private MessageContext getIteratedMessage(MessageContext synCtx, int msgNumber, int msgCount,
SOAPEnvelope envelope, OMNode o) throws AxisFault, JaxenException {
// clone the message for the mediation in iteration
MessageContext newCtx = MessageHelper.cloneMessageContext(synCtx);
// set the messageSequence property for possibal aggreagtions
msgNumber + EIPConstants.MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_DELEMITER + msgCount);
// get a clone of the envelope to be attached
SOAPEnvelope newEnvelope = MessageHelper.cloneSOAPEnvelope(envelope);
// if payload should be preserved then attach the iteration element to the
// node specified by the attachPath
if (preservePayload) {
Object attachElem = attachPath.evaluate(newEnvelope);
if (attachElem != null &&
attachElem instanceof List && !((List) attachElem).isEmpty()) {
attachElem = ((List) attachElem).get(0);
// for the moment attaching element should be an OMElement
if (attachElem != null && attachElem instanceof OMElement) {
((OMElement) attachElem).addChild(o);
} else {
handleException("Error in attaching the splitted elements :: " +
"Unable to get the attach path specified by the expression " +
attachPath, synCtx);
} else if (newEnvelope.getBody() != null) {
// if not preserve payload then attach the iteration element to the body
// set the envelope and mediate as specified in the target
return newCtx;