if (action instanceof ValidationAware) {
validation = (ValidationAware) action;
MultiPartRequestWrapper multiWrapper = (MultiPartRequestWrapper) request;
if (multiWrapper.hasErrors()) {
for (Iterator errorIter = multiWrapper.getErrors().iterator(); errorIter.hasNext();) {
String error = (String) errorIter.next();
if (validation != null) {
Map parameters = ac.getParameters();
// Bind allowed Files
Enumeration fileParameterNames = multiWrapper.getFileParameterNames();
while (fileParameterNames != null && fileParameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
// get the value of this input tag
String inputName = (String) fileParameterNames.nextElement();
// get the content type
String[] contentType = multiWrapper.getContentTypes(inputName);
if (isNonEmpty(contentType)) {
// get the name of the file from the input tag
String[] fileName = multiWrapper.getFileNames(inputName);
if (isNonEmpty(fileName)) {
// Get a File object for the uploaded File
File[] files = multiWrapper.getFiles(inputName);
if (files != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < files.length; index++) {
getTextMessage("struts.messages.current.file", new Object[]{inputName, contentType[index], fileName[index], files[index]}, ActionContext.getContext().getLocale());
if (acceptFile(files[0], contentType[0], inputName, validation, ac.getLocale())) {
parameters.put(inputName, files);
parameters.put(inputName + "ContentType", contentType);
parameters.put(inputName + "FileName", fileName);
} else {
log.error(getTextMessage("struts.messages.invalid.file", new Object[]{inputName}, ActionContext.getContext().getLocale()));
} else {
log.error(getTextMessage("struts.messages.invalid.content.type", new Object[]{inputName}, ActionContext.getContext().getLocale()));
// invoke action
String result = invocation.invoke();
// cleanup
fileParameterNames = multiWrapper.getFileParameterNames();
while (fileParameterNames != null && fileParameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String inputValue = (String) fileParameterNames.nextElement();
File[] file = multiWrapper.getFiles(inputValue);
for (int index = 0; index < file.length; index++) {
File currentFile = file[index];
log.info(getTextMessage("struts.messages.removing.file", new Object[]{inputValue, currentFile}, ActionContext.getContext().getLocale()));
if ((currentFile != null) && currentFile.isFile()) {