Map<String, Object> sessionMap, Map<String, Object> applicationMap, PortletRequest request,
PortletResponse response, PortletConfig portletConfig, Integer phase) throws IOException {
// TODO Must put http request/response objects into map for use with
HttpServletResponse dummyResponse = new PortletServletResponse(response);
HttpServletRequest dummyRequest = new PortletServletRequest(request, getPortletContext());
ServletContext dummyServletContext = new PortletServletContext(getPortletContext());
if(EVENT_PHASE.equals(phase)) {
dummyRequest = dispatcherUtils.wrapRequest(dummyRequest, dummyServletContext);
if(dummyRequest instanceof MultiPartRequestWrapper) {
// Multipart request. Request parameters are encoded in the multipart data,
// so we need to manually add them to the parameter map.
// ServletActionContext
HashMap<String, Object> extraContext = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// The dummy servlet objects. Eases reuse of existing interceptors that uses the servlet objects.