Map<Object, List<Map<String, Object>>> rowIdVsRows = cacheWithWhereClause
List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
Object key = resolver.resolve(cacheVariableName);
if (key == null) {
throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.WARN,
"The cache lookup value : " + cacheVariableName + " is resolved to be null in the entity :" +
if (rowIdVsRows != null) {
rows = rowIdVsRows.get(key);
if (rows == null)
return null;
dataSourceRowCache = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(rows);
return getFromRowCacheTransformed();
} else {
rows = getAllNonCachedRows();
if (rows.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
rowIdVsRows = new HashMap<Object, List<Map<String, Object>>>();
for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) {
Object k = row.get(cachePk);
if (k == null) {
throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.WARN,
"No value available for the cache key : " + cachePk + " in the entity : " +
if (!k.getClass().equals(key.getClass())) {
throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.WARN,
"The key in the cache type : " + k.getClass().getName() +
"is not same as the lookup value type " + key.getClass().getName() + " in the entity " +
if (rowIdVsRows.get(k) == null)