Format Date object in different ways.
The date tag will allow you to format a Date in a quick and easy way. You can specify a custom format (eg. "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm"), you can generate easy readable notations (like "in 2 hours, 14 minutes"), or you can just fall back on a predefined format with key '' in your properties file. If that key is not defined, it will finally fall back to the default DateFormat.MEDIUM formatting. Note: If the requested Date object isn't found on the stack, a blank will be returned.
Configurable attributes are :-
Following how the date component will work, depending on the value of nice attribute (which by default is false) and the format attribute.
Condition 1: With nice attribute as true
i18n key | default | | {0} ago | | in {0} | | an instant | | {0,choice,1#one minute|1<{0} minutes} | | {0,choice,1#one hour|1<{0} hours}{1,choice,0#|1#, one minute|1<, {1} minutes} | | {0,choice,1#one day|1<{0} days}{1,choice,0#|1#, one hour|1<, {1} hours} | | {0,choice,1#one year|1<{0} years}{1,choice,0#|1#, one day|1<, {1} days} |
Condition 2: With nice attribute as false and format attribute is specified eg. dd/MM/yyyyy
In this case the format attribute will be used.
Condition 3: With nice attribute as false and no format attribute is specified
i18n key | default | | if one is not found DateFormat.MEDIUM format will be used |
<s:date name="person.birthday" format="dd/MM/yyyy" /> <s:date name="person.birthday" format="%{getText('some.i18n.key')}" /> <s:date name="person.birthday" nice="true" /> <s:date name="person.birthday" />