Copied from the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.DefaultWorkflowInterceptor}, this interceptor adds support for error handling of Restful operations. For example, if an validation error is discovered, a map of errors is created and processed to be returned, using the appropriate content handler for rendering the body.
This interceptor does nothing if the name of the method being invoked is specified in the excludeMethods parameter. excludeMethods accepts a comma-delimited list of method names. For example, requests to foo!input.action and foo!back.action will be skipped by this interceptor if you set the excludeMethods parameter to "input, back". Note: As this method extends off MethodFilterInterceptor, it is capable of deciding if it is applicable only to selective methods in the action class. This is done by adding param tags for the interceptor element, naming either a list of excluded method names and/or a list of included method names, whereby includeMethods overrides excludedMethods. A single * sign is interpreted as wildcard matching all methods for both parameters. See {@link MethodFilterInterceptor} for more info. Interceptor parameters:<action name="someAction" class="com.examples.SomeAction"> <interceptor-ref name="params"/> <interceptor-ref name="validation"/> <interceptor-ref name="workflow"/> <result name="success">good_result.ftl</result> </action> <-- In this case myMethod as well as mySecondMethod of the action class will not pass through the workflow process --> <action name="someAction" class="com.examples.SomeAction"> <interceptor-ref name="params"/> <interceptor-ref name="validation"/> <interceptor-ref name="workflow"> <param name="excludeMethods">myMethod,mySecondMethod</param> </interceptor-ref name="workflow"> <result name="success">good_result.ftl</result> </action> <-- In this case, the result named "error" will be used when an action / field error is found --> <-- The Interceptor will only be applied for myWorkflowMethod method of action classes, since this is the only included method while any others are excluded --> <action name="someAction" class="com.examples.SomeAction"> <interceptor-ref name="params"/> <interceptor-ref name="validation"/> <interceptor-ref name="workflow"> <param name="inputResultName">error</param> <param name="excludeMethods">*</param> <param name="includeMethods">myWorkflowMethod</param> </interceptor-ref> <result name="success">good_result.ftl</result> </action>@author Jason Carreira @author Rainer Hermanns @author Alexandru Popescu @author Philip Luppens @author tm_jee