtx, synLog);
        synCtx.setProperty(property, null);
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public class DetachMediator extends AbstractMediator {
    private final SourceXPathSupport source = new SourceXPathSupport();
    private String property;

    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx) {
        SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx);
        OMNode node = source.selectOMNode(synCtx, synLog);
        synCtx.setProperty(property, node);
        return true;
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Related Classes of org.apache.synapse.SynapseLog

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