//set defaults for committed and pending based on allowDups value
if (!pendingAttr) cmd.overwritePending=!cmd.allowDups;
if (!committedAttr) cmd.overwriteCommitted=!cmd.allowDups;
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(schema);
SchemaField uniqueKeyField = schema.getUniqueKeyField();
int eventType=0;
// accumulate responses
List<String> added = new ArrayList<String>(10);
while(true) {
// this may be our second time through the loop in the case
// that there are multiple docs in the add... so make sure that
// objects can handle that.
cmd.indexedId = null; // reset the id for this add
if (eventType !=0) {
if (eventType==XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) break;
// eventType = xpp.next();
eventType = xpp.nextTag();
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG || eventType == XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) break; // should match </add>
cmd.doc = builder.getDoc();
log.finest("adding doc...");
String docId = null;
if (uniqueKeyField!=null)
docId = schema.printableUniqueKey(cmd.doc);