// remove the searchresults from the session, and the Details Forms
DynaValidatorForm mergeSearchForm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;
// clean up always unless "useSessionForm" is set.
if (request.getParameter("useSessionForm") == null)
String dataSource = Settings.getInstance().getSiteInfo(CVUtility.getHostName(super.getServlet().getServletContext())).getDataSource();
// Set up the collections for the drop downs, and stick them on the request.
ArrayList mergeType = new ArrayList();
mergeType.add(new DDNameValue("1", "Entities"));
mergeType.add(new DDNameValue("2", "Individuals"));
// The search domain list conists of a 0 value for all records
// And listid values for the marketing lists.
ArrayList searchDomain = new ArrayList();
searchDomain.add(new DDNameValue("0", "All Records"));
// get marketing lists from the EJB
ArrayList marketingLists = null;
ContactFacadeHome contactFacadeHome = (ContactFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("com.centraview.contact.contactfacade.ContactFacadeHome", "ContactFacade");
ContactFacade remoteContactFacade = contactFacadeHome.create();
marketingLists = (ArrayList)remoteContactFacade.getAllMarketingList();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] MergeSearch.Execute Handler ", e);
throw new ServletException(e);
// this should never be null worst case it should be an empty arraylist.
for(int i = 0; i < marketingLists.size(); i++)
HashMap currentList = (HashMap)marketingLists.get(i);
searchDomain.add(new DDNameValue(((Number)currentList.get("listid")).toString(), (String)currentList.get("title")));
// Get the searchCriteria from the EJB, needs to come from EJB layer for
// custom fields, otherwise we could just instantiate it.
SearchCriteriaVO searchCriteria = null;
MergeHome mergeHome = (MergeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("com.centraview.administration.merge.MergeHome", "Merge");
Merge remoteMerge = mergeHome.create();
searchCriteria = remoteMerge.getSearchCriteriaVO();
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("[Exception] MergeSearch.Execute Handler ", e);
throw new ServletException(e);
// Check the request parameter to see what type of field list we need to show.
// Default to entities = 1. (Individuals = 2)
String mergeTypeParam = request.getParameter("mergeType");
String selectedMergeType = mergeTypeParam != null ? mergeTypeParam : "1";
ArrayList rawFieldList = null;
if (selectedMergeType.equals("1"))
rawFieldList = searchCriteria.getEntityFieldList();
} else {
rawFieldList = searchCriteria.getIndividualFieldList();
} // end if(selectedMergeType.equals("1"))
// Set the mergeType on the form-bean
mergeSearchForm.set("mergeType", selectedMergeType);
// We are now prepared to DDNameValue-up the fieldList
ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < rawFieldList.size(); i++)
MergeField field = (MergeField)rawFieldList.get(i);
fieldList.add(new DDNameValue(Integer.toString(i),field.getDescription()));
} // end while fieldIterator.hasNext()
ArrayList rawSearchType = SearchCriteriaVO.getSearchType();
// DDNameValue it UP!
ArrayList searchType = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < rawSearchType.size(); i++)
searchType.add(new DDNameValue(Integer.toString(i), (String)rawSearchType.get(i)));
// We have to grow the Array of SearchCriteriaLines on the formbean
// based on the property bean property addRow
SearchCriteriaLine [] currentLine = (SearchCriteriaLine[])mergeSearchForm.get("criteriaLine");
// see if addrow was set to true.
String addrow = (String)mergeSearchForm.get("addRow");
if (addrow.equals("true")) // the Add Row button was clicked.
SearchCriteriaLine [] tmpCriteria = new SearchCriteriaLine[currentLine.length + 1];
for (int i =0; i < tmpCriteria.length; i++)
tmpCriteria[i] = new SearchCriteriaLine();
} // end for(...) populating tmpCriteria Array
System.arraycopy(currentLine, 0, tmpCriteria, 0, currentLine.length);
mergeSearchForm.set("addRow", "false");
} // end if(addrow.equals("true")
// We have all the collections we need, now throw them on the request
// Then the struts JSP tags should be able to handle them.
mergeSearchForm.set("mergeTypeCollection", mergeType);
mergeSearchForm.set("searchDomainCollection", searchDomain);
mergeSearchForm.set("fieldListCollection", fieldList);
mergeSearchForm.set("searchTypeCollection", searchType);
// the merge_c.jsp includes different body sections based on the following attribute.
return (mapping.findForward(".view.administration.merge_search"));