Create a Select component with buttons to move the elements in the select component up and down. When the containing form is submited, its elements will be submitted in the order they are arranged (top to bottom).
<!-- Example 1: simple example --> <s:updownselect list="#{'england':'England', 'america':'America', 'germany':'Germany'}" name="prioritisedFavouriteCountries" headerKey="-1" headerValue="--- Please Order Them Accordingly ---" emptyOption="true" /> <!-- Example 2: more complex example --> <s:updownselect list="defaultFavouriteCartoonCharacters" name="prioritisedFavouriteCartoonCharacters" headerKey="-1" headerValue="--- Please Order ---" emptyOption="true" allowMoveUp="true" allowMoveDown="true" allowSelectAll="true" moveUpLabel="Move Up" moveDownLabel="Move Down" selectAllLabel="Select All" />
@version $Date$ $Id$
@s.tag name="updownselect" tld-body-content="JSP" tld-tag-class="org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.UpDownSelectTag"description="Render a up down select element"