public void run() {
// grab the lb configuration instance
LoadBalancerConfiguration lbconfig = LoadBalancerConfiguration.getInstance();
// FIXME Currently there has to be at least one dummy cluster defined in the loadbalancer
// conf
// in order to proper initialization of TribesClusteringAgent.
// this thread should run for ever, untill terminated.
while (true) {
try {
// grabs a message or waits till the queue is non-empty
String message = sharedQueue.take();
// ConfigHolder data = ConfigHolder.getInstance();
// this message needs attention only if it's not same as the previous message and
// not null of course.
// if (data.getPreviousMsg() == null || !data.getPreviousMsg().equals(message)) {
// reset the previous message
// data.setPreviousMsg(message);
// build the nginx format of this message, and get the Node object
Node topologyNode = NodeBuilder.buildNode(message);
// reset service configurations
// lbconfig.resetData();
// create new service configurations
List<ServiceConfiguration> currentServiceConfigs = lbconfig.createServicesConfig(topologyNode);
removeGroupMgtAgents(lbconfig, currentServiceConfigs);