String type = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs,"type","field " + name);
String val;
FieldType ft = fieldTypes.get(type);
if (ft==null) {
throw new SolrException(400,"Unknown fieldtype '" + type + "'",false);
Map<String,String> args = DOMUtil.toMapExcept(attrs, "name", "type");
SchemaField f = SchemaField.create(name,ft,args);
if (node.getNodeName().equals("field")) {
log.fine("field defined: " + f);
} else if (node.getNodeName().equals("dynamicField")) {
dFields.add(new DynamicField(f));
log.fine("dynamic field defined: " + f);
} else {
// we should never get here
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown field type");
// OK, now sort the dynamic fields largest to smallest size so we don't get
// any false matches. We want to act like a compiler tool and try and match
// the largest string possible.
log.finest("Dynamic Field Ordering:" + dFields);
// stuff it in a normal array for faster access
dynamicFields = (DynamicField[])dFields.toArray(new DynamicField[dFields.size()]);
Node node = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/schema/similarity/@class", document, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (node==null) {
similarity = new DefaultSimilarity();
log.fine("using default similarity");
} else {
similarity = (Similarity)Config.newInstance(node.getNodeValue().trim());
log.fine("using similarity " + similarity.getClass().getName());
node = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/schema/defaultSearchField/text()", document, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (node==null) {
log.warning("no default search field specified in schema.");
} else {
// throw exception if specified, but not found or not indexed
if (defaultSearchFieldName!=null) getIndexedField(defaultSearchFieldName);"default search field is "+defaultSearchFieldName);
node = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/schema/solrQueryParser/@defaultOperator", document, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (node==null) {
log.fine("using default query parser operator (OR)");
} else {
queryParserDefaultOperator=node.getNodeValue().trim();"query parser default operator is "+queryParserDefaultOperator);
node = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/schema/uniqueKey/text()", document, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (node==null) {
log.warning("no uniqueKey specified in schema.");
} else {
uniqueKeyFieldType=uniqueKeyField.getType();"unique key field: "+uniqueKeyFieldName);
/////////////// parse out copyField commands ///////////////
// Map<String,ArrayList<SchemaField>> cfields = new HashMap<String,ArrayList<SchemaField>>();
// expression = "/schema/copyField";
ArrayList<DynamicCopy> dCopies = new ArrayList<DynamicCopy>();
expression = "//copyField";
nodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++) {
node = nodes.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes();
String source = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs,"source","copyField definition");
boolean sourceIsPattern = isWildCard(source);
String dest = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs,"dest","copyField definition");
log.fine("copyField source='"+source+"' dest='"+dest+"'");
SchemaField d = getField(dest);
if(sourceIsPattern) {
dCopies.add(new DynamicCopy(source, d));
} else {
// retrieve the field to force an exception if it doesn't exist
SchemaField f = getField(source);
SchemaField[] destArr = copyFields.get(source);
if (destArr==null) {
destArr=new SchemaField[]{d};
} else {
destArr = (SchemaField[])append(destArr,d);
log.finest("Dynamic Copied Fields:" + dCopies);
// stuff it in a normal array for faster access
dynamicCopyFields = (DynamicCopy[])dCopies.toArray(new DynamicCopy[dCopies.size()]);
} catch (SolrException e) {
throw e;
} catch(Exception e) {
// unexpected exception...
throw new SolrException(1,"Schema Parsing Failed",e,false);
analyzer = new SolrIndexAnalyzer();
queryAnalyzer = new SolrQueryAnalyzer();