MailMessageVO messageVO = new MailMessageVO();
Integer accountID = (Integer)emailForm.get("accountID");
if (accountID == null || accountID.intValue() <= 0) {
accountID = new Integer(remote.getDefaultAccountID(individualID));
allErrors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.pleaseSelect", "From: (email account)"));
MailAccountVO accountVO = remote.getMailAccountVO(accountID.intValue());
if (accountVO == null) {
accountVO = new MailAccountVO();
allErrors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.freeForm", "Could not retreive account information. Please select an account."));
MailUtils mailUtils = new MailUtils();
InternetAddress fromAddress = new InternetAddress(accountVO.getEmailAddress(), mailUtils.stripInvalidCharsFromName(accountVO.getIndividualName()));
String subject = (String)emailForm.get("subject");
if (subject == null || subject.equals("")) {
messageVO.setSubject("[No Subject] ");
String body = (String)emailForm.get("body");
if (body == null) {
body = "";
Boolean composeInHTML = (Boolean)emailForm.get("composeInHTML");
if (composeInHTML.booleanValue()) {
ArrayList toList = this.parseAddresses((String)emailForm.get("to"));
if (toList.size() <= 0) {
allErrors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "To:"));
ArrayList ccList = this.parseAddresses((String)emailForm.get("cc"));
ArrayList bccList = this.parseAddresses((String)emailForm.get("bcc"));
// TODO: figure out what headers to set when sending mail
messageVO.setReceivedDate(new java.util.Date());
// Handle attachments - the attachment handler puts a ArrayList
// This ArrayList contains the list of attached fileIDs.
// So we'll get that ArrayList, iterate through it, creating a
// CvFileVO object for each attachment, then add that file VO
// to the messageVO object which will take care of the rest in
// the EJB layer. Note that in the future, we'll want to make
// this better by not saving the attachment list on the session.
// So if you intend to modify this code, please consult the rest
// of the team to see if it makes sense to make that change now.
// Also, if you make a change here, you must make sure the
// attachment handling code in ForwardHandler reflects your changes.
if (attachmentFileIDs != null && attachmentFileIDs.size() > 0) {
CvFileFacade fileRemote = new CvFileFacade();
for (int i = 0; i < attachmentFileIDs.size(); i++) {
int fileID = ((Integer) attachmentFileIDs.get(i)).intValue();
// get the CvFileVO from the EJB layer
CvFileVO fileVO = fileRemote.getFile(individualID, fileID, dataSource);
if (fileVO != null) {
// add this attachment to the messageVO
} // end while (attachIter.hasNext())
} // end if (attachmentMap != null && attachmentMap.size() > 0)
if (! allErrors.isEmpty()) {
// we encountered error above and built a list of messages,
// so save the errors to be shown to the users, and quit
saveErrors(request, allErrors);
try {
// send the message
boolean messageSent = remote.sendMessage(accountVO, messageVO);
if (messageSent) {
// check to see if we just successfully delivered a saved draft
// message. If so, then we need to delete the saved draft from
// the database.
Integer savedDraftID = (Integer)emailForm.get("savedDraftID");
if (savedDraftID.intValue() > 0) {
remote.deleteMessage(savedDraftID.intValue(), individualID);
}catch(SendFailedException sfe){
String errorMessage = sfe.getMessage();
int startOfError = errorMessage.indexOf("<error>");
int endOfError = errorMessage.indexOf("</error>");
if (startOfError >= 0 && endOfError >= 0){
// For any specific error catch and tagged inside the <error> </error>. we will parse and Display to the user.
String finalParsedMessage = errorMessage.substring((startOfError+7),endOfError);
allErrors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.freeForm", "Error while sending mail. "+finalParsedMessage));
} else{
allErrors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.freeForm", "Error while sending mail. Please check the recipients for invalid addresses."));
saveErrors(request, allErrors);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][SendHandler] Exception thrown in execute(): " + e.toString());
allErrors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.unknownError", "error.unknownError"));
saveErrors(request, allErrors);