* Prepares Carrot2 documents for clustering.
private List<Document> getDocuments(SolrDocumentList solrDocList, Map<SolrDocument, Integer> docIds,
Query query, final SolrQueryRequest sreq) throws IOException {
SolrHighlighter highlighter = null;
SolrParams solrParams = sreq.getParams();
SolrCore core = sreq.getCore();
String urlField = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.URL_FIELD_NAME, "url");
String titleField = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.TITLE_FIELD_NAME, "title");
String snippetField = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.SNIPPET_FIELD_NAME, titleField);
// Get the documents
boolean produceSummary = solrParams.getBool(CarrotParams.PRODUCE_SUMMARY, false);
SolrQueryRequest req = null;
String[] snippetFieldAry = null;
if (produceSummary == true) {
highlighter = core.getHighlighter();
if (highlighter != null){
Map<String, Object> args = Maps.newHashMap();
snippetFieldAry = new String[]{snippetField};
args.put(HighlightParams.FIELDS, snippetFieldAry);
args.put(HighlightParams.HIGHLIGHT, "true");
args.put(HighlightParams.SIMPLE_PRE, ""); //we don't care about actually highlighting the area
args.put(HighlightParams.SIMPLE_POST, "");
args.put(HighlightParams.FRAGSIZE, solrParams.getInt(CarrotParams.SUMMARY_FRAGSIZE, solrParams.getInt(HighlightParams.FRAGSIZE, 100)));
req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, query.toString(), "", 0, 1, args) {
public SolrIndexSearcher getSearcher() {
return sreq.getSearcher();
} else {
log.warn("No highlighter configured, cannot produce summary");
produceSummary = false;
Iterator<SolrDocument> docsIter = solrDocList.iterator();
List<Document> result = new ArrayList<Document>(solrDocList.size());
float[] scores = {1.0f};
int[] docsHolder = new int[1];
Query theQuery = query;
while (docsIter.hasNext()) {
SolrDocument sdoc = docsIter.next();
String snippet = getValue(sdoc, snippetField);
// TODO: docIds will be null when running distributed search.
// See comment in ClusteringComponent#finishStage().
if (produceSummary && docIds != null) {
docsHolder[0] = docIds.get(sdoc).intValue();
DocList docAsList = new DocSlice(0, 1, docsHolder, scores, 1, 1.0f);
NamedList<Object> highlights = highlighter.doHighlighting(docAsList, theQuery, req, snippetFieldAry);
if (highlights != null && highlights.size() == 1) {//should only be one value given our setup
//should only be one document with one field
NamedList<String []> tmp = (NamedList<String[]>) highlights.getVal(0);
String [] highlt = tmp.get(snippetField);