request, response, servletContext,
new Object[]{ modulePath } );
RequestProcessor requestProcessor = getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig );
requestProcessor.process( request, response );
// Here, we're checking to see if this was a module that was registered externally by Struts (not by this
// servlet). This is the same as the base process() behavior, but it checks for a missing
// module-configuration.
ModuleConfig moduleConfig = null;
if ( InternalUtils.getModuleConfig( RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext ), servletContext ) != null )
String modulePrefix = RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext );
moduleConfig = InternalUtils.selectModule( modulePrefix, request, servletContext );
String servletPath = InternalUtils.getDecodedServletPath( request );
RequestProcessor rp = moduleConfig != null ? getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig ) : null;
if ( rp != null && moduleCanHandlePath( moduleConfig, rp, servletPath ) )
rp.process( request, response );
// Initialize the ServletContext in the request. Often, we need access to the ServletContext when we only